I become excited on the preparation of our baby,
and of course, i regularly open pregnancy books, babycenter, the bump and all sort of website related to pregnancy
in order to monitor my changes, my baby's growth etc.
And suddenly I realize, there's something that I have missed.
which is knowledge preparation for newborn.
sampai lani, if i bukak all those books and website, i akan bace part pregnancy je
tak pnah jengok pon pasal birth (blame to those pictures time nak lahirkan anak yg buat saye kecut perut dan rase ngilu..huhuhu)
tak pnah jugak bace pasal camne nak jaga baby, berapa ounce newborn baby minum susu setiap kali? or berapa kerap baby minum?
meaning to say, saye just concentrate mengenai pregnancy sahaja!
walhal, pengetahuan utk menjaga baby nanti is important as well.
last friday, i just googled about breastmilk
as one of my colleague (who's going to deliver pretty soon) gave a set of breastmilk (BM) storage from MLO.
excitedd ok bile sy dapat hadiah tuu..sgt comeelll
so terus google about how to store breastmilk
and found this website: KellyMom which provides a reference card on how to store breastmilk, and on how to use the frozen/refrigerated breastmilk
believe me..it took me sometimes to understand the card
had to refer to my guru in BM, Farha, baru le saye paham
Quick summarize:
- Nak simpan susu ibu ni banyak cara, and tempoh expiration nye depends on cara disimpan.
- Newborn baby slalu minum 2 ounce je in average setiap kali menyusu, so simpan dlm kuantiti yg kecil (preferable 2 ounce). Klu simpan dlm kuantiti yg banyak, nanti tak abis minum, kne buang pulak.rugi
- According to Farha, susu yg difrozen dan ingin digunakan, better biarkan di dalam refrigerator dulu (thawing) for 12 hours, then baru panaskan n kasi baby minum. Directly panaskan susu frozen ini adalah tidak digalakkan.
- Susu ibu ni tak bleh digoncang macam susu formula yg kite slalu buat utk anak buah tu.
- Some recommend to store BM dlm plastik, jimat space dr simpan dlm botol ni. But ari tu sy bace MLO, dia ckp tak digalakkan sbb bleh plastik tu bleh menyerap nutrisi susu tuh. And semalam, my auntie yg juga seroang doktor pon bg warning yg same kepada saye. So im going to stick with bottle storage.
- My auntie jugak ckp..err botol2 susu yg kite beli tu..eventhough branded and BPA-FREE..kne slalu jugak tukar like setiap 6 bulan ke..sbb all plastic products tak bleh di-recycle infinitely. Eventhough botol tak rosak, tak bercalar, tp dia sarankan soh tukar jugak.
p/s: my auntie nak kasi breastpump Spectra3 kat saye..dia ckp by the time saye abis pantang tu, dia dah tak pakai dah BP tu..hihihi sukaa! my sis plak nak kasi manual BP Avent..which is a must have jugak! sukaa lagii! so skang tak payah pening2 nak beli BP and nak pilih mane yg elok..pakai ape yg ade sahaja =)

8 commentaires:
ooo...baru saya tau...mekasih share info tntang BM ni..;)
i fully breastfeed now..hopefully lasting till fatnin 2 years n more..hehehe
like!!! tq amalina. nak print neh nnti wat ref. letak kat fridge. hehe
jihan, aifa: it's my pleasure..harap sume dapat benefits from the info..info ni still tak lengkap..kne go through a lot of reading..so mane yg mampu share, saye share je =)
farrah: u go gurl!! aku pon klu bleh nok BF sampai baby 2 thaun. insya-Allah.
farha tu classmate sy time sek menengah... :)
itu lah..farha pon ade ckp ari tu, bile dia nampak saye bukak blog yanie..hihihi farha tu opismate saye =)
it's great dat u have started reading bout this at very early stage. better prepare early, huh? :)
rosie: huhu..just bace2 je..takut nanti fokus sgt kat pregnancy, bile anak dah kuar, panik tak tau nak buat ape :D
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