ok last week, consultant unit trust sy dtg jumpe n tanye if i interested dgn voucher bermalam di PGH hotel, and of course i said yes. it's a six star hotel..bile lg nak merasekan..hahha
so one day later, someone fr PGH called me in order to set up an appointment. with a couple of my colleagues, we decided to come on last thursday, at 8pm.
and there, we listened for about 1 hour about the club, the offer, the destination yada yada yada..and another one hour visiting the hotel. The agent showed to us the deluxe room, the master suite room, and ade satu lagi room yg mmg best n spacious gile (sbb ade jacuzzi..hahahaha). Ok yg deluxe room is RM750 per nite if im not mistaken..yg master tu rasenye rm2k kot..and yg room best gilee tu rm 3k and above..(bile masuk situ ade la sikit berangan nak stay situ even for one nite..hahhha)
then, another one hour signing the membership.......
owhh no no no, it wasnt me..mon prince charmant dah awal2 pesan..pegi dgr je..jgn nak menggatal jadi member (dia sggggttt tahu yg saya mudah terpengaruh dgn mane2 offer..lebey2 lagi klu bercuti kan..hahhaha)
it was my colleague..well according to the agent, u can make profits as well by becoming a member..for the details, u got to listen by yourself :)
so that nite, i came home with :
- 1 voucher of 2D/1N stay at Palace of the Golden Horses Hotel (Deluxe room for 2 people)
- 1 voucher :50% discount at Kin No Uma Japanese Restaurant(PGH= valid for dinner buffet, saturday only)
- 1 Vocuher: buy 1 free 1 buffet at Abdul & Charlie's coffee house (mines wellness Hotel - valid for dinner only, friday & saturday only)
- complimentary health check up at golden horses health sanctuary (full lipid profile, diabetes screening, analyse body weight
voucher ni jugak hanya boleh di pakai dari ari ahad till khamis, not applicable during peak period (skool holidays, eve of public holidays/public holidays)
btw, breakfast is not included (tak silap sy la)
voucher makan2 tu valid till 31.12.2010..tak valid mase cuti skolah or ramadhan.
voucher medical check up tu pon valid for 2 months jugak.
i rase maybe some of u dah pnah di invite utk mendengar pasal vacation club kat mane2 hotel kan..i pnah dgr yg swiss garden punye..and dpt voucher bermalam di swiss garden kat kuantan for 3D/2N..tp tak pakai pon..hahaha sbb jauh
tp this one, mmg dekat gile..klu nak buat bach party kat situ with ur friends pon sure cool gile..hahahha
ok..sesape berminat..sile email sy no telepon anda, so that i can give it to the agent. She will call u to set up the appointment. it's a free voucher, takde ape2 condition pon..just pegi n dengar, and then say NO (if u r not interested) then amik voucher, balik umah.
disclaimer 1: presentation tu sepatutnye sejam je..tp kitorang punye enjoyed it..siap gelak2..agent tu sgt rock ok..tu psl sampai 3 jam dok situ borak2 =)
disclaimer 2: sy takde dpt elaun ke ape dgn meletakkan post ini di blog sy

4 commentaires:
bape byr utk jd member die tu?he3
roughly rm375 monthly..hihihihi..tp dia ade care la camne nak bayar tanpa perlu kuarkan duit..(that's why i said ade profits jugak) =)
if interested, awak bleh pegi dgr
frankly, sy teruja nak jadi member..but kne menurut perintah en tunang..ngeeeeee :D
kalau jnis org byk masa bercuti, jadi mmber mmg berbaloi. like my parents are Berjaya Group nye members and setaun dpt 7 day free stay ANY Berjaya hotel.
tapi again kne la ade masa cuti and rm375/mnth if bole fork out then its fine la. tq for the info tho~!
sgtttt setuju..sesape yg ade cuti banyak2 n mmg slalu bercuti bersama keluarga, mmg worth it la jd member
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