both of them are expensive, according to my survey, roughly it costs rm10 each
and saye nak pkai banyakkkkkkkk (min 20)
so i ingat nak DIY pomander ball
jumpe kat blog huda this link

chantek n sweet je i tgk
so berangan nak buat sendiri la
and few days back, i pegi la nilai 3 utk cari bahan
and guest wat..the smallest styrofoam ball costs rm3..
klu size yg macam dlm pic, dah rm8
tak campur tissue paper n ribbon lagi
and i did the math, hurm harga lebey kurang je ngan paper lantern
i think i just have to forget about DIYing the pomander balls ::nangess::
lagipon i still tak jumpe the place where i can get tissue paper ::nanges lagi::
or perhaps any of u guys know where i can get cheaper styrofoam ball and stuff
or cheap paper lantern
my colour theme shud be limegreen, soft yellow and white.

6 commentaires:
i love the color babe... sweet je kan... green, ada peach sikit... so so in... tapi rasanya tak ramai orang buat for this year... maybe macam susah kot nak dapat material kan? Tapi kalau dapat buat memang cantikkk... sangat sangat
bola kecik tu ada jual dekat Semua House kedai SinYin. my friend baru jer beli. but sorry my fren pown dah lupe harga dia. tapi memang cheaper la. yang palik kecik just RM1.++ kot. jimat sikit tak perlu jauh2 sampai ke Nilai kan :)
wah, rajin! my wedding aritue bukan main susah lagi nak cari foam bulat tue.. kecewa xley nak DIY pomander sendiri.. hehe
yanie: totally agree with ya..suke sgt combination color tu =)
mysarah: owh dear, thanks for sharing the so going there this weekend
aifa: i've too..klu tak, mmg tak dpt fit dlm budget i yg secipot ini
aah, amalina, ape nickname ko? panjang sangat la amalina, hehe..
sama mcm mysarah, sinyin semua house ada, g beli g.. aku bl kat situ gak aritu.. tak la mahal mcm kat nilai tu rasanya, n ko kl kan, lagi dekat.. :)
family aku panggil aku amy :D
ok, weekend ni jugak aku pegi cari kat sane..thanks huda =)
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