i have one this serious prob
gigi sy, i must admit, sedikit kekuningan..
sbb sy dulu2 mase belajar kat perancis..sy sgt sgt sgt gemar minum kopi..
it was a must la amik kopi espcially mase time-break kan..
mane taknye..the lecture was given in french..
and i was supposed to understand every single theory and to catch every single word
ngantuk ok ..ngeeeeee
and i was a die-hard fan of black coffee...no sugar, no milk
paling koman pon letak creamer sket
nak kasi kaww kaww punyee
anyway..i dah stop dah minum kopi
coz org kate tak bagus utk diet..dia kurang metabolisma badan
not sure if its true sbb i ade jugak bace article yg ckp ia bagus utk diet
pestu satu lagi..if i minum nescafe 3 in 1 tu
rase cam high pulak..hahahahha
i tot i dah immune dgn caffeine, tp rupenye idak
ok berbalik kpd issue td..camne nak putihkan gigi?
i ade pegi jumpe dentist few months back
and dia proposed satu product (yg sy dah lupe namenye)
tp harganya mak aiii rm300..terus rase cam nak pengsan
so i googled..and found this info
Do you want to whiten your teeth naturally? Fed up of spending money on teeth whitening products? Here are some solutions for these questions, through which you can whiten your teeth by making use of ingredients found around the house.
1) Baking soda seems to be an effective ingredient that brings out the best results when used to turn the color of the teeth to white. Even doctors accept the fact. Many toothpaste companies include baking soda as a major ingredient in their products. To get the best results, one can brush the teeth by using baking soda alone.
2) Hydrogen peroxide plays an important role in making the teeth color white. The solution when comes in contact with the gums, can bring you the burning sensation, hence rinsing the mouth thoroughly with water is essential. Remains of the hydrogen peroxide on teeth can be removed by a cotton swab. Make sure that both the sides of the tooth are wiped completely. Repeating this a week can bring best results.
3) Strawberries contain a very effective teeth whitening agents. Either you can eat strawberries or the strawberry paste can be applied on the teeth surface to turn the color of the teeth.
4) Good commercial toothpastes will get u the best results. Check for the American Dental Association (ADA) seal of approval since these approved toothpastes have been clinically proven to whiten teeth.
5) It is very much important to brush and floss the teeth after every meal to maintain the original white color of the teeth and healthy too.
6) Drinking coffee and eating dark foods cause teeth stains. Nicotine present in coffee causes stained teeth. Hence drinking coffee,
7) Smoking is the major cause of changing the color of the teeth. Hence Smoking should be avoided since it is injurious to overall body health as well.
8 ) One can opt for regular dentist visit even after following all these measures so that they can get some tips about how to maintain the white color of the teeth and also the teeth hygiene.
rase cam nak try je baking soda tuu...hope it works!
takde side effect to our health
dan takde cecah ratusan ringgit
pls share with me
i kinda need it
many thanks

19 commentaires:
me also ada masalah sama. kena kasi gigi ini putih before majlis. nanti malu photographer zoom dekat gigi yang tak cantik :D
ha, i ada cuba whitening teeth dulu, tapi tak menjadi pun. maybe i pun boleh try petua u ni..
thanks a lot lah!!
p/s:linked u!
mysarah: samelah ngan sy..segan nak tayang gigi tak chantekk..huhuhu
lala: itu la kan..i ade la jugak dulu2 beli n try..tp it didnt work..i linked to u as well =)
beb aku sanggup kot RM300. aku pon die hard fan. cam orang tua2 kan but sedap wei kopi. nothing beats coffeee. sooo not a milo fan walaupun bawah entree kau ni ada iklan muilo. HAHA
apa nama bendalah tu? aku nak beli la.
dulu i used whitening gel from colgate. yang macam style botol liquid paper but with a brush tu. cost less than RM50 but now tak pernah nampak plak. whitening toothpaste also works. try brand pearl drop. expensive than your normal toothpaste but you can see the result in 2 weeks, 1-3 shades lighter but i also think this depends on your teeth.
my dentist suggest UV whitening. tapi yang ni mahal gile. 1k-ish per treatment but last for 1-2 years.
dulu my aunt ajar petua gosok gigi with arang (tumbuk) mix with garam. i guess it works the same as baking soda.
i've tried a whitening product once.. g kat denstist, die buatkan acuan utk gigi kita, and kita pakai mende tu time tido..
pros nya: mmg berkesan, pakai 2 hari dh nampak prubahan..
cons nya:
1.mahal, which is rm400!
2.ngiluuuuuu giler ok. smpai xde mood nak makan spjg hari sbb gigi ngilu gilerrrr...time tdo especially sejuk2 serious rs nak lempang kipas and aircond. tp lps shari dua, ok la,, gigi putih, ngilu tiada..
doc advice pakai 2 weeks, tp i pakai 3-4 hr mcm tue je.. ade lg product tu, bazir je sbb x pakai..
nahwal, aku siap call klinik gigi yg aku slalu pegi tu..well name product tu NightWhite..harga dia dah naik: RM450..result within 2 weeks
kaedahnya: ko kne gi klinik gigi so that nanti dia bleh buat mould utk gigi ko, then malam2 ko kne letak gel NightWhite tu kat mould, and peram sampai pagi dlm mulut.
harus berpantang: takleh makan asam, choc, kopi, air gas (sampai sini je list tu sbb aku cut akak tu ckp dgn ayat "panjang nye list" hhehehhe)
naik 450 tu . tu termasok dental service tak? gigi caje dah berapa. AHA. cabut gigi masok gigi baru pon tak mahal gitu. HAHA. tah apa2 aku ni .
ok thanks beb!! need those pearl whitened.
moose: havent heard about pearl drop toothpaste, but i''l try to find it..kat guardians or watson ade la kan?
i pnah dgr petua arang tu..tp blom ade hati nak try yg tu. skali hitam pekat plak gigi ;)
aifa: aaa i rase ni same je kot product yg i jumpe kat klinik tu..nahwal pls take note if u r still interested :D
gigi i sensitive sket..tak leh tahan klu sejuk banget..makan aiskrim pon beringat..huhuhuhu
nahwal: tak tau plak if termasuk dental service ke idak..rasenye tak la kot
amalina, kalau gigi you sensitive, you might wanna be extra careful when using any whitening products. apa yang aifa experienced tu sebab gigi sensitive to the hydrogen peroxide(?) and chemicals inside the whitening agent.
dulu masa kecik2 i tried the arang mix with salt tu. tak hitam, rasa kesat and masin2 je.. hihi
same problem here.
kopi wajib hari2.
i've tried yg pearlwhite punya bleaching thingy tu, dia ada cam berus kecik, then sapu kat gigi. But i've been so ridiculously busy lately, asyik terlupa je nak pakai.
Rasa kalu desperate, nanti nak allocate sehari buat britesmile kejap. Kalau sapa2 tau tmpt paling murah, do share ;)
i guna ubat gigi pearl drop. then after that berus pulak dgn polish pearl drop. used pearl drop like years already. totally recommended. buat gigi rasa bersih and segar. after guna ni, mmg tak cuba produk lain dah. totally worth it.
moose:ok noted..thanks moose
sumpit: does it work? britesmile?tak tau la pulak
durruz: thanks durruw for the testimoni..moose pon suggest pearl drop jugak..definitely i akan pegi carik =)
moose, seriously guna arang boley putehkan gigi??? sanggup lagi i guna arang rather than product dr klinik tue... =S
ha..cpt komen byk2 lg..aku nk kumpul info.hahahaha
aku dah try pkai baking soda..haram tak sedapp..i mean lepas gosok tu, lidah aku rase cam keras kejung..huhuhu
and bangun pagi tadi pon, bile minum air, still rase pahit2..aduihh..tp harus berusaha gigih
btw, ade soalan sket: baking soda and baking powder and sodium bikarbonat ni same ke?or lain2?
erm, bagus juga kan byk info dpt.
but then, coffee sgt2 menarik utk minum tiap2 pagi!
effectnye yg kdg2 buat tak tahu ja..huhu
tapi nak taknak, kenalah cuba kan..
yg pakai arang tu, macam kelakar ja. berkesan ke?bape lama nmpk hasil?
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