Sambungan (episod terakhir)
The last session was “breathing techniques during labour” by physiotherapist. Well I am a bit disappointed with this session as we only learned about the exercises that can be done by a pregnancy woman. No breathing techniques were taught. So we did the exercises during the whole session. Most of them can be found in the pregnancy book, and I already practice some of them (ikut kerajinan jugak..hahahha)
On the other hand, the physiotherapist advised all the future mommy to not doing the indicate exercises after 8 months (takut akan mempercepatkan kelahiran baby which is still belum cecah 38 weeks la kan). We were also advised to take a deep breath between each exercise (jgn nak lasak main tibai buat semua serentak).
My comment about the antenatal class:
Overall, me and hubby sgt puas hati la..we learnt a lot..we got new info..yes it is beneficial for both of us..especially my hubby. So my opinion is, this class is a way to expose our hubby to the info related from pregnancy, labour, breastfeeding and how to take care of newborn. Listen to the experts are more convincing than read then interpret by us. My cuak feeling to labour has already lessened by half.
You can also learn about the options/facilities and procedures provided by the hospitals. It might help for your birth plan.
To attend this class, you may wait till you enter second semester. But don’t wait too long..nanti banyak useful info pasal nutrition u akan miss….lagipon nanti lenguh2 plak dok lame2..hehehhe
So if you have time, grab you hubby along and attend the class.
p/s: there was a contest, organized by Mamil Gold that day..and thanks to my hubby’s creativity, we won a Medela mini electric breastpump. Sukaa!

4 commentaires:
besnyee class siap ader contest..and sgt best hadiah die!!lucky u dear.. =)
bestnya siap menang medela. haissh! nak beli sendiri rabak jugak poket.
Alhamdulillah, rezeki baby tue :)
wow.. best nye!!! nak gak mng breastpump!
hehehhe..tuh la..tak sangka dapat..alhamdulillah..rezeki anak :D
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