2) my dearly husband has been ill for a week..he had high fever last week, he was on bed rest for the whole weekend due to flu..and yesterday, he had sever sore throat..nak makan pon tak bole..kesiann..lg2 bile dia komplen lapo..isk..today he is on medical leave..so terpakse saye dtg opis sensorang :(
3) and now, i start to feel weak and tired..lemau gile kat opis ni..rase nak baring je..tp tak ngantuk..pestu lenguh2 badan..especially dari pinggang ke bawah.
4) last nite, i managed to pack my baby's stuff in his bag..tu pon cam tak sure..nak letak baju ape..bape helai nak bawak..err newborn baby bleh pkai baju lengan pendek ngan sluar pendek ke?
5) how about mom's bag? errr...
6) should we sterilize all the new bottles, breast pumps first before using them?
7) for this coming june, i dunt have any plan..except for final shopping for our little baby during the mega sale, and our getaway to Langkawi..havent finalize the plan yet, as we would like to seek dr.'s advice on this matter..klu tak silap, saye dah 35 weeks time pegi langkawi tu..tak sure dr. kasi pegi berjimba ke idak..lagipon i need surat doktor utk dapat naik flight..huhuhu

4 commentaires:
uiks,sempat lagi nk g langkawi..hehe!yun bru nk masuk 32 weeks pn mak yun da bebel xbg babymoon,sdih xdpt nk g jalan2 da..huhu!
yun..ni tiket yg kitorang beli mase sale tahun lepas..hihihi..another ticket is on august..tiket balik kg utk berpuasa...yg tu kire ok lah..bleh hubby balik utk tgk2 saye time pantang..huhuhu
35 weeks nnti pon i akan bercuti kt cherating.. tp x naik flight la..
hope x jd ape2.. n semua selamat.. amin..
puan dot: insya-allah..enjoy ur trip =)
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