- hand bouquet, room decor, living room decor, flower table -
no no no..sy tak jadi pakai fresh flowers utk hantaran..
terpakse cut cost...huhuhuhu..lagipon sy masih tak confident utk gubah n letak kat hantaran
so im going to use artificial flowers for that
btw..jumaat lepas, rite before bertolak
sy sempat google2 pasal handbouquet (i know..it was seriously a last mins job)
macam mane nak buat..and what type of flowers org slalu pakai
just sempat catched roughly the idea..and i ended up saying lantak pi je lah
pilih mane bunga yg berkenan
buang semua daun..ikat ngan reben..sudahh
so wat did i ordered
of course a lot of roses!
utk bilik, mama dah pesan soh beli red roses manyak2
it is her idea to combine gold with red..so saye ikut je lah
malas nak pk lebey2
as for handbouquet, i ordered
pink roses utk hari bersanding
white roses utk hari bertandang
and cerise carnation utk akad nikah..initially nak pkai red roses jugak, tp serious sgt jatuh cinta dgn shocking pink ni
finally, some baby breath, chrysanthemum utk meja makan.
owhhh..sungguh teruja! (tp poket makin rabakkkkk :( )

3 commentaires:
wahhh fresh flowers!! tinggi jugak bajet ni kan
err tinggi tu tak la kot..satu bundle roses kat kedai tu is between rm25-rm40..so bg sy murah jugak la..tp bile total semua yg saye amik..GULP for a moment..and terus pejam mata kuarkan duit.. huuhuhuhuhuhuhu
my mom nak fresh flowers, so sy just penuhi impiannye =)
hi amalina.. kedai dua ringgit tu kat deret 7E... kat deret kedai area McD Equine tu... die tak tulis kedai RM2.. lupala nama die.. hehe... tdi tgok google map nama jalan tu Jalan Putra Permai 1B.. ^_^
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