lega gile tauu..rase cam satu beban dah hilang..
actually, last week..i dah start call LH, asking news psl our card
they promised to call me back..but sampai sabtu still takde berita
so before pegi training badminton tu, i called them again
and as usual they said they will call me back..
10 mins later, my phone nyanyi lagi lagu lenka "trouble is a friend" tak sampai 2 secs and it stopped..
uikss..LH main miss call dgn saye??helloooo..tak patut ok
memandangkan PR diorang mmg K.O, so i just ignored about it
and i call them back to get the news psl card sy
they said i boleh collect my card at 3 pm
i was excited..ingat nak terus pegi amik after training dgn mon prince charmant
then teringat yg my invoice ade kat umah
so the next day, kami berdua pegi ke jalan pudu
waited for about 10 mins..then dtg pekerja diorang keluarkan kotak2 kad sy dr kereta
excited ok.
- our card is perfect! exactly seperti yg kami inginkan..alhamdulillahhh
- harga pon berpatutan, ade hot stamping dan jugak embos
- dpt extra 40 keping free
- cume sampulnye sedikit kelakar, because, my card is almost in square shape, tp sampul tu size rectangle..so besar la sket..pelik jugak..tp maybe salah saye jugak..sbb sample sampul yg sy kasi tu mmg size tu, tp sy kasi sample utk dia copy design je..haruslah sy nak sampul yg size same ngan card sy..but ianya sgt remeh..rectangle pon rectangle la..janji kad sy chantekk =)

p/s: cik belle, yg hijau tu "bantal" saye..hihihi :D
well..im not sure if i shud recommend LH or not, so i just list down kebaikan n keburukan ek:
- murah ok. as i said before, i dpt harga mase expo..so dpt rm 1 utk 1000 keping, with HS + emboss, and kualiti kertas pon baek
- takde extra charge utk env. letak corak or tulisan pon buleh
- design yg ade banyak gile, so just pegi showroom sane n pilih mane yg berkenan.
- service mmg bole kata pantas jugak..2 minggu utk draft..10 days utk print
- PR diorang mmg teruk. so kne sabar sket la bile deal ngan diorang..and be extra careful when u place ur order..make sure everything is noted in ur invoice

20 commentaires:
lawa kad u! simple and just nice. hard cover ke yang? macam hard cover. but still, santek!! good luck! tick tock!
cantik!!!! nak! hehe
nahwal: hard cover utk rm1? jgn nak mimpi dapat..hahaha..kertas dia mmg keras sket dari biase..tp bukan HC
aifa: thanks, nanti kasi add ye =)
alhamdulillah siap jgk yer. hehee...mcm nawal ckp gak simple n nice! jgn lupe bg satu! :p
yeay!!! cantek la ur card! suke suke... ehem, dah siapkan 'bantal' nampak.. next, tutorial please. ehehehe! all the best awak! =))
missbutterfly: itu la..lega sgt bile kad dah setel =) insya-Allah, nanti jgn lupe kasi add ok
cik belle: thank u, sy pon suke..hihihi..bantal dah siap..tp tak tau lagi nak deco macam mane..lagipon kne tunggu kelulusan dr my mom if menepati piawaian ke idak..ngeeeee..tutorial nanti sy kasi, insya-Allah
hehee.. Xora punya bantal pon boleh dibuat inspirasi. hehee.. senang tak nak balut bantal tuh? thinking of kain baldu putih/ white satin.. impian aje la.. tatau bole capai ke tak. hahaha
frankly tak susah..even utk letak span pon..tp sy balut bhgn atas je la..kat bawah tu mmg togel la sket, nampak polystrene putih if terbalikkan..heheheh
bg sy, yg paling susah is nak bucu2 nye, soh nampak tajam n kemas mcm real bantal..mine mmg tak tajam la..so maybe nak tutup ngan flowers =D
takpe belah belakang tu togel aje.. bukannye orang nampak pon. huhu.. itu la yang saya dok fikirkan.. camne ngan bahagian bucu tu. ehehe. cover ngan flowers, perfect! comel lote satin flowers pon ok kot.. hihi
cik amy.. lawa2 kad .. huhuhuhuh bila nok start pos nih? eh kawe nak kad hok demo buat kat fb.. nok tag sesaing nok ajok mari maso wedding nanti...
belle..nanti urs dah siap, jgn lupe letak kat blog =)
tik: thanks..hehhe..loni baru nok collect add saing2..maybe akhir bule kot baru pos..tp utk demo, esok ore post =D..demo nok tag hok tu ko?or nok ore scan kad ni?ado namo demo n abe din skali dale "turut mengundang" =)
ramai gne LH..bestnye da siap card..mesti angan2 akan lebih tggi.hoho
kay: owh ye ke..LH mmg offer better price and design + color mmg sgt menarik..cume nak deal dgn diorang tu, agak memeningkan kepala jugak..huhuhu..mmg besttt sgt kad dah siapp..rase lega dah skett =)
huhuhuhu cik amy.. kalu demo scan hok nih bleh jgk.. ada scanner dok? pah demo email ko kawe hok letak kat fb.. memana senang.. :D thank you dear
wuwuwuwuwuwuwu, siapkan kad awal2 senang, ko leh amik masa nak tulis2, tak yah nak rush..
and lawa, ah sampul tu abaikan je, biar org bukak tgk kad tu dan terkejut. oh... haha, drama jap..
cantik amalina kad, kad eh, bukan amalina, haha main2 jelah, and salute la takde byk prob sgt deal ngan LH.. :)
tik: ok nanti ore scan kat umoh kak long..btw ore post kad tu ari jumaat ni kot..ari ni n esok ado training the whole day..dok dang nok ngulor
huda: itulahhhh senang hati kejap bile kad dah siap :D
hahah drama ko agak kelakar ok..tp mmg aku abaikan je pasal sampul tu mmg tiny-mini matter je..n lagipon maybe salah aku jugak..haha
yes..i was lucky sbb LH tak manyak songeh ngan aku..tp awal2 dulu bile bace forum2 psl LH..uuuu mau je aku cancel order tu..huhuhuhuhu
dpt singgit je.bestnyer.xsilap prnah survey if xde promo..1.20/1.30..cetak kat envelop pn free?untung..i tmpah kt kadkahwinku,if nk cetak kt enve,kene extra charge la..so i xwat pun.
aha..dpt harga promosi..mmg rase murah sgt..siap ade HS and emboss..and env pon buleh letak words and pictures without any charge (tak kire ade promotion ke idak) =)
kadkahwinku tu rasenye famous jugak..and design situ pon chantek2..pnah jugak survey =)
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