i was like..Haaa? biar betul hubby ajak pegi shopping..slalunye i yg ajak dulu..muhahahha
so we went to Sunway pyramid
masuk sume kedai barangan baby (love it)
dan seb baek i blom tau gender baby lagi
klu tak rasenye dah borong baju kat anakku yg cute tu..huhuhu
we only bought one nice comfortable sandals for me
as yg lame punye dah nak putus dahh..huhuhu
spent at Sunway for about 3 hours
as a result..kaki sakit + lenguh gilee
especially my feet
dapat rase sgt kaki i dah kembang
and sampai lani still rase tak selesa :(
kat jari pon cam bengkak sket..tp cincin2 sume still muat lagi
baru nak masuk 5 bulan..dah tak leh jalan lama2
camne la nak shoppping barang baby nanti..haih
got to do this before masuk third trimester
time tu sure dah tak larat dah nak bershopping ke ape
so what is leg/feet swelling during pregnancy?
it is due to an excessive accumulation of fluid around the legs and ankles, also known as water retention.
simple tips to overcome this prob:
1. keep your leg up..yes it helps a lot..lepas balik shopping tu, i baring dan letak dua biji bantal bawah kaki..baru rase lega
2. jgn nak menyilang kaki mase duduk (which is a bit diff for me as it is my habit to do that..huhu)
lain2..bleh bace babycenter (mood malas hahhaa)
btw, ari ni i try nak puasa
ade 10 hari lagi tak ganti..huhuhuhuhu
pagi tadi bgn teman hubby tgk match bola,
alang2 tu terus sahur sekali..with oats, milk and some fruit
harap2 dapat bertahan sampai abis, insya-Allah
hubby dah pesan..klu tak mampu, dia soh berbuka..huhu
but of course i have to try first la
klu tak sampai bile laa sy nak ganti pose ni..dah le next year nak kne ganti 30 hari..huhuhu
i am currently planning for my antenatal class
maybe nak pegi bulan 5 kot
mase tu dah 7 months..insya-Allah larat lagi
kat DEMC, they only have one antenatal class per month
so kne book awal2..karang tak dapat masukk dahh :(
new update:
dah bukak pose dah..kol 1tgh tadi :(
have to try harder next time

3 commentaires:
ala..ciannye mama tak larat nk puasa..cuba lagi!aku pun tak ganti2 lagi nih. ehehhe..nanti pegi class jgn lupa share..
selamat menunaikan puasa ganti. hhehe
jaja: turn mung bilo plok? ;)
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