well..sekali pandang je..i dah tak berkenan :(
not because of the design, but colour beads yg dia pkai :(
i bought kain satin brownish and lace creamish for my akad nikah attire
ade ke dia letak beads kaler gold yg sgt terang? sgt kontra tauu :(
dari jauh mmg nampak la lip lap2 disebabkan oleh beads tu
but i dunt like that colour combination :(
tp malas pulak nak soh dia bukak n jahit semula beads tu
takut rosak plak baju tuh:(
hurmm..wat to do..benda dah berlaku :(
rasenye nak anta je baju tu kat my mom
maybe dia dpt idea camne nak nampak lagi menarik..hopefully

8 commentaires:
is it that bad dear? This is a suggestion from me. If you hate it so much maybe theres still time for you to find another one? better than regret it right?
hope it turns out allright!
thanks dear, kepala u same je ngan my fiance hihi..
dia blom tgk baju tu lagi, eventho i offer kasi tgk, tp dia ckp tak surprise la nanti akad nikah
tp dia bleh nampak betape monyok nye sy bile complaint psl baju kat dia, so he said beli kain lain n tempah baru..
but i just cant..tak sanggup nak kasi terbang lagi beratus ringgit
rite now nak mintak pn vispera buat tudung n veil yg chantek yg vogue gedebas so that bleh kurangkan kecacatan kat baju i..hopefully it will work
mayb in pics it will look good?
yeah maybe u shud photograph yourself wearing the kurung? and then see how it looks like?
if not, maybe you can just buy a new one? ask fiance to sponsor. HAHA. but its up to u . good luck!!
kay: i pon tgh pujuk diri sendirik ckp macam tu..hahhhaa
nahwal: okie..i'll try amik gambar..and obviously, if i setuju beli baru, he will pay la kan?tu yg i paham dr ayat dia "beli kain lain n tempah baru je"..hihihi
HAHA i second that motion!!
ape lagi.. pergi beli kain cepat. hehe.. maybe can opt kain with beading ke.. banyak lagi masa dear.. sempat nak tempah baru. ehee
hahha cik belle..awak mmg buat saye rase nak beli kain baru..hihihihihi
thanks guys, u did cheer me up a bit =)
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