Ketika saya belajar di perancis dulu, I was alone..
Saye menuntut di universiti yg tiada org Malaysia
Saya tinggal di bandar di mana tiada orang malaysia
So I learned to live with internet where I onlined 24/7..
Dan peneman bicara adalah2 kakak2 yg di Malaysia
A couple of years later, my sis pulak berhijrah ke England
since then, I learned to catch up flight from grenoble to luton/stansted airport
And I subscribed to easyjet and ryanair website in order to get the latest deals
Most of my holidays, I spent with my sis’s family in England
And some times, my sis paid my flight tickets (feel shameful)
And she bought me a lot of wonderful things (unlisted)
She kept her role as big sister even though we were separated by the English canal.
And me already married and now pregnant doesn’t stop her from lending her hand
Here are the items that she already gave to my baby:
- Graco stroller
- Graco baby car seat
- Baby sling
- Avent warmer
- Baby cloths
- Bekung
- Avent manual breastpump
- Nappy plastic bags
- Pregnancy blouses
- Feeding bottles
- Pregnancy books
Me and hubby are deeply thankful for her help, and we don’t know how to pay her and her hubby’s kindness. The least thing that I could do now is to pray for their happiness and good health in my prayers.
Thank you Kak Tik & Abe Din.

5 commentaires:
besnye..untung ader kakak kan.. =)
best n untung ade siblings yg lagi tua.
me, anak sulung, n sorang anak pompuan. jadi takde sape2 nak pinjamkan ape2. HEHEHE. beli je sendiri, tapi beli yg penting2 je!
bestttt! untung u amalina.. i sume kne bli sendiri.. hhuhu
uh..terharu entry sume beli sendirik...since kakak lom kawen..ngaa =D
to all: sgt ade kakak yg baek ati =)
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