well..firstly, i owe him a birthday celebration..huhuhu
secondly, i personally feel like going on vacation..rase cam dah lame tak pegi bercuti..huhu
but of course..it has to be short
as we would like to berjimat-cermat dgn cuti tahunan masing2..so bile dah ade baby,tetibe nak cuti ke ape..senang sket :D
pestu kewangan tak mengizinkan..as our priority is keperluan utk our baby
so weekend getaway dah memadai
next weekend is a long weekend (luvvv) thanks to labour day.
we didnt have any plan at the beginning
but suddenly, my hubby suggests, why not kite pegi melaka
makan2 kat sane..while visiting his brother.
saye rase sungguh teruja..because i have been craving for a nice good cendol and abc(with ice cream on top and extra jagung plss) for months!
slalunye pegi makan cendol kat paparich..tp tak puass..huhuhu
we are not sure if we are going to spend a nite there or balik hari
yg penting..pegi utk makan! i like!
the next2 weekend pulak ada mom & baby expo kat midvalley
so we are going to spend our weekend there
already booked Cititel..hehhe
actually..few months before our marriage
saye TERbeli voucher renaissance prestige plus (worth it)
so ade banyak la jugak voucher dlm tu for rm588 klu tak silap
and one of them is stay kat Cititel at discounted price
so alang2 ade voucher ni..ape kate pakai je..senang sket nak shopping kan?
kaki sakit je balik hotel rehat..haha
cume satu je muskil..nak parking kat mane?normal parking ke or mmg ade direction ke parking khas utk cititel residence?
and finally, our unconfirmed plan to Langkawi
redzuan bought the flight tickets last year for both of us
the tickets were so cheaappp..so kami main pilih je beli kat mane2 tarikh..
skali tarikh yg dipilih (weekend 24 June) tu, saye insya-Allah dah 35 minggu
huhuhu tak sure lepas ke idak nak naik flight
and larat ke idak lagi utk bersuka ria di langkawi
so for this, we are going to seek gynae's advice
voila voilu!

2 commentaires:
ohh..syok nye bercuti!! have funn!! sesungguh nya aku pun mencari cendol best2 kat sini..tapi blm jumpa lagi..
jaja..cendol kat paparich best jugak..tp tu laa..cenonet je aku rase..tak puas minum..huhuhu
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