it is one of my DIY project..but..sadly i dont have gift to be creative.
I created several templates..but NONE can satisfy me =(
here are the templates:
tade pon yg i berkenan..sendiri design..sendiri tak suke..aiyooooooo
already bought the papers tho..

4 commentaires:
u ni sama macam i la. susah nak berkenan dengan apa yang kita buat sendiri.
takpe2.. cuba lagi k. u can do it. chaiyok2!! =))
kenapa u tak suke ni? i suke je.. hihi
dah ok da ni.. maybe date tu boleh tuka letak belah bawah.. (atas terima kasih)
i suke yang no. 2 (belah kanan atas)
cuba tgk kt sini..kot2 ader yg semua yg i jumpa simple2 jer..
mysarah: kann...kadang2 bile buat sendiri ni, ade je datang angin tidak yakin tgh kebolehan sendiri..then pening sensorang..hihihi
cik belle: thanks for the opinion, i rase pon yg tu yg paling ok print out, rs tak ok plak..huhu
jaja: thanks for the link...nanti i usha =)
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