it happened yesterday evening, around 6pm when i was resting at the office while playing cityville (ya ampun boss)
i just put my hand on my tummy, when suddenly i felt "dush", a hard kick from my baby
and the vibration due to the kick, went through my hand and directly went into my heart
masyaAllah..i felt so grateful, i was so touched for having this opportunity, and i almost cried!
had been waiting this moment for so long
thank you Allah.
poor my hubby, he was away at that time, and when i went looking for him, baby stopped kicking
naughty baby, saje je ek ;)'s my hubby's birthday!
thank you Allah for bringing this wonderful man into my life.

3 commentaires:
besnye dah rase die still xrase the real kick,tp just rase cm die jentik2 dr dalam..hehe~
anyway,happy burfday to ur hubby.. =)
saye pon before ni rase cam org jentik2..geli2 gitu..last friday tu baru betul2 rase cam tendangan..huhuhu
thank you yun for the wish =)
bonjour mademoiselle!
well, dear... not to worry! soon your hubby NOT ONLY able to feel the baby's movement, but also able to see your tummy's waving! my hubby was once freaking out when he 1st felt baby punya tumit kaki... and it was exciting moment i'd say! the kicking, punching, movement will be non-stop at one time... just wait & see! ^___^
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