as I didnt went to Pureen warehouse sales
and the baby expo at stadium melawati this weekend has been postponed =(
i already more or less finalized my list
searched the normal price for each that i cud compare with expo price
booked Cititel..double confirmed my reservation..(kalut sungguh)
checked my plan for that particular weekend
and i think..i am ready!yeay
tp seminggu lagi lee..hahahha
sunggug tka sabar nak shopping
harap2 this expo wudnt disappoint me
btw..i tried to find out the list of vendors
senang sket nak aim booth mane nak kne serang kan..hehhe
but i cud only find this poster

juling jugak mate nak tgk name2 yg ade..kecik bebenor
yg sure Avent tadok! =(
yang ade seperti Pigeon (utk Yaya), Medela, Little Bean, Pureen (dan sile julingkan mate anda utk check sendiri..hehhe)
kedai2 pon ade join bbstore, my dear, modernmum, tinytapir hehhe
sesape yg nak buat stock bio-oil tu..bleh le dtg..sbb booth bio oil pon ade..sure dia kasi rega diskaun dak?
posting emo: tgh hangin ni ekceli..if u guys nak bersecret..dunt shut-shut if front of me is RUDE!! use skype, email or any other means..poyo nak berahsia..pestu dtg berbisik2 dpn aku..*****

9 commentaires:
u..agak2 murah x if nak beli breastpump time2 one more thing tkot xsesuai plak..peninglah asik tgk harge kt on9 store..hehe..u beli pump ape eh???
bestnye kalo dapat pegi..yuyu jauh kat trg ni..
wahh!!..memang ditunggu2 ney..pureen terlepas kt stadium melawati pon betul ker pospone??..konfem ker..huu..sodih..;( paper pon hopefully yg ni dapatla g kan..;)
zetty: i pon tak tau harga breastpump i ingat nak beli yg package skali ngan breastpumps bags, cooler bags n icepacks..i saw pon join..harap2 dia ade offer yg menarik la..huhu
rite now i dah ade avent manual (thanks to my sis) ingat nak beli yg electric tak sure if nak beli skang or after pantang..klu harga mmg rendah gile..beli skang je kot..mula2 aim medela harus le tgk jugak budget spectra3 wud be nice dah kot..tak pon ameda
yuyu kat kemaman kan?sempat jee dtg sini..sambil2 bercuti and exercise tour shopping kate klu banyak berjalan..bersalin senang :D
jihan: ahaa sgt ditunggu2..tuh laa..kecewa btol bile expo yg kat stadium tu postponed :(
wei kt mjlh pa&ma ado lah iklan expo ni.keke.bru aku igt.besau lah sikit kalo nk tgk vendors tu.
yg july nye expo tu mmg beranak teros kt expo,semua vendor wajub bg hadiah haha
bju raya mak ngn ayah nye dah ado.siap anto beding tak tahannnn HAHA.tggl bju raya baby je takde.keke.aku beraya kt rumah jelah tapi.feeling2 kan.dah lah tak puasa,nak raya.kahkah
yun pn xsaba nk g!!kalau terserempak tu kte hi2 la ek..hehe~
ha ah,yu kat kemaman la..alar, jauh la nk pegi sana..bajet ..nnt total cost jadi mahal pulak brg2 baby tu...huhu..cuci mata je la nnt
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