i did the appointment 2 weeks ago..mule2 ingat nak buat last week, but they told me, better buat detailed scan after 28 weeks!..last week saye baru 26 weeks, and if im not mistaken, my colleague told me, detailed scan kne buat before 28 weeks. saye dah pelik, berulang kali tanye klinik tu btol ke kne buat after 28, and they confirmed it.
tp saye degil jugak..so saye set appointment this weekend..they said ok, tp klu tak nampak, mmg bad luck for me la. cuak kejap bile diorang ckp cemtu. tp sy berkeras nak buat jugak.
they said they will call me once diorang dah confirmed dgn sonographer.
i waited for almost 10 days..tp takde pon..so ari ni, i called them back..and guess what..they said sonographer tak available this weekend..sbb dia cuti..so kne buat on the 7th May (i dah plan nak pegi Midvalley) or on the 14th (i pulak balik kg). mase ni mmg dah geram sgt..becoz, they didnt have the courtesy to inform me earlier!
then i called an-nur bangi, but unfortunately, it is fulled till next week. and org an-nur ckp, detailed scan only can be done before u reach 28 weeks!!..haa ni mama godzilla mmg rase nak mengamuk kat org2 kat klinik ajwa!
so skang ni, im kalut ribut cari affordable + available place utk buat detailed scan +3D +4D before end of this week. eeiiii geram btol rase.
btw..i bukak facebook organizer expo kat stadium melawati tu..errmm expo tu dah ditunda ke bulan November :( so tinggal expo kat Midvalley je la untuk sopping mopping..

8 commentaires:
lorrr nape gitu...cian u..hope dapat buat detail scan tu...hm xtau plak detail scan tu kena b4 28th...i aritu awal..time 19th weeks lg...sbb ade case thyroid...gudluck amalina...take care...
u try la buat kat UMRA.. aritu i buat rm120 jerk..tp buat tmujnji dl..takot pakar xde...
ajwa mmg kurang la skit.. i pon buat scan 1st kt ajwa.. xpuas hati langsung.. apepon gudluck..
UMRA buka until 11pm..
amalina. my SIL yg dah 2kali preggy kat UMRA pon kata better detailed scan after 28th weeks sebab ms tu dah nmpk segala organ penting.and time tu jugakla, dh boleh detect whether jantung baby normal or ada prob. nak buat skrg boleh tp doc kat UMRA tak recommend sgt. so better after 28th.
i pon kebetulan ingat nk buat dlm dis week, tp bila my SIL dah kata cmtu, tangguh dulu sbb xnak bazir duit buat scan byk kali.
nk tnye,detailed scan and 4d scan lain ek?or kalau kte buat 4d automatik die akan buat detailed scan ek?yun confuse da...hehe~
zetty: itu lah..geram je..dah le bg info salah..pestu takde plak tepon ckp appointment kne cancel
puan dot: aaa..i pon tgh usha UMRA jugak ni..macam menarek jugak
elanie: oo ye ke..my colleagues and yg kat AN-Nur tu ckp, kne buat before 28 weeks sbb nanti baby dah besar sgt..ape pon tak nampak..huhuhu..tu yg i confuse..
yun: lain yang..rasenye detailed scan tu pakai 2D pon dah ok..dia check jantung, otak, tulang belakang, anggota badan..make sure ok ke idak..3D bleh check if ade sumbing ke..and 4D plak adalah gambar 3D with movement..so macam video gitu untuk kenangan =) slalunye bukan gynae yg buat, tp sonographer..yg mmg expert utk buat ultrasound like Pn Anson tu =)
err wrong info..reason utk buat before 28 weeks is maybe valid utk 3D/4D scan kot..which means, klu 3D tu nanti bleh tgk bentuk muka camne..so klu baby dah besar, nanti tak nampak muke sgt sbb tak banyak ruang dah utk baby bergerak dlm perut..hehehe..but of course, utk detailed scan..buat mase baby dah besar is better kot.
amalina: eh, detailed scan bukan sama ngan 4d scan ke? hehe...my SIL yg kata la sebab ms dia buat 4d scan kat UMRA dulu, dpt cd and cd tu bertulis '4d scan/detailed scan'..ngeee...konpius kan? byk sgt scan nyer..tp yg pasti kat kk kerajaan mmg 2d scan :)
elanie: tak..a 4D scan tak bleh buat detailed scan..maybe colors bleh indicate tu kidney ke jantung ke..but it will not reveal if there is any anomaly..tu yg gynae kat seri kembangan tu ckp..kat situ pon ade 4D scan..tp dia ckp utk detailed scan..2D tu pon dah ok..cume sonographer tu kne pandai check betul2..and gynae tu ckp..dia just bleh buat scan biase..which is check ukur lilit kepala n perut, panjang tangan n kaki, tulang belakang (normal scan yg monthly i dok buat) + 3D and 4D scan. klu yg btol2 detailed, only sonographer knows how to do and what to check =)
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