so if u guys still remember, my mom planned to give sarung kotak tisu as doorgift to our guests. and as my sis was going to Vietnam, she asked my sis to find it there.but no luck, my sis tak jumpe pon. but she found cotton pouch bag.

sgt murah n sgt sgt chantekk!n macam2 sume soft colors la.. im very much satisfied, thanks kak long =)
so skang, tgh nak carik bahan ape yg nak letak dlm pouch bag tu, here are the opitions:
-slice of homemade fruitcake
conclusion:foooddddsssssss :D
and i rase sayang sgt nak kasi this lovely nice pouch bag to im thinking of giving gula2 kpd it will be another DIY project: beli kain net, cut it in small square size, letak gula2, then ikat pkai riben (macam org slalu buat utk bunga rampai)..ok tak?
but where can i buy gula2 timbang ye?i mean in bulk.
or beli lollipop macam huda (sgt suke lollipop bentuk love tuuuu)
utk vip yang kat meja beradap, my mom ckp dia ade berkenan something kat SSF. Im not sure wat it is, will check it with my mom bile balik puasa nanti. =)

10 commentaires:
lawa nyer pouch bag tuh.. i love fooodsss! tihihi
nok sweets hok muroh beli kat macro.. hok kedai jenis borong2 g2 :D
reyna: thanks =)
cik belle: haaa..nak bag ni, kne la dtg ke wedding sy :D
tik: owh yo ko..nanti ore gi ngita
lollipops for kids pun ok nyah..lain sket dr yang lain...coz i believe kids love sweets :)
lollipops for kids pun ok nyah..lain sket dr yang lain...coz i believe kids love sweets :)
itu la..aku pon suke lollipop =)
kt vietnam brg die mmg murh2 gle...mmg sesuai lh nk bg souvenir... :)
mrs engineer: aaa tuh la..sgt murahhhhhhh...sronot sgt bile my sis bawak balik pouch bag tu :D
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