salam guys
i hope it is not too late to post about this baby that u can prepare ur shopping today =)
yes i was there last nite..(ehh how comee?) hahahha
previously i told u i wud be there on sunday rite
the thing is..when we just came out from our office door..i asked my hubby if he wud like to go to mid valley straight away for the expo..
our office is in cyberjaya...and we have MEX to take us straight away to mid valley
saye saje je mengade2 nak tanye..didnt expect him to say yes at all
and as expected..he said tanak..penat katanya..lagipon dah janji nak pegi ari ahad kan
and i said ok
skali, dia bawak keta terus menghala ke MEX..and i was surprised (and delighted of course)
love u much, hon!
so we reached there around 7.30..terus pegi expo
usha2 all the halls, before semayang maghrib
then returned back to the expo
there are a lot of booths! surprisingly ade booth Avent (with 20% less)!
luckily org tak ramai sgt (tu pon saye dah rimas..sbb asik nak langgar orang)
the pathway is a bit narrow la
ari ni and esok sure sesakk gilee
booth yg manyak kami bershopping are kat Pigeon, Pureen and Fiffy
i was excited buying barang2 baby like blanket, towel, pembasuh botol
while hubby was excited tgk baju2 baby
siap beli utk size baby 6-12 months lagi..hehehhehhe
tip 1: gurls, kat 3 booths ni bleh pakai credit card, tp kne expenses more than RM80, so kindly bring cash as well..takut2 nak membeli barang sket ke ape.tip 2: nanti bile bayar..Ask for free gift, nanti dia kasi sample2 yg cenonet comel..hehehe..if im not mistaken, Pureen got 20% utk semua barang
i bought my anti strect-mark oil at ModernMum, price RM95.++ slightly cheaper dari yg I beli kat alamanda ari tu..normal price is RM119
i bought storage bag Autumnz as well, rm 9 instead of RM12
i went to MLO just pegi tanye package utk spectra 3 (rm588)
lupe nak tanye storage bottle berape rega, as well buku penyusuan tuh..haihhh
nipple cream madela is rm26 (tak dapek la beli sbb dah abis cashh..huwaaaaa)
owh i tak usha pon stroller and carseat..there are some brands, like combi and lalu je la..sbb rush jugak..expo tutup at 9pm
i was looking for mr bean warmer, the only booth that sells mr bean is mybbstore
cume dia just ade warmer+strelizer (rm 155..quite cheap jugak la)
tp saye just nak warmer jee :(
bedding set ade yg semurah rm160 utk 5 pcs
cume kain nye tak seelok aussino..hehehe
so i decide nak beli kat aussino je kot
wat else ek..
tip 3: solat dulu, before pegi shopping..nanti barang dh penuh kat tgn..susah plak nak bawak masuk surau yg slalu penuh sesak..heheheowhh..for those yg cari BF baju or maternity cloths..they got that too
they are not in my tak terpk plak nak beli..huhuhu
pestu utk diapers..the only brand yg sy kne is petpet
mamypoko or drypers takde (or sy tak jumpe la kot)
tp brand2 yg baru yg sy tak pnah dgr ade banyak n murah sgt
tp sy tak berani beli..nak mamypoko jugak..huhuhu
btw..i sempat singgah caring farmasi (kat LG) utk beli neurogain
terus beli stock utk 2 bulan..satgi malas dah nak cari..huhuh
unfortunately, neurogain takde discount
but i saw obimin 30 tablets at rm14.++ murah gile wei
i just bought 2 boxes kat guardian last week at rm16.++(discounted price as well)
ok tu je kot
happy shopping all m2b!!
jgn pengsan sudahh
last tip: bring/buy large mineral water!! kering tekak gile tau..p/s: i cudnt sleep well last nite..asik teringat barang2 yg i nampak tapi tak beli..haha..ingat ari ahad ni, petang2 sket..klu hubby rajin, nak ajak dia gi skali lagi kat expo..muahahahhhhaa