so far, i feel good. tak sabar nak bershopping of course
but i already got presents from my sis and sil (thanks a lot)
so rasenye..baju-baju tu..dah tak payah beli dahh kot..huhu
anyhow, my weight is still normal (kottt..sesuka hati jah ckp normal..skali check up, kne bebel..huhu)
perut..err makin ketat je rase.
my belly button dah siap terjojol kuar..normal kah?gerun plak nengok..huhu
betis pulak start rase cam nak cramp..malam2 sebelom tido sy kne angkat kaki ke atas, utk kurangkan water retention..klu tak mmg nampak kaki bengkak
pestu sy semakin mengah..nak gi opis dah semakin malas..opss ape kaitan? hihi
currently, sy still minum anlene waktu pagi, tp tambah milo ngan oat..huhu
dah tak leh nak telan susu sahaja, maybe sebab it is warm milk
tp sungguh rase loya (even though anlene tu manis2 la jugak)
so my daily breakfast is susu milo+oat dgn dua keping wholemeal bread sapu kaya n butter..kadang2 tu 3 keping :D
saye pon dah rajin letak anti-strech mark oil kat perut, thighs and breast
since 5 bulan lagi sebenarnye..days and nights.
so far, blom ade ape2 mark lagi..alhamdulillah.
cant wait for the next check up..nak tgk kedudukan plasenta camne
i read one of our bloggers, Jihan, yg ade prob mcm saye, plasenta dia dah pon naek..alhamdulillah, so happy for u =)
okie dokie..have a nice weekend mommies-to-be =)

6 commentaires:
thank you dear...jihan doakan amalina pon macam tu yer...insyaAllah ti jgn luper update lg yer boy ker girl hehehe..;)jihan pon malas sgt nak g kejer huhuhu...
susu pregnant pon leh dicampor dgn milo n oat jihan campur dgn nestum hehehe...
dear,samela kite,yun pnye belly button pn da terjojol,scary tgk,hehe~
alhamdulillah,bile dgr gud news from jihan,hopefully same goes to me,harap2 plasenta da naik by dis month..takutnye..
breast pon bley ade stretch mark ke?
jihan: ari tu scan baby boy..hihihi..thanks for the doa =)
yun: hihi u punye belly button pon cemtu normal la kot..smlm dah kerisauan dah bile tgk belly button obvious terjojol keluar..huhu..tak tau la camne bile perut dah betul2 besar nanti..insya-Allah..plasenta kite same2 naik =) aminn
puan dot: friends ckp gitu..sbb ade yg dr cup B jump to cup dia soh letak kat breast jugak
ko nak tutup blog?apakah?
kali ni tak IF dah.dah kompem dah kekeke.placenta aku pon terus naik,siap dah nampak laluan utk baby keluar dah.mcm erghhh cepatnye masa berlalu, gituh.haha.
maybe kena jgk glucose challenge test next month.boleh bengong minum air gula tu.
pastu aku dah cucuk tatanus.sakit oi.bai HAHAHA
bukan nak tutup..nak turn off kejap..sbb ade org gile tak puas ati ngan aku..hahha but at last, aku pk..pegi la mati mokcik oiii..huhu
so a boy ke yaya?hahha..tak bleh nak berbesan.ecehh
plasenta ko pon naik jugak ek..alhamdulillah..aku nye check up akhir bulan, so akhir bulan baru bleh tau..mintak2 le naikk jugak.
klu kat KK, org kate air gula sungguh tak klu kat private..siap ade flavour gituu..bleh pilih2..hahha
wooo..tetanus sakit ek.aku nak plan amik mc terus ahh..haha..kne amik dua kali kan?
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