there are two showrooms, our first visit to lh creative was at their showroom, jalan brunei.
but org yg design card kitorang is at showroom kat jalan pudu.
when we were there, the designer wasnt there yet. so salesgurl tu soh i checked draft dulu. this was our second draft..yg first draft tu kitorang dah betulkan and anta thru email.
ok there was price issue:
mula2 kitorang nak order 700, then macam tak cukup, so nak order 1000. lagipon mengikut kiraan, the different was rm160 alang2 tempah je 1000. as for the price, we got "the exhibition kat midvalley" price..and luckily, mase exhibition tu, i mmg gile amik manyak sample yg berkenan, and asked the salegurl to put the exhibition price at each card. So it's clearly stated utk each card, price utk 700 keping and 1000 keping. why i asked that, sbb i takut salegurls ni lupe harga yg dia pnah ckp kat i, then nanti nak tempah jadi isu plak pasal harga, which did really occured.
bile i ckp nak order 1000 instead of 700, and ask for the price, dia ckp harga rm1.20 and without emboss!! i said it cudnt be, as harga utk 700 pon with hotstamping and emboss pon dah rm1.20. that salesgurl macam terkejut. dia ckp i can get rm1.20 utk 700 tp without emboss, otherwise it's rm1.50.
hellloooooo..i already paid the deposit, and on my invoice, it is clearly stated HS+emboss gold. lagi mau gaduh. tp yg lagi kelakar..dia btol2 tak percaye i got rm1.20 utk 700 keping..walaupun dah terang2 kat invoice i tu ade word emboss. geram jugak nak tanye if dia reti membace ke idak...
finally i said, sample card yg i picked kat exhib ari tu ade HS and emboss as well, and kat belakang mmg ade tulis harga utk 700 keping and 1000 keping. and the sample card is with the designer, because i mmg nak exactly macam sample card tu.
so dgn lajunye salegurl tu pegi carik designer utk tgk sample card tu n seb baek designer tu dah sampai opis. and yes, it's stated
700 : rm1.20
1000 : rm1.00
so terpakselah akak salesgurl tu mengalah..yeayyy!!.. harga kat sample card tu really saved my life..dan jugak sample card as well, sbb mmg ade HS and emboss..ade kad lain, tp design exactly same, cume ade HS sahaja..huhuhu
sgt sgt sgt lucky..fuhhhhhh (klu tak, sure perang la kot..menangis nanti klu kne bayar lagi mahall)
bile harga dah setel, we all checked draft dgn designer. we reread our card thoroughly again and again. tried to find errors yg bole mencacatkan kad kitorang..seb baek designer tu sgt baik n soft spoken. her name is Sara (fully recommended).almost sejam jugak la kitorang verified our card, betulkan itu ini, sempat tuka kaler kad lagi..hihihihihi. then Sara siapkan 2 bunting for both of us. tenang je rase bile berurusan dgn sara ni..takde lorat, takde nak panik, nak risau ke ape..kitorang check draft tu sampai nak muntah..hahahhha
finally, we gave our approval..dan sekarang berserah sahaja.we did out best to have our nice wedding card.
still cross our fingers tho...
1000 : rm1.00
so terpakselah akak salesgurl tu mengalah..yeayyy!!.. harga kat sample card tu really saved my life..dan jugak sample card as well, sbb mmg ade HS and emboss..ade kad lain, tp design exactly same, cume ade HS sahaja..huhuhu
sgt sgt sgt lucky..fuhhhhhh (klu tak, sure perang la kot..menangis nanti klu kne bayar lagi mahall)
bile harga dah setel, we all checked draft dgn designer. we reread our card thoroughly again and again. tried to find errors yg bole mencacatkan kad kitorang..seb baek designer tu sgt baik n soft spoken. her name is Sara (fully recommended).almost sejam jugak la kitorang verified our card, betulkan itu ini, sempat tuka kaler kad lagi..hihihihihi. then Sara siapkan 2 bunting for both of us. tenang je rase bile berurusan dgn sara ni..takde lorat, takde nak panik, nak risau ke ape..kitorang check draft tu sampai nak muntah..hahahhha
finally, we gave our approval..dan sekarang berserah sahaja.we did out best to have our nice wedding card.
still cross our fingers tho...

5 commentaires:
good for u dear!!! kejap harga tu kejap harga ni, macamla kita ni tipu. tak suke tau!!
thanks dear!
itulah..geram btul mase dok bertekak tu..i siap bercekak pinggang serious sgt lucky ade sample card tuh..fuhhhh
good thinking ! :)
wiken ni nk pegi exhibition. perlu guna skill ini! tulis kt blkg! kalo nk dpt harga pameran..kena booking masa tu eh?
haa..mintak makcik2 tu letak harga yg diorang tawarkan that day kat belakang kad, or kat invoice.
slalunye kne baya deposit, ari tu i bayar rm50.
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