Before lunch break, we had a tour to labour room, and the maternity ward. As DEMC just moved to a new building, of course everything looks great and nice. We also had the opportunity to visit the suites, and yes it is like a hotel, with a minimum price rm600 per nite..haha..jgn mimpi le kami nak dok situ..
Then we had our lunch, provided by the hospital at the cafeteria in the building.
Next session was “Successful breastfeeding” by Pn Jasmeen Tan Abdullah. If im not mistaken, she is a lactation consultant from HKL, actively involve with MLO and She showed us on how to hold a baby while BF, she told us about what do and don’t for BF, she provided us some tips and a lot more. It seems that hubbies enjoyed this session as most of the questions asked were from hubbies..hehehhe wifes bukan tanak tanye kami dah banyak membaca..ecehhh..hahhhaa
Here a long list of things that I managed to jot down in this session:
- Breastfeed: sunat start sebelah kanan, then baru pegi sebelah kiri. If susu blom abis dari sebelah kiri tp baby dah kenyang, so utk next feeding, start pulak sebelah kiri. Ni utk balancekan stimulation untuk kedua2 belah breast. If not, nanti ade belah yg asik diminum tu lagi banyak susu dari belah yang jarang diminum
- Don’t allow your baby to be a lazy sucker..means dia letak je mulut tp tak hisap pon. If tertido, bleh geletek chin or kaki or tangan untuk kejutkan..untuk make sure dia sentiasa nyot nyot.
- Nursing bra: beli one month before deliver (jgn beli awal) and buy one size extra..sbb nanti breast akan besar (and bertambah sexy..haha). Avoid wired bra for the first 6 months sbb ia boleh block milk production
- Jgn pegang breast dgn cara scissor shape, but C-shape (yg ni saye nak explain tak reti..kne tgk demo)
- Usap dari pipi ke mulut bayi untuk stimulate baby utk minum susu. According to her, even org dewasa pon bleh meleleh air liur if diusap seperti itu.
- To check if it is a good suction(dari baby), si ibu akan rasa ngilu di bahagian rahim. If tak rase (n rase sakit kat nipple) which means tade latch-on, positionkan balik mulut bayi.
- Priority to breastfeed your baby dari makan jamu.
- Tanda baby lapar:
- Flexing arms and legs
- Clenching and unclenching fist
- Chewing on hands
- If u see this signs, bagi baby minum susu..otherwise, the next sign is menangis tanpa berlagu..heheh by that time..susah dah nak breastfeed sbb baby dah merajuk..penat kasi sign, tp mommy tak paham2 :D
- Cara penyusuan: Jgn bongkokkan badan kepada bayi..nanti bayi pon tak selesa sbb breast kite akan hempap hidung n muka nya. So duduk dgn tegak. There are 3 position to hold ur baby: cradle hold position, football hold position and cross hold position (sile google :D)
- Some hospitals may or may not support BF..check with ur gynae..and inform them that u want to BF ur baby (by hook or by crook) once he/she is born.
- To check if ade prob ngan inverted nipples or not..tekan nipples for 10 seconds dgn jari anda, and then release it. Observe if the nipples pop out and membentuk seperti biasa or not. Klu tak, blum terlambat untuk dapatkan bantuan supaya berjaya breastfeed nanti.
- Bawak picture baby ke mana sahaja, kerana dgn melihat gambar baby, ia akan membantu badan kite utk stimulate milk production. There are a lot of breast pump kat market, tp tak semua sesuai as kadang2 dia hanya pump bhgn nipple je (which is sgt menyakitkan). So recommended breastpump are: Spectra, Medela, Ameda, Callypso, Mamivec and Avent. Double pumping provides better stimulation and jimatkan masa.
- Kalau simpan expressed breastmilk (EBM) kat bhgn peti bawah (bukan tempat ais di bhgn atas), sila letak di 1st level sahaja!
- Warmer is optional, klu takde, bleh je rendam EBM dlm air panas/suam
- Tips untuk banyakkan susu:
- Drink hot nutriets soya, red dates, horlicks
- Massage breast with warm towel
- If ade engorgement, letak cold towel/cabbage kat breast (not more than 10 mins)
- Or buat coffee paste(using warm water) and tampal kat breast for (15-20 mins)
- Express and store up breastmilk 3 weeks before start working.
- Avoid using plastic bag to store your EBM. It is because, the nutrients of EBM could be lost up to 40% (sbb diserap oleh plastic tu). Best option, use PP storage bottle.
- Don’t forget to niat before breastfeeding. Semoga urusan kite utk breastfeed anak dipermudahkan..dan semoga susu kite pon banyak. Insya-Allah
Ok that’s all, folks. Tunggu pulak entry antenatal class part 3 ek :D

2 commentaires:
Disebabkan plastik storage serap nutrisi byk..iman minum susu segar je...frozen EBM bg org..huhuhuuhhh...
sgt byk info.. hurm... thnks.. tak sabar gak nak g antenatal class next month.. harap2.. hubby pon dpt bantu utk support fully BF..
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