(a couple of months ago)
my mom said, utk meja beradap, she wanted to cook by herself..im ok with it..i despise fancy food..like ayam golek berhias ke..tembikai berukir ke..udang berhias ke..because it must be difficult utk makan secara bersopan..nak amik lauk yg cantik berhias tu pon dah susah gile..and as pengantin..i nak makannnnnn (ngeeee) opkos lapa wehh mase ur big day..my priority is the taste..not the way they are presented.
Then, weeks later, one of our relative msg me on fb, asking who will be in charge of catering..he was a chef, and wanted to lend some help..the thing is..my mom, she has her own taste, and she is the one who is in charge of catering (awal2 lagi she warned me that she wanted to handle about the catering) so i said to our relative tu yg my mom yg in charge..and i tak tau pon same yg my mom hire. if he was really interested, i asked him to deal with my mom.
After a while, my father called, told me that our relative called, saying to my father that he wanted to sponsor makanan utk meja beradap. That's fine. But, he also told my father that i wasnt interested with his offer. I was like..when did u tell me thatt?????
My father marah la sket, awat sy tanak terima pertolongan orang..dah dia nak sponsor..terima je la..huhuhu tak pepasal kena marah..eeiiiiiii
Yesterday, i called our relative, to confirm and to remind him that he will be in charge of makanan utk meja beradap. Yang tak best..he quoted me RM XXX just utk beli barang2 mentah..upah memasak and serving dia kasi free..
aikkkk..ckp ngan my papa lain..ckp ngan sy lain pulak..and mahal gile ke ayam udang bawang cili kering carrot timun tembikai sekarang sampai kne rm XXX..mind you, it is for 12 pax.
seriously i didnt expect this..not even my budget..now i have to cut here and there in order to pay him..and this is my main reason WHY i dont want any of our relative to interfere in my wed preparation! Once it happens, i dont know how to say NO, afraid of creating unpleasant feeling between families. But dlm hati..ya Allahhh..geram tak terkata.. my parents dont know about this yet, and i bet they will feel the same.

4 commentaires:
la koyar..nyea.. kalu kawe benngang gila..siap ngadu ko papa lg.. padahal buke nok tolong sgt.. nok dpt extra poket money la tuh... and i dont fancy his cooking after all.. buke sedak pung.. presentation jah berukiran sano sini.. our mum's cooking far much better.
itu lahh..kejut badok ore meta bilo dio kato bayar rm XXX..utk beli bahan mentoh..mahal po bedill..bilo ore mitok kurang..dio kato ore ado master mesti manyok pitih, gaji besar..sakit ati meta
redzuan kato, nanti pitih rmXXX tu wi ko papa, klu dio mitok pitih, dio kno mitok ngan papa..pahtu jawab la kakre
ore meme tok kene lansung pon klu makanan2 berhias ni..tok comey stabuk..pah payoh nok makan..
huhu ade jgk gitu..mngambil ksmpatan ats prkhwinan
tp klako la ayat ~payoh nk mkn~ haha
mmg ramai je yg ambik kesempatan kat bakal2 pengantin ni..diorg ingt kite ni byk duit..saje nk tunjuk baik,padahal ade udang disebalik mee..hehheehee..sabar je la..saye pun sedang mengalami nasib yg same..tak tahu nk ngadu kat sape cz klu kite ckp kat parent nnti diorg ckp kite ni ngada2 lak n tak nak terima je pertolongan org..bile ckp kat kakak,ckp lak yg kite ni cerewet..diam je la n kuarkan duit byk2 depan diorg sudahhhh...
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