As we (me and hubby) already decided for me to deliver at DEMC, so both of us attended the antenatal class provided by the hospital. It’s not free. RM100 per couple (4 meals are provided). People had been asking me why I wanted to go to a paid antenatal class while there are free classes in other places. Well the thing is, different hospital got different opinions or policies. In this class, you will be introduced to labour procedures, to your anesthetist so you will know what the options provided by the hospitals.
Antenatal class at DEMC is a one day class (from 9am to 4.30pm), hold on Sunday, once in a month, and it is divided into 4 sessions.
Firstly is "Nutrition During Pregnancy by dietitian". It provides useful info to pregnant women, what do and don’t as well about weight gain control. As for me who is already in 30 weeks, I just took it as a reminder for my second child (huhuhu) and at the same time, try to improve my daily intake for the 10 weeks left. =)
Secondly is “Pregnancy & Labour Process” by Consultant O&G. It happened that it was my gynae who gave the talk that day. So she explained in detailed all the 3 signs for labour, the 3 labour stages, the natural birth, the intervention that might occurred during the labour, the episotomy, the complications during the birth.
My note from this session:
3 tanda labour
- Show: mucus plug, blood stain or spotting
- Leaking: clear fluid through vagina (air ketuban pecah)
- Contraction: perut menegang, it comes regularly, and the intensity + duration increased by time
Peringkat pertama labour: 8-16 jam
- Kontraksi makin kerap (bawak kurma dalam labour utk tambah energy)
Peringkat kedua labour: (1/2 – 1jam)
- Kelahiran baby.
- Untuk dibenarkan melakukan kelahiran secara normal, si ibu has to oblige to these 3 rules: laluan terbuka, baby engaged, and ade contraction supaya baby keluar. Otherwise, gynae will advice to opt for external intervention like induce, forceps, vacuum etc.
Third session is “Pain Relief” by Anesthetist
There are Entanox (bile rase contraction datang baru sedut), Pethidine (sort of drug, it last for 3-4 hours and the mother will feel sleepy), and Epidural.
According to anesthetist, if you can survive till 5cm, she will advice you to not take anything, as from 5cm to 10 cm, it will only take about 2 hours, while from 0cm to 5cm, it can last for hours. However, if mase bukaan 1 cm pon dah tak dapat tahan, she strongly advice to take the pain relief.
Forth session is “Care of newborn and effective baby massage” by paediatrician
We watched a nice video on how to do a baby massage..ya Allah..mmg sweet sgt..rase tak sabar nak massage baby the is important to do baby massage as it can help baby brain to develop, to help baby to sleep well, as well to increase the bonding between the parents and the baby. So bapak2 pon bleh buat baby massage ye..sekali sehari pon dah cukup. Caranya bleh tgk kat youtube, and just pakai babyoil. To start, gosok tangan kite tu dgn baby oil untuk panaskan tapak tgn before commencing the massage. Boleh start bila kite dah balik rumah, cume bhgn perut tu, massage bile tali pusat dah jatuh.
Untuk jaundice plak, the best medicine is susu ibu. =)
Newborn baby akan kerap minum susu, sbb perut nya still kecil, so dia akan minum sikit, but kerap. So you have to feed you baby every 2-3 hours (eventhough tido pon bleh kejutkan). So jgn terkejut klu baby asik lapar and dunt say susu ibu tidak mengenyangkan or tidak cukup. Set in our mind, newborn mmg kerap minum susu =)
Errr dah panjang plak I baru morning session, nanti I sambung next entry utk afternoon session ek. Ayat2 yang lintang pukang di atas tu adalah hasil nurkilan nota2 yg saye amik dalam kelas..kadang2 kusyuk sgt mendengar sampai lupe nak tulis..hehehhe
Anyhow, hope this info helps u guys.

5 commentaires:
amalina: thanks for the morning session info! :) glad that u posted it here. eventhough tak sama kalo mcm pegi kelas sdri tp ada info here n there pon dah good. nanie tak sempat nak pi antenatal class :(
thnks... until now.. xdpt register clas kt mane2.. sbb date yg dieorg bg smua x available.. =(
thnx g pn xsempat nk jot down,dgr2 cm2 je,nk tulis blk cm lintang pukang,haha!tp yun g lebih kurng sama mcm u pegi,tp besla plak ader psl baby massage tu,yun xder pn..nti update lg yee.. =)
best2 xsabar nak gi klas antenatal ni..
gurls: u r welcome..sape yg tak pegi lagi, register cepat2..sangat sangat berbaloi attend this class.. especially to the future fathers.
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