tak tau nak anta mane actually
we live in kota kemuning, and work at cyberjaya, which is 40 mins by car.
i think, it would be nice if the nursery is near to our office
senang nak pegi if ade masalah pepe
kalau kne balik lambat pon, tak pening kepala nak pegi amik anak (avoid OT charge..huhuhu)
pestu..klu anta dekat sini..sempat la kan main ngan anak dalam keta
klu tak..kol 7 lebey baru sampai umah..skali anak dah menguap nak tido
the only nursery kat cyber ni dah full!
the nearest place is putrajaya, tu pon my SIL ckp mostly dah full
dan jugak ade banyak accident (as reported on the news)
risau saye bile membacanya
seriously i cudnt understand, how people cud just do business by risking babies' health/life?
and bile la gov ni nak invest dlm perkara2 seperti keselamatan di nursery..at least force all the companies to provide a nursery to their employees kee..haha
next to putrajaya is seri kembangan.
the only prob is, nak masuk situ after 5 mmg jam ya amat.
bile ntah dia nak besarkan flyover tuh.
another choice is (as suggested by my mom and bro) to hire a maid. which i cant agree.
i dunt like having a maid. i dunt know how to manage and give orders.
i dunt know how to membebel, and i must end up doing things by myself when i am not satisfied. and i love my privacy. i love wearing/doing anything that i like in my own house.
i know it must be tiring as work loads are going to pill up when my baby is born. but i am willing to try to be a supermom and superwife. and i would like to see my hubby becomes a superhubby. muhahhhaa..owh he has been wonderful since i know him..keep surprising me, honey!
plus, i dunt think we can afford all the fees in order to have a maid, it is toooo expensive, and there is still a risk that she might wanna come here just to create trouble and berpoya2, instead of working as a maid. tak kose mokcik nak sesakkan kepala. lagipon, bukan semua maid reti jaga baby. so klu ting tong ting tong..same je risk anta ke nursery and risk amik maid.
so back to my main question..nak anta kat mane?uhuks

6 commentaires:
uihh..jgn la amek maid. silap2 kalo dpt maid indon, sekali anak u membesar ckp indons plak...naya!
eventhough skrg ni mmg i belum keje, tp i pon rs kalo i keje, i lebih rela besarkan anak sendiri dr ada maid.with the same reason like you have there.privacy tu sgt penting.
better hntr ke nursery and hopefully u jumpa solution yg bagus before baby lahir nanti:)
itulah..my anak sedara ade satu mase tu..dok sebutt sapi je instead of lembu..hihi
thanks for ur support =)
haish...benda ni yg aku dok pk even tak pregnant pun lagi. risau btl
dear, can i have d CL's phone number? Nk try ty la..risau kalo lmbt ty dia dh d booked plak.. Thanks ya!
jaja: tuh la prob bile dah ade anak..pening pk..huhu
elanie: i send to ur email yahoo.
hantar kat area office is a great idea. takpe, by the time u deliver, mesti ada yg dah ok kot. anyway, bleh try near my house, tmn putra perdana, exit highway putrajaya/cyber tu, u exit bandar nusaputra. kat situ byk nursery. in fact, most of my frens u live there, hantar anak kat nurseri :)
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