But i did have bad headache yesterday. And i also got bad news, which is my mom wont come to assist me during my confinement.
Feel so sad and so being left alone of course. But i wont argue or say anything to change her mind. If she could not come, then I have to find a solution.
I already plan to hire a confinement lady (CL), as i told you guys in my previous entry
but I am not sure which package to choose, apparently, there are 3
1. Stay in- the CL will stay with us
2. Home service- the CL will come to our house everyday from 8am to 6pm
3. Basic service - the CL comes to our house every morning for 3 hours
I plan to hire her for 7 days, and i think i can handle the matters for another 7 days before going back to Kltn.
My first concern is, i stay in a double storey house, for any package that i choose, i gonna need a person to accompany me. It is because, in my imagination, org berpantang ni tak bleh gerak, even tak bleh kuar bilik (muhahahaha), apetah lg nak turun naik tangga kan. So if CL has to stay with me, i need a person to monitor her (kang CL tu ronggeng tgk tv kat bawah camno?huhu), if CL comes to my house daily, kne ade org tukang bukak pintu ke ape. I tot that person wud be my mom, but apparently not.Berusaha sendiri la ko ye, Amalina!
<--- solution: hubby amik cuti seminggu, teman i kat umah..yeay!
My second concern is, I need the CL right after being discharge from hospital. At least keesokan paginye I nak dia dah ade kat depan pintu, vleh?huhu it is because, this is my first time ye..and baby paling muda i penah pegang was 3 or 4 months old. tak caye tanye my sis, eventho for her kids, i yg jadi tukang teman..huhu tp nak pegang baby newborn, takut sangattt. The prob is, according to my colleagues yg pnah amik confinement services ni, CL dtg after 3 days min, which is 3 hari pertama tu, terkontang-kanting la ko ngan hubby..huhuhu..if that's so..sape nak mandikan baby weii? ::nangess::
<---- solution: tadak solution..still tgh cari CL yg btol2 bleh commit dtg awal
Ok that's about confinement. Prob yg kedua is baby daycare after confinement.
I live at Kota Kemuning and work at Cyberjaya. And both of us agree, it is better to find a baby daycare which is close to our work place..senang nak pegi in case emergency, bleh amik rite after opis hour and avoid overtime charge..siap bleh main2 dlm keta ngan baby on the way pegi/balik opis
the thing is, there are only 2 baby care in Cyber, 1 kat dlm mmu which is only for the staff..and 1 lagi dekat MKN EMbassy..but fully booked! I nak Q nama pon diorang tak kasi..sbb dah 23 orang tgh Q utk letak baby..sedeyyy gileee as it was our only hope.
we also considered daycare kat putrajaya..but read all the deadly accident yg berlaku kat daycare putrajaya membuatkan i seram sejuk..ishh tak sanggupp rasenye..
so still tgh pening pasal daycare :(

4 commentaires:
ko tak tgk area equine ke?dlu2 aku keje cyber jgk, menyewa kt equine tu..
ni pon tgh cari day care.tp ramai2 mmg mcm seram je.tp nk cr suri rumah yg boleh jg baby pon bkn nye senang kan
my mum pon macam x dpt nak dtg jaga i je during confinement. CL plak tgh tggu quotation dr member. nak balik swak kompom x dpt.isk2, payah gk nak berpantang rupanya. MIL suh balik johor je nnti die jaga, tp i rs cm bersalah lak nak arahkan die buat itu ini.. huhu
yaya..equine sgt jam time org balik office..Q panjang gile. tuh la..nak cari babycare yg elok mmg susah jugak..nak cari pengasuh, lagi susah..huhuhu
aifa: tuh la..susah jugak nak berpantang ni..n satu lagi..sanggup ke berpisah ngan en suami lame2..huhuhu
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