errr..well it is still difficult for me to be a diplomat between the two practice diplomacy. The only thing that i know is to be frank..thus it is difficult for me to bring bad news to the loved ones, without making them sad or hurt.
on the other hand,while im preparing the wedding, i realize how important it is to have that skill, as me and mon prince charmant are the orang tgh for both families. we have to know how to negotiate or to say unwanted things in a pleasable manner, and to ensure that the message has been passed through clearly, without too much of pushy, otherwise someone will raise his/her eyebrow and start to wonder. we definitely have to avoid that kind of situation, otherwise, both of us will be in trouble.takutttttttttt!!!!
both of us (and i think it is also the case for all of you) were raised in a family where manner is always important, not only the way you behave, but also the way you talk and the way you present yourself. if silap cakap, haruslah kne caras kan. ngeeeee
and when it comes to a wedding, which is not only a union of both families, but also a union of two different traditions, originated from the family background. for example, family A who live in kampung A normally get used with one type of wedding, while family B who live in kampung B get used to another type of wedding. thus it takes a lottttttttttttt of explanation and a lottttttttt of diplomacy skill in order to accord both traditions and to make everyone happy and satisfied..i can imagine, it must be difficult for B2Bs and G2Bs who both come from different states..pheeewwww gud luck u guys.
luckily, our case are far from being severe..there are times when we were keras kejung tak tau camne nak ckp ngan family masing2..but thank god, both parents are supportive. but of course, my hands were dem cold while talking to themm..hahahhaha
okieh..tu je yg i nak bebel..selamat berbuka puasa
and have fun being a diplomat! =)

10 commentaires:
emm..same la..mama nk grande2..tunang mau biasa2..aku plk tersepit.sigh~gud luck to u..n aku jgk! hahaha
me also takukk huhu
i so gotta learn the art of diplomacy. my fiance complaint of how german-ize i am. you know, being super frank like all the times? and i thought that honesty is the best policy...
I am soo not a good diplomat. If I were sent to the US, id probably be giving away Malaysia by now by the way Im always pleasing everybody. HAHA. Same case with fiance and family. And then my father would say "we didnt decide that". well we didnt, i did. HAHA.
gile takot
jaja: my case plak, both of us tak kesah..just follow je plan both klu dua2 sehala je takpe..kadang2 parent sane kehulu, parent sini kehilir..kitorang yg pening..muhahahaha..gud luck mekkk!
sha: gud luck sha!!lg beberape bulan je tinggal tu :)
moose: me too..aku ingat by being frank, kire bagus lahh kan..hahah rupenye idoknyee..harus pandai menyusun ayat, membungakan kata2, so that we can say bad things in a good way..that's diplomacy =)
nawal:hahahahha case ko mmg kelakar..seb baek ko tak jadi duta m'sia :p
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