I thought I cud have a restful weekend..but I was completely wrong.
Started from Friday night, where dinner with my siblings had to be canceled due to food poisoning! It was so bad and hurt my stomach awfully..tak putus2 mulut ni menyebut nama tuhan..sbb seriously sakit sgt sampai I tot ni contraction nak beranak ke ape..panik ok..so my hubby brought me to Hospital Barakah..tak sempat nak register..i rushed pegi toilet..buka je pintu..terus tersembur kuar sisa makanan..susah2 plak kne bersihkan toilet tu..huhu..dlm hati mmg cursed kaw2 makcik n pakcik kafe opis.
Saturday morning..i woke up lazily..sakit perut memulas tu masih berbaki..nak breakfast pon seriau..takut sakit dtg balik cam smlm..huhuhu..opted for a glass of milk n dua keping roti canai for my late breakfast.
Around 2, went out with hubby to shah Alam to settle a couple of things..and singgah Tesco kejap sbb situ ade promosi barang2 baby..ended up beli baby wipes je..haha..
On Sunday, we went to Malacca..but I didn’t get my cendol..huhu..we started our journey a bit late..around 2pm..and jalan plak jam..especially nak masuk ke Ayer Keroh..mmg sesak gile. Sampai sane dekat kol 5..pegi amik my BIL and terus pegi Umbai as my hubby nak makan ikan bakar.
We tried this restaurant, Parameswara..sbb macam ramai orang n restaurant pon agak besar jugak..so we tot sure sini sedap punye lah..but we were disappointed! Red Wok kat Bangi and Seafood restaurant kat Kg Baru berkali-kali-kali-kali lagi sedap!! Service was poor. Seb baek tak mahal..klu tak..rase cam menyesal gile. After makan, anta my BIL then kitorang pon balik ke Kota Kemuning..hubby rushed nak tgk match Manchester united-arsenal..pestu kalah plak tu..adoiiii..dah le cendol tak dapek..takpe2 cendol kat dengkil pon org kate best..so nak angkut hubby pegi sane plak..hehhe
On Monday, I was excited to do my detailed scan..called Hospital Barakah for a few times to confirm yg detailed scan is available pagi isnin tu and tak perlu buat appointment, just walk in..dgn yakin nye receptionist tu said yes..skali bile saye pegi..dr yg buat scan tu cuti..hishhhh panas ati..i called them to avoid this kind of situation happened..and skali terkena jugak..so please please please..sesape yg kije kat kaunter reception, make sure your info is correct before informing your customer.
Then we headed to Alamanda as we had lunch date with my siblings there (ganti diner yg cancel jumaat mlm tu)..we had great time, especially with our nephews..pestu cuci2 mata kat Alamanda..Parkson has sales for BonusLink card holder..so we bought twin pack Avent bottle 4oz..normal price is rm79..after less 20%, dapat le RM63.20..sukaaa =)
Balik umah..sempat pulak kemaskan halaman..hubby potong rumput while I sapu sampah..berpeluh2..pestu.. kemaskan almari baju..utk kasi space letak barang2 baby..comell..hubby pon cam excited jugak..hihihi tp mmg flat gilee lahh.
So ari ni dtg opis, dgn muke tak bermaye..lemah je rase..pestu perut still rase tak sedap..nak makan kat café pon takutt..haihhh.

3 commentaires:
wuoh... u went to umbai??? tingatlak aritu kitorg pekena ikan bakar kat sana! sedap nyaaa!! *drooling! obviously, the restaurant we went was not Parameswara.
amalina pon nak buat scan kt hospital barakah jugak ker..cadang nak bersalin kt situ??..jihan pon samer...hope baby n mommy sihat selalu yer jaga diri bebaik..;)
rose: aha pegi umbai balik hari utk makan ikan bakar..hahha..tu lah nasib tak best dpt restaurant tak best..huhu
jihan: tak sure dear..barakah macam ok..tp skang ni buat check up kat DEMC..hehhe..yg pegi ari tu semata2 utk buat detailed scan..sbb kat demc mahal sgt..huhuhu
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