Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Ya Allah, keluarkanlah dia dari perutku dengan mudah dan selamat. Ya Allah, jadikankah dia sihat dan sempurna, berakal dan pandai, alim dan beramal. Ya Allah, panjangkanlah umurnya, sihatkanlah badannya dan baikkanlah akhlaknya, fasihkanlah lisannya, baguskanlah suaranya untuk membaca Al-Quran dan hadis, dengan berkat Nabi Muhammad SAW dan segala puji bagi Allah Tuhan semesta alam

jeudi 29 juillet 2010

Pomander Ball: Part III

I dedicate this entry to my beloved sistas: Kak Tik yg nun jauh di oxford (tak sabar tunggu korang balik), and Kaklong, yg melapangkan diri utk buatkan pomander ball tuk sy =)

Last weekend, I went to jln Tar, again! Just utk mencari lagi bahan for my pomander balls.
N this time, i went with my kaklong. Balik je rumah, kami terus start buat pomander ball ni.
Yg paling gigih was my kaklong, sbb sy dah ponat gile (tour Sogo skali..hahhha) dan jugak, sy rase yg kak long buat was lagi cantik.

Dan hasilnya adalah...Tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (big claps to my kaklong!)

purpose of having pomander ball?no idea..hahha takde lah.. sy just tak lg tau nak decor macam mane..maybe letak kat atas meja beradab..sbb tu ade yg kaler kuning..because my mom nak meja beradab n khemah kaler kuning..awal2 tu i beg jugak my mom, nak sume kaler hijau..but to no avail..huhuhuhu..and i pikir2..ok la jugak..sure baju hijau songket sy sgt menyerlah la kan, as meja kaler kuning..hahhaha..so sy pon terpk utk buat dua set pomander ball: satu kuning putih, n satu hijau putih, utk di letak atas meja beradap =)

btw..ni details of shopping sy ari tu:

  • bunga kertas - RM15.90 per paket, ade 144 kuntum
  • ribbon - lebar 1cm kot, rm1.5 segulung
  • rambu2 berjuntai (dunt know its name) - RM2.90 sepaket, ade 4
  • styrofoam ball - RM2 per paket, ade 2 biji

bahan semuanya di beli di bunga riben, except styrofoam ball, i beli kat sinyin sbb murah 50 sen dari bunga riben. cara nak buat?sile rujuk pomander ball part II =D

pic di bawah ni utk sikecil berkata, sbb ari tu dia soh i pegi intai if ade bunga purple plum tak, well dear, i tak reti sgt nak describe kaler ni..so anything yg macam kaler purple sume i amik gambar pkai my hp yg cokia neh..sorry if tak clear..

yg ni kot purple plum..huhuhuhu

p/s: sy kne pegi lagi ke jalan tar, sbb bahan tak cukup. i bought 30 styrofoam balls (tamak tak..hahha) and apparently, dengan dua paket bunga, kami mampu buat 6-7 pomander je..i have to buy another 6 paket!

mercredi 28 juillet 2010

bercinta hingga ke syurga

I found this article in utusan melayu online, bahagian "keluarga". It's about how to confront perselisihan faham di dlm rumahtangga. Saya yakin (bukan mendoakan) perselisihan faham between a husband and his wife ni akan kita semua lalui, tak kira betapa sayang dan cinta nya kita kepada pasangan masing2, konflik ini akan ada, cuma besar ke kecil tu, terpulang kepada kita untuk menguruskannya.

Sbg cth, kite yg tgh berkapel, or dah bertunang pon still ade mase kite berperang besar kan?Gaduh tanak bercakap, merajuk tanak telefon/sms/berjumpe, ego sampai tanak mintak maaf, sampai ke tahap nak putuskan hubungan, then sakit hati sensorang dlm bilik bila si dia buat tidak endah? Hahahaha that was so me!(ok i dah slowly berubahh, that's why i used "was" :P )

So just imagine bile kite masuk ke alam perkahwinan nanti, bile kite bangun pagi, muka org yg same yg kite tgk, balik dari kerja, muka yg tu jugak yg ada..nak masuk tido pon, muka itu masih tidak berubah menjadi brad pitt or angelina jolie. Dan ianya akan sentiasa berlaku sepanjang hayat kita, insya-Allah .
bercinta hingga ke syurga tau, tu yang ustaz mase kursus kahwin tu ajar..takkan la kite nak bercinta bagai nak rak di dunia, tp disyurga kelak kite terpisah (nauzubillah)

Maka perselisihan faham ni mmg akan berlaku, even utk perkara yg remeh temeh like cik abang tersilap beli yogurt drink perasa lemon instead of strawberry or si dia tertido depan tv bile same2 tgk movie yg u sgt suka, sedangkan dia bleh berjaga sampai ke pagi semata2 utk tgk bola..hehhee...contoh aje tau..jgn ikut pulak.

My point is, all these perkara remeh temeh, once they are accumulated, akan jadi big issue if kite tak pandai nak handle. Bile dah geram sgt, sure terkeluar segala tok nenek yg kite dok pendam kan. My advice wud be, yg remeh tu, pejamkan mata aje. Tak worth it pon nak berselisih faham pasal2 macam tu. Focus our energy on something else.

But, bile kite dah tak dapat nak mengawal diri, artikel dibawah menyediakan tatasusila kita bile kite "berperang" dgn org tersayang, agar ianya tidak berpanjangan dan membawa impak kepada rumahtangga kita.

Usah panjangkan selisih faham

Perkahwinan merupakan sesuatu perkara yang dituntut oleh al-Quran dan sunnah Rasulullah. Perhubungan suami isteri merupakan satu rahmat dan tanda kebesaran Allah kepada umatnya

Bagaimanapun dalam melayari kehidupan berumah tangga sudah tentu tidak dapat dielakkan perselisihan faham antara suami isteri sama ada berpunca daripada suami ataupun dari pihak isteri.

Pasangan seharusnya menyedari bahawa perkahwinan merupakan satu perkongsian hidup dua insan berlainan jantina dan mempunyai latar belakang yang berbeza.

Akibat perbezaan itu, ia mempengaruhi cara berfikir, sikap, nilai dan cita rasa individu dan seterusnya menimbulkan perselisihan faham dan pertelingkahan.

Menurut Kaunselor Kolej Kemahiran Tinggi Mara Sri Gading, Batu Pahat, Nor Shadira Jamaluddin perselisihan faham boleh dielakkan sekiranya kedua-dua belah pihak saling menghormati.

"Dalam kehidupan normal, mana mungkin tidak berlaku pertelingkahan bak kata P. Ramlee sedangkan lidah boleh tergigit inikan pula suami isteri,'' ujarnya tegas.

Katanya lagi, dunia rumah tangga boleh diibaratkan seperti air lautan ada pasang surutnya. Ada masa air laut bergelora dan ombak akan mengganas menghempas pantai.

"Begitulah juga dalam kehidupan berumah tangga ada masa kita gembira serta bahagia dan kadangkala pula dirasakan rumah tangga begitu membosankan sehingga berlaku pergaduhan,'' ujarnya lagi.

Walau bagaimana rapatnya hubungan suami isteri, pasti akan berlaku pertelingkahan kecil atau terbitnya rasa tidak puas hati kerana perkara seperti ini mudah berlaku ibarat lidah dan gigi pasti akan tergigit juga.

Namun, yang membimbangkan ialah sekiranya perkara seperti ini tidak dibendung akan mengakibatkan hubungan suami isteri retak dan seterusnya hancur.

Seharusnya dalam pergaduhan antara pasangan, jangan ungkit perkara-perkara yang telah berlaku.

"Hal sedemikian hanya akan menimbulkan lagi kemarahan antara pasangan, sebaliknya salah seorang perlu bertindak mendiamkan bagi mengelak keadaan terus panas,'' katanya lagi.

Katanya, dalam pergaduhan, kadang kala ia boleh mematangkan perhubungan suami isteri.

Namun harus diingatkan supaya elakkan perselisihan di hadapan orang lain termasuk anak-anak kerana ia akan membuatkan mereka mengikuti perangai yang tidak baik itu.

Dalam perkahwinan kita terpaksa berkongsi segalanya dan melalui perbalahan, kita akan tahu kelemahan dan kelebihan suami atau isteri namun harus diingatkan supaya tidak menggunakan bahasa yang kesat.

"Walaupun pedih disakiti pasangan namun jangan sesekali mengeluarkan kata-kata yang kotor, lucah, mencarut kepada pasangan sebaliknya berfikirlah secara bijaksana," katanya.

Perkara negatifnya apabila perbalahan tidak dikawal dan masing-masing mahu menunjukkan ego sendiri, pertengkaran yang berkisar perkara kecil atau remeh-temeh boleh berlarutan kepada 'perang dingin' atau krisis lebih besar.

mardi 27 juillet 2010

Authentic handbag Coach utk hantaran!

I just wanna help my SIL, hence this entry. Sy tak dpt commission ke ape by putting this in my blog =)

Handbags Coach yg my SIL ordered baru je sampai semalam, and seriously, they are so gorgeous at affordable price!!!of course, i dah rembat satu :p

Btw, all of them are authentic, directly bought from the boutique by my lil bro who is currently having his training in the US.
I know Coach is very demm expensive here in M'sia, and here is a chance for you to fulfill your desire of having this bag at affordable price!.

For b2bs, you guys bleh letak this handbag as one of your hantaran..classs gituuu, and for those who are currently in KL/Sgor, I will hand it to you personally =)

Coach Legacy Wrislet

7 1/2"L x 4"H X 1 1/2"W


Coach Legacy Wrislet

7 1/2"L x 4"H X 1 1/2"W




Coach Soho Pleated Signature Tote #13742


Coach Signature Voyager DIAPER BAG/ Laptop Tote KHAKI #13813




Color : Black
Measures : 13 3/4" (L) x 11" (H) x 4 1/4" (W)


Coach Gallery Horse Carriage East West Tote #15144


for those who are interested and require further details, kindly email me: lumiere.damour@gmail.com

lundi 26 juillet 2010

Baju Songket Hijau Pucuk Pisang utk disewa

saya dah collect baju songket saya!yeay!
tak tau dah nak describe macam mane dahh
rase sgt sgt sgt happy as well sgt sgt sgt lega
sbb baju saye sume dah siap
well almost, sbb baju akad nikah still dgn zaza
baju utk bertandang plak saya sewa je
so boleh dikatakan dah 90% done utk baju..

i was surprised as well on the kualiti jahitan baju tu
takde comot ke ape
nampak kemas, potongan baju kebayanye pon ok
my fiance hasnt try it yet because he was in penang the whole weekend
but i think, we will be gorgeous mase hari persandingan nanti ::wink::wink::

btw, i decide utk sewakan baju ini buat sape2 yg berminat
utk majlis perkahwinan or utk photo shoot ke
dr korang sewa kat butik and habis ratusan ringgit for just a couple of hours pakai
baik korang sewa ngan saya..hihihihi
rental price is seriously sgt murah =)
sesape berminat, kindly email me at lumiere.damour@gmail.com for further details.

so here are the baju kebaya and baju melayu songket.

Pour Lui: size M (Europe: 38-42), baju melayu songket bunga penuh pakistan berkot berserta inner, sampin, tanjak dan bengkung. Full lining.

Pour Elle: size M (Europe: 38-42), baju kebaya labuh songket bunga penuh pakistan. Full lining.

Vitamin sangat berkesan dalam mencantikkan kulit dan menaikkan seri wajah. Berminat nak tau bagaimana?

 Saya wakil pengedar sah Shaklee anda. ID 910361. Dapatkan konsultasi percuma dengan menghubungi saya:
§  Call/SMS/WhatsApp 019-6656041
§  email: info.vitamin4you@gmail.com
§  lawati: www.multivitamin4you.com

Like fanpage saya : www.facebook.com/multivitamin4you

vendredi 23 juillet 2010

Pomander Ball: Part II

ingat lagi psl my entry yg berangan nak buat pomander ball?
and u guys suggest pegi cari barang kat Sinyin sbb murah
thanks a lot babe..sbb barang kat situ mmg murah gile ok =)

btw..last weekend, I dah pegi sane n beli barang yg diperlukan
utk buat 1 pomander ball..kire baru nak test la kan
and balik tu terus buat..not bad jugak
tak susah pon..just kne rajin melipat..huhuhuhu

tp this week, i jumpe satu lagi blog yg tunjuk camne nak buat pomander ball
which is this one (brideinmaking)

pomander ball dia pon cantikk
and bahan2 yg dia pakai tu semua i dah jumpe la
because bunga tu actually i ade beli utk decorate dulang hantaran utk my fiance's side
cume in white je la..
yang dia pakai tu kaler merah
ehemm ehemm..rase cam nak buat yg ni pulak
nampak lagi senanggg ..hahahha :D
and my sis dah setuju nak meneman sy pegi jln tar this weekend
dan nak menolong buatkan pomander ball..yeay!

jeudi 22 juillet 2010

karnival mega sale 2010!

smlm mase balik dari tgk wayang kat alamanda,
sy terpandang banner karnival mega sale yg bergantungan
berpusing2 kepala nak tgk tarikhnye bile..hihihi
seb baek bukan sy yg drive :p

so according to shopmalaysia, karnival mega sale bermula SABTU ni!

24.07.10 sampai 16.09.2010
woo lame la jugak
sorry if sy kelihatan jakun
ni first time i pay a serious attention on mega sale carnival ok
slalunye mmg sale ke idak..if takde bende nak dibeli..mmg tak amik pusing sgt

therefore, i dah kne start hunting for barang hantaran, mostly for him, as mine is already taken care by my sis and his mom.
(owh cepatlahh duitt masukkkkk)
i tak sure if mmg sume barang murah or tidak during the mega sale..
kot2 la kan ade yg naikkan harga n ckp sale..ngeeeee

some questions that i have in mind:
shud i shop now, i mean, this weekend?..maybe barang sgt murah and variety la kan?
or i shud wait tgh2 bulan 8 ke?kot2 mase tu mmg btol2 sale punye?
i wont wait till hujung bulan 8 la, otherwise i panik gile nanti..hahahha

p/s: smlm my sis msg ckp dia dah belikan wallet n belt..murah gile ok..apparently kat bicester mmg tgh sale gile2 punye =) thanks tik, they are handsome =)

mercredi 21 juillet 2010

whiten your teeth

i have one this serious prob
gigi sy, i must admit, sedikit kekuningan..
sbb sy dulu2 mase belajar kat perancis..sy sgt sgt sgt gemar minum kopi..
it was a must la amik kopi espcially mase time-break kan..
mane taknye..the lecture was given in french..
and i was supposed to understand every single theory and to catch every single word
ngantuk ok ..ngeeeeee

and i was a die-hard fan of black coffee...no sugar, no milk
paling koman pon letak creamer sket
nak kasi kaww kaww punyee

anyway..i dah stop dah minum kopi
coz org kate tak bagus utk diet..dia kurang metabolisma badan
not sure if its true sbb i ade jugak bace article yg ckp ia bagus utk diet
pestu satu lagi..if i minum nescafe 3 in 1 tu
rase cam high pulak..hahahahha
i tot i dah immune dgn caffeine, tp rupenye idak

ok berbalik kpd issue td..camne nak putihkan gigi?
i ade pegi jumpe dentist few months back
and dia proposed satu product (yg sy dah lupe namenye)
tp harganya mak aiii rm300..terus rase cam nak pengsan

so i googled..and found this info

Do you want to whiten your teeth naturally? Fed up of spending money on teeth whitening products? Here are some solutions for these questions, through which you can whiten your teeth by making use of ingredients found around the house.

1) Baking soda seems to be an effective ingredient that brings out the best results when used to turn the color of the teeth to white. Even doctors accept the fact. Many toothpaste companies include baking soda as a major ingredient in their products. To get the best results, one can brush the teeth by using baking soda alone.

2) Hydrogen peroxide plays an important role in making the teeth color white. The solution when comes in contact with the gums, can bring you the burning sensation, hence rinsing the mouth thoroughly with water is essential. Remains of the hydrogen peroxide on teeth can be removed by a cotton swab. Make sure that both the sides of the tooth are wiped completely. Repeating this a week can bring best results.

3) Strawberries contain a very effective teeth whitening agents. Either you can eat strawberries or the strawberry paste can be applied on the teeth surface to turn the color of the teeth.

4) Good commercial toothpastes will get u the best results. Check for the American Dental Association (ADA) seal of approval since these approved toothpastes have been clinically proven to whiten teeth.

5) It is very much important to brush and floss the teeth after every meal to maintain the original white color of the teeth and healthy too.

6) Drinking coffee and eating dark foods cause teeth stains. Nicotine present in coffee causes stained teeth. Hence drinking coffee,

7) Smoking is the major cause of changing the color of the teeth. Hence Smoking should be avoided since it is injurious to overall body health as well.

8 ) One can opt for regular dentist visit even after following all these measures so that they can get some tips about how to maintain the white color of the teeth and also the teeth hygiene.

rase cam nak try je baking soda tuu...hope it works!

btw i nak tanye.. ade tak sesape pnah try any product yg dapat putihkan gigi dgn berkesan
takde side effect to our health
dan takde cecah ratusan ringgit
pls share with me
i kinda need it

many thanks

lundi 19 juillet 2010

RDV, baju, songket, spa, pomander ball..owhh sy sungguh penat

My fiance sepatutnye pergi ke Penang with his siblings in order to visit his little bro kat sane, dan jugak to visit their relatives and pass the invitation cards. Therefor, I set up some rendez-vous, which didnt need his presence, and I asked my bff, Laili to accompany me. I always need second opinions, and she's really good on it. =)

But poor mon prince charmant, his trip was canceled, thus he was left alone for two days and agak tak puas hati sbb i berseronok dgn laili =D
I had several rendez-vous (rdv) for the weekend.

1. Zaza, Saturday, 10am, Ampang Point
Firstly was with Zaza because I would like to add some pearls to my nikah outfit. You know about the gold shining beads yg i tak suke kat baju nikah tu. So instead of tempah baju lain, I tanye Zaza if she cud add something in order to make my baju nikah becomes "normal" with a small tiny budget. And she said yes. So the rdv was set at 10am kat Ampang Point. The prob was, both of us had never been there before, and dua2 ingat Ampang Point terletak kat ngan persimpangan jalan ampang-jalan tun razak (which is Ampang Park la kan). hahhhaa. So we were 20 mins late, and i didnt hear when Zaza called. So she thought it was canceled and bersiap utk ke Shah Alam. Luckily, she said dia tgh isi minyak when i called her, and sudi singgap kejap kat ampang point. fuhhhh (lain kali google map ok). We met for about 5 mins, and I briefly explained to her my prob. Zaza is really a nice person. Walaupon tgh rush segala, masih mampu tersenyum and talk. Kadang2 org bile rush terus moody kan (like me..hehehe).

2. Baju Songket Supplier & SinYin, Saturday, Jalan Tar
At 10.30, we headed to Jalan Tar. We went to this supplier baju songket utk tempah my baju songket untuk my reception. Kain songket tu utk sepasang, skali ngan samping, tengkolok and selendang. Insya-Allah baju kami siap within a week. As for selendang, I terus amik sbb nak kasi kat Hawa utk sample kain. My rdv with her was at 2pm, so sementara menunggu, I pegi kedai Sinyin, cari bahan utk pomander ball ( yeay dah belii..mmg kat situ murahh sgt..thank u guys for the info), then pegi Sogo for lunch. And guess wat, ade warehouse cleareance kat Sogo..and yg paling best..kitorang tak usha barang pon, except for pampers..muhahahahha..Laili wanted to buy for her daughter, and i just bought a few after asking my SIL if she needed it for her sons. Gile betul..sikit pon kitorang tade jeling kat baju/handbags/shoes/etc

3. Hawa, Saturday, 2pm, Sogo
I sepatutnye jumpa Hawa kat Berjaya Times Square, but when she knew i was in Sogo, dia mintak jumpe kat situ je, as dia pon nak dtg Sogo. Ok seriously, Hawa is a very nice person. And I tak sangka dia same umur ngan I, dlm email i siap panggil dia puan lagi tau..ya ampunnn..sy sungguh kurang sopan. We talked and talked and talked for about 2 hours and I was impressed with her succes. So young and already have name. We do admire her. Hoping it will go well for us as well =)

4. Tailor, Sunday, 11am, Kajang
Pegi collect baju hantaran saya with my SIL and her kids. Ingat tak pasal i kawen mase raye, and my FMIL suggested I tempah terus kain2 yg dia nak kasi as hantaran so that i boleh terus pkai mase raye. So baju2 tu dah siap!yeayyy!..siap tambah manik segala..chantek n kemas..n tak mahal pulak tuu..less rm200 dr my estimation price. phewwww senang hati.

5. Ubud spa,Sunday, 2pm, Bangi Seksyen 7
After lunch, me and my SIL pegi try massage kat Ubud Spa. This spa baru je bukak, and skang ni ade promotion. RM38 utk full body massage, so haruslah kitorang nak try kan. The environment was nice..and massagenya pon not bad. Maybe akan pegi lagi if promotion is still there =D
Cuma kat situ blom ade mandi lulur ke bunga ke susu ke ape..because baru je bukak..according to the owner, after raya baru dia nak launch utk semua tu..so melepas la sy

6. Gubahan Hantaran
Utk weekend ni, I sepatutnye siapkan gubahan hantaran utk cik abang's side, tp memandangkan my schedule penuh terisi and kol 9 saye dah masuk tido keletihan, I dpt siapkan 1 je..adoiiiii..lagi 7 to go sebelum balik kltn nanti..chaiyokkkk

vendredi 16 juillet 2010

dulang hantaran

i have been doing the gubahan since end of may
and till sekarang masih tak siap2..huhuhu
actually, saya membuat gubahan utk kedua2 belah pihak
of course saya nak buat sendiri utk belah saya
and i voluntary nak buat utk mon prince charmant side

but pls dunt get me wrong..
i bukan nak sibuk2 kacau persiapan sebelah sane
cuma i mmg suke gubah2 ni..i have passion (walaupon takde creative mane..ngeee)
and dr upah kedai dan membazir dekat seratus ringgit utk satu dulang je
kumpul duit tu and labur kat barang hantaran instead of dulang lg bagus)
baik i hulur tgn membantu kan (dgn harapan FMIL will love me more) :D

but of course ade yg org tak suke la kan
dia anggap saye macam kuli batak of the other side
sedeyyy tau bile org mengata macam tu
serious ianya tak menyusahkan..and i kinda release all my stress bile saye sibuk mengubah
khayal dlm dunia sendiri gitu..
wtv..people love judging wtihout trying to understand

btw..when i came back to kb few months back,
i ade la buatkan satu sample gubahan for each side
according to my FMIL, she likes the color, but it was simple
so she asked me to have a look at Megalace as ade satu gubahan tu yg dia berkenan
we went there straight away, analysed the design, camne nak buat n bahan ape yg sy perlukan, then terus beli situ
seb baek dah jd member, so dpt 10% less, yeay!
and guess wat, i tnaye staff situ, berape upah dia amik utk design macam tu..
dia ckp rm75 each..
and i kire berape mon prince charmant habiskan utk beli bahan2 sume tu..harga kos nye just rm30 je..phewwww...we save a lot!

and same jugak gubahan utk my side punye, my mom pon tak berkenan..huhuhu
so dia suruh buat yg baru, something yg lebey cantek, unik, elegant dgn segala kriteria yg bersesuaian.
cume she didnt mention jenis macam mane yg dia nak
tp soh i usha SSF..erkkk barang situ mahal seyyyy
and because of that..i mmg takde idea nak buat gubahan macam mane yg boleh memikat hati my mom
until cik belle tunjuk pic ni kat her blog

from arma wedding couture

sy mmg jato chentaaa..

btw, i dah siapkan bantal tu..as for the deco, i tak tau lagi macam mane..still blank2
if nak betul2 chantek..i have to use fresh flowers..cume i tak retiiiiiii
shud i buy sponge utk fresh flowers tu?macam mane nak letak atas bantal tu?tak basah ke nanti? these are some questions that i have in my mind right now

and if i use artificial flower, i still tak berani nak beli anything..takut my mom tak berkenan ke ape
yes..i am a person yg akan tanye if mama setuju ke idak
it is my wedding, i know, but what is the purpose if sy sorang2 je yg enjoy, but my mom is left heartbroken sbb tak berkenan ape yg i pilih?
mmg pening nak handle sume ni..stress pon manyak..ade jugak time sy nangis tension bile my mom said no..but dear..deep in my heart, i know my mom wants everything to be perfect for my wedding
and selalunya, pandangan org2 tua ni mmg ade benarnye =)

and oleh kerana itu, sekarang ni, sy just siapkan gubahan belah cik abang dulu,
baru siap satu, lagi 8 to go
sorry i cant put the pic yet
nanti basi plak..hehehehhe
belah sy mmg sy still tade idea nak buat macam mane..malas nak pk lg..nanti lagi manyak jerawat keluar..sighhhh

mercredi 14 juillet 2010

DIY pomander ball

ok..i got two options..either beli paper lantern, or beli pomander ball
both of them are expensive, according to my survey, roughly it costs rm10 each
and saye nak pkai banyakkkkkkkk (min 20)

so i ingat nak DIY pomander ball
jumpe kat blog huda this link

chantek n sweet je i tgk
so berangan nak buat sendiri la

and few days back, i pegi la nilai 3 utk cari bahan
and guest wat..the smallest styrofoam ball costs rm3..
klu size yg macam dlm pic, dah rm8
tak campur tissue paper n ribbon lagi
and i did the math, hurm harga lebey kurang je ngan paper lantern
i think i just have to forget about DIYing the pomander balls ::nangess::
lagipon i still tak jumpe the place where i can get tissue paper ::nanges lagi::

or perhaps any of u guys know where i can get cheaper styrofoam ball and stuff
or cheap paper lantern
my colour theme shud be limegreen, soft yellow and white.

mardi 13 juillet 2010

dah collect kad kawen.yeay.

my wedding is in 2 months (more or less) and i dah collect kad kawen..yeay!
lega gile tauu..rase cam satu beban dah hilang..

actually, last week..i dah start call LH, asking news psl our card
they promised to call me back..but sampai sabtu still takde berita
so before pegi training badminton tu, i called them again
and as usual they said they will call me back..

10 mins later, my phone nyanyi lagi lagu lenka "trouble is a friend" tak sampai 2 secs and it stopped..
uikss..LH main miss call dgn saye??helloooo..tak patut ok
memandangkan PR diorang mmg K.O, so i just ignored about it
and i call them back to get the news psl card sy
they said i boleh collect my card at 3 pm

i was excited..ingat nak terus pegi amik after training dgn mon prince charmant
then teringat yg my invoice ade kat umah

so the next day, kami berdua pegi ke jalan pudu
waited for about 10 mins..then dtg pekerja diorang keluarkan kotak2 kad sy dr kereta
excited ok.

  • our card is perfect! exactly seperti yg kami inginkan..alhamdulillahhh
  • harga pon berpatutan, ade hot stamping dan jugak embos
  • dpt extra 40 keping free
  • cume sampulnye sedikit kelakar, because, my card is almost in square shape, tp sampul tu size rectangle..so besar la sket..pelik jugak..tp maybe salah saye jugak..sbb sample sampul yg sy kasi tu mmg size tu, tp sy kasi sample utk dia copy design je..haruslah sy nak sampul yg size same ngan card sy..but ianya sgt remeh..rectangle pon rectangle la..janji kad sy chantekk =)

sorry psl quality pic ni..sy amik pkai hp..sy mmg takde camera =)

p/s: cik belle, yg hijau tu "bantal" saye..hihihi :D

well..im not sure if i shud recommend LH or not, so i just list down kebaikan n keburukan ek:

  • murah ok. as i said before, i dpt harga mase expo..so dpt rm 1 utk 1000 keping, with HS + emboss, and kualiti kertas pon baek
  • takde extra charge utk env. letak corak or tulisan pon buleh
  • design yg ade banyak gile, so just pegi showroom sane n pilih mane yg berkenan.
  • service mmg bole kata pantas jugak..2 minggu utk draft..10 days utk print
  • PR diorang mmg teruk. so kne sabar sket la bile deal ngan diorang..and be extra careful when u place ur order..make sure everything is noted in ur invoice
conclusion: u may go to LH, tp berhati2 ya =)

lundi 12 juillet 2010

how to get free voucher from palace of the golden horses

i owe u an entry about this voucher. i planned to put this during weekend, but i was bz ke sane ke mari..didnt even have time to jenguk my restaurant and ladang..haha

ok last week, consultant unit trust sy dtg jumpe n tanye if i interested dgn voucher bermalam di PGH hotel, and of course i said yes. it's a six star hotel..bile lg nak merasekan..hahha

so one day later, someone fr PGH called me in order to set up an appointment. with a couple of my colleagues, we decided to come on last thursday, at 8pm.

and there, we listened for about 1 hour about the club, the offer, the destination yada yada yada..and another one hour visiting the hotel. The agent showed to us the deluxe room, the master suite room, and ade satu lagi room yg mmg best n spacious gile (sbb ade jacuzzi..hahahaha). Ok yg deluxe room is RM750 per nite if im not mistaken..yg master tu rasenye rm2k kot..and yg room best gilee tu rm 3k and above..(bile masuk situ ade la sikit berangan nak stay situ even for one nite..hahhha)

then, another one hour signing the membership.......
owhh no no no, it wasnt me..mon prince charmant dah awal2 pesan..pegi dgr je..jgn nak menggatal jadi member (dia sggggttt tahu yg saya mudah terpengaruh dgn mane2 offer..lebey2 lagi klu bercuti kan..hahhaha)
it was my colleague..well according to the agent, u can make profits as well by becoming a member..for the details, u got to listen by yourself :)

so that nite, i came home with :

  • 1 voucher of 2D/1N stay at Palace of the Golden Horses Hotel (Deluxe room for 2 people)
  • 1 voucher :50% discount at Kin No Uma Japanese Restaurant(PGH= valid for dinner buffet, saturday only)
  • 1 Vocuher: buy 1 free 1 buffet at Abdul & Charlie's coffee house (mines wellness Hotel - valid for dinner only, friday & saturday only)
  • complimentary health check up at golden horses health sanctuary (full lipid profile, diabetes screening, analyse body weight
voucher bermalam valid for 2 months starting from the day u dpt voucher tu. however, agent tu kate, PGH ni slalu penuhh (sy macam tak percaye bile dia ckp tu..hahaha) once dpt voucher tu, terus reserve bilik..
voucher ni jugak hanya boleh di pakai dari ari ahad till khamis, not applicable during peak period (skool holidays, eve of public holidays/public holidays)
btw, breakfast is not included (tak silap sy la)

voucher makan2 tu valid till 31.12.2010..tak valid mase cuti skolah or ramadhan.

voucher medical check up tu pon valid for 2 months jugak.

i rase maybe some of u dah pnah di invite utk mendengar pasal vacation club kat mane2 hotel kan..i pnah dgr yg swiss garden punye..and dpt voucher bermalam di swiss garden kat kuantan for 3D/2N..tp tak pakai pon..hahaha sbb jauh
tp this one, mmg dekat gile..klu nak buat bach party kat situ with ur friends pon sure cool gile..hahahha

ok..sesape berminat..sile email sy no telepon anda, so that i can give it to the agent. She will call u to set up the appointment. it's a free voucher, takde ape2 condition pon..just pegi n dengar, and then say NO (if u r not interested) then amik voucher, balik umah.

disclaimer 1: presentation tu sepatutnye sejam je..tp kitorang punye enjoyed it..siap gelak2..agent tu sgt rock ok..tu psl sampai 3 jam dok situ borak2 =)

disclaimer 2: sy takde dpt elaun ke ape dgn meletakkan post ini di blog sy

vendredi 9 juillet 2010

psl baju akad nikah lg

it is 1am but my eyes are still wide opened, and my mind is still thinking about my nikah attire
***tipu la, sbrnya baru balik dr palace of golden horses utk dapatkan voucher bermalam di sana..sape2 nak voucher free for ur short honeymoon in 6 stars hotel..do contact me ek =)

so guys..i need your opinion about this
pls ckp dgn jujur and honest..
nak ckp buruk pon takpe (in a good manner ye kawan2 =) ),
so that senang i nak take action nanti
and dunt ask me why i didnt choose white or chiffon (i was naif back then ..ngeeeee)

frankly speaking..i dunt like gold..it is not my color..it does not suit me
and my heart still cant accept this (nyesal tambah beads)
i dunt care if it is simple ke ape..as long as mate i ckp ok
tp buat mase skang, mmg blom lagi :(


jeudi 8 juillet 2010

we love pink award

i've been tag

1. Link kepada orang yang bagi award ni

2. Nyatakan sebab musabab anda minat kaler PINK :
no specific reason..sy suke manyak color, and pink is one of them

3. Sejak bila suka kaler PINK :
sejak i TERbeli jacket kaler pink dgn laili

4. Nyatakan 5 barang yang anda paling sayang yang kaler nyaPINK :
1. tudung2 bawal sulam kristal yg mak saye jahit..sume chantek2
2. baju kurung moden chiffon kaler pink yg sy tempah utk engagement cousin sy
3. kemeja kaler pink that i bought few years back yg skang dah tak muat utk dipkai..erk
4. my pink pashmina
5. i just have 4 things..kire dah ok la kan ::grin::

5. Snap gambar anda dengan salah satu barang kaler PINK :

with my pink pashmina =)

6. Tag 5 kawan anda yang minat kaler PINK :
anyone who reads this blog and loves pink =)

tak suke baju nikah

i picked up my baju nikah yesterday
well..sekali pandang je..i dah tak berkenan :(
not because of the design, but colour beads yg dia pkai :(
i bought kain satin brownish and lace creamish for my akad nikah attire
ade ke dia letak beads kaler gold yg sgt terang? sgt kontra tauu :(

dari jauh mmg nampak la lip lap2 disebabkan oleh beads tu
but i dunt like that colour combination :(

tp malas pulak nak soh dia bukak n jahit semula beads tu
takut rosak plak baju tuh:(

hurmm..wat to do..benda dah berlaku :(
rasenye nak anta je baju tu kat my mom
maybe dia dpt idea camne nak nampak lagi menarik..hopefully

mercredi 7 juillet 2010

tak tau nak buat thank u tag ..sob

one of my task for this month is to finish the thank you tag..
it is one of my DIY project..but..sadly i dont have gift to be creative.

I created several templates..but NONE can satisfy me =(

here are the templates:

tade pon yg i berkenan..sendiri design..sendiri tak suke..aiyooooooo

already bought the papers tho..


mardi 6 juillet 2010


i nak sgt beli lilin2 ini!!!

source: mr google

i cant remember where was the first time i saw them, rasenye blog kak Shaja kot..
mase mule2 tgk tu mmg nak nak sgt order..tp hampa sgt sbb tak meet min order
i just nak order in a small amount..nak kasi as favors utk kawan2 rapat yg hadir to my wedding..dan jugak utk decorate bilik nanti..
sure cute kan nampak lilin2 tersusun kat atas meja sebelah katil..or kat atas meja mekap
but yeah..most of website ckp nak min order of at least 10.

nak beli sepuluh utk setiap satu..bangkrap la saye.ngeee
but i didnt give up..
i usha international online wedding shop..gigih tau mencari kot2 dapat la kan
dah tak ingat website2 mane yg i tgk..but what i can remember is, ade satu website ni, min order is 2..harga pon tak jauh dari harga local
but yg tak tahan is shipping cost sgt sgt sgt tak berbaloi.
if im not mistaken, utk barang yg i order tu roughly dekat 15 USD, then utk shipping kne bayar dekat 40USD

sungguh tak berbaloi kan?harga shipping is like 3 times harga barang..wohoooo..i was not that desperate. so i pendam je lah hajat di hati

then ianya kembali berbunga bile my bro kne anta pegi us =D
ingat nak soh dia order and post kat umah..


i jumpe this website wedding gift shoppe, actually my sis yg jumpe behind a wedding favor yg dia dpt from a wedding, and dia bg link kat saye soh intai
and i tak nampak word "min order" anywhere kat bhgn lilin tu..
but i did send an sms to the owner utk tanyakan pasal tu

if sume ok, mmg i nak order lah..yeay =)

update: just received an sms from the owner, she said there is no min order, YEAY!
and if order manyak, dpt kurangkan lagi harga

hurmm..now im thinking, maybe i shud give one of these candles kat kawan2 blogger yg datang kat wedding sy nanti, ade mahu? =)

lundi 5 juillet 2010

of wedding date

as u all might notice,my wedding is on hari raya..
precisely, the akad is on the second day of hari raya
during the kursus kawen, some (well almost everyone) b2bs that i met were surprised to know that my wedding is during hari raya..
and i was surprised as well to see their surprised faces :D

apparently here (KL & Selangor), people do not get married on hari raya
perhaps there are a few, but really rare..

au contraire, in Kelantan, weddings are usually held during school holidays, and hari raya is counted in.
it is because, it is the only time of period where u can gather the whole family, sepupu sepapat, sanak2 saudara etc.

in my case, i have a sister who is studying abroad..and she hasnt celebrate hari raya at home for almost 5 years..or perhaps 6 years
i surely want her and her family to be present on my big day
and the appopriate moment is the hari raya
so that my sis and her fam can celebrate both, my wedding and hari raya!
lagipon, a member (sometimes two) of our fam was always missing during hari raya or wedding for the past 10 years
because of that, our last family pic taken is dated 16 years back!

and that's my main reason for my wedding date =)
of course, there was time where i wanted to choose a date which is significant for us
for example on the 19th of any month, because mon prince charmant and me were born on the 19th (sounds silly arent we? )
or on the 10.10.10, mon prince charmant like this date so much..but i had to say no no no

we tried to have 10.09.10 tho..which means the akad has to be the first day of hari raya
but i might have a prob to get tok imam (hellooo..tok imam pon nak beraye ok )
and the bridal boutique told me that they will do the set up for my pelamin on the last day of ramadhan if i wanted it up before the akad
as i want to have fresh flowers, i am afraid it wont be fresh anymore for my reception (the 3rd day of raya)
thus the akad is on the 11.09.10..THE september eleventh. ngeeeeee

on the other hand..we can only plan, but everything is in God's hand
my lil bro is sent to the us for a 6 month training
and there is no chance he cud come to my wedding (sob)
he even has to postpone his wedding as well

hope we can take family picture at my bro's reception =)

samedi 3 juillet 2010

doorgift: finalised

doorgift dah half settled!!! Biiigggggggggg relief =)

so if u guys still remember, my mom planned to give sarung kotak tisu as doorgift to our guests. and as my sis was going to Vietnam, she asked my sis to find it there.but no luck, my sis tak jumpe pon. but she found cotton pouch bag.

sgt murah n sgt sgt chantekk!n macam2 kaler..tp sume soft colors la.. im very much satisfied, thanks kak long =)

so skang, tgh nak carik bahan ape yg nak letak dlm pouch bag tu, here are the opitions:
-slice of homemade fruitcake

conclusion:foooddddsssssss :D

and i rase sayang sgt nak kasi this lovely nice pouch bag to kids..so im thinking of giving gula2 kpd mereka..so it will be another DIY project: beli kain net, cut it in small square size, letak gula2, then ikat pkai riben (macam org slalu buat utk bunga rampai)..ok tak?

but where can i buy gula2 timbang ye?i mean in bulk.

or beli lollipop macam huda (sgt suke lollipop bentuk love tuuuu)

utk vip yang kat meja beradap, my mom ckp dia ade berkenan something kat SSF. Im not sure wat it is, will check it with my mom bile balik puasa nanti. =)

vendredi 2 juillet 2010

about wedding shoes

we are getting married in about 2 months
and we didnt buy anything for barang hantaran yet..

ok i lied..there are handbag and purse, bought by my sis at bicester.
it is a duty free outlet..and u can get branded stuffs like dkny, mulberry, guess, ck, gucci dan seangkatan at cheaper price. and no, there is no coach boutique kat situ..hehhee

so that's it. baru satu dulang berisi.
we did a lot of survey, seriously, uncounted naik turun shopping malls
but we didnt buy anything..tunggu sale konon2nye..huhuhu
sale yg mane satu pon kami tak tau

btw hari isnin lepas, i mean the day when we did the hiv test and jugak pegi lh creative
we all ade singgah kat berjaye times square
sebabnye designer yg we supposed to meet tu had her tea break..
so she asked us to come at 5
but 4.30 kitorang dah tercongok kat jln pudu :D

so my fiance suggested to singgah kat berjaya times square
konon2 nak usha barang je la..iye la sgt kan
sbb i asik masuk kedai kasut je..haha
eventho dah decide tanak beli kasut akad nikah, nak sewa aje..another haha.

usha punye usha..i berkenan kat satu kasut ni.
simple. ivory-pearl white. murah. saya berkenan.my fiance pon berkenan.his money. ngeeeeee

rasenye cam tak match sgt ngan baju becoz baju kaler cream-goldish-brownish sket..tp sbb murah sgt so i angkat je..hahha..suke la hati..klu tak sesuai, pakai mase wedding org lain..erkk

after that, we all pegi balik ke lh creative..dgn hati i yg sgt gembira sbb ade kasut chantek..muahahhaha

pic?mak tade camera la yang.

jeudi 1 juillet 2010

wedding card: final draft approved

right after doing the hiv test, we headed to jalan pudu, lh creative.
there are two showrooms, our first visit to lh creative was at their showroom, jalan brunei.
but org yg design card kitorang is at showroom kat jalan pudu.
when we were there, the designer wasnt there yet. so salesgurl tu soh i checked draft dulu. this was our second draft..yg first draft tu kitorang dah betulkan and anta thru email.

ok there was price issue:

mula2 kitorang nak order 700, then macam tak cukup, so nak order 1000. lagipon mengikut kiraan, the different was rm160 je..so alang2 tempah je 1000. as for the price, we got "the exhibition kat midvalley" price..and luckily, mase exhibition tu, i mmg gile amik manyak sample yg berkenan, and asked the salegurl to put the exhibition price at each card. So it's clearly stated utk each card, price utk 700 keping and 1000 keping. why i asked that, sbb i takut salegurls ni lupe harga yg dia pnah ckp kat i, then nanti nak tempah jadi isu plak pasal harga, which did really occured.

bile i ckp nak order 1000 instead of 700, and ask for the price, dia ckp harga rm1.20 and without emboss!! i said it cudnt be, as harga utk 700 pon with hotstamping and emboss pon dah rm1.20. that salesgurl macam terkejut. dia ckp i can get rm1.20 utk 700 tp without emboss, otherwise it's rm1.50.

hellloooooo..i already paid the deposit, and on my invoice, it is clearly stated HS+emboss gold. lagi mau gaduh. tp yg lagi kelakar..dia btol2 tak percaye i got rm1.20 utk 700 keping..walaupun dah terang2 kat invoice i tu ade word emboss. geram jugak nak tanye if dia reti membace ke idak...

finally i said, sample card yg i picked kat exhib ari tu ade HS and emboss as well, and kat belakang mmg ade tulis harga utk 700 keping and 1000 keping. and the sample card is with the designer, because i mmg nak exactly macam sample card tu.

so dgn lajunye salegurl tu pegi carik designer utk tgk sample card tu n seb baek designer tu dah sampai opis. and yes, it's stated
700 : rm1.20
1000 : rm1.00

so terpakselah akak salesgurl tu mengalah..yeayyy!!.. harga kat sample card tu really saved my life..dan jugak sample card as well, sbb mmg ade HS and emboss..ade kad lain, tp design exactly same, cume ade HS sahaja..huhuhu

sgt sgt sgt lucky..fuhhhhhh (klu tak, sure perang la kot..menangis nanti klu kne bayar lagi mahall)

bile harga dah setel, we all checked draft dgn designer. we reread our card thoroughly again and again. tried to find errors yg bole mencacatkan kad kitorang..seb baek designer tu sgt baik n soft spoken. her name is Sara (fully recommended).almost sejam jugak la kitorang verified our card, betulkan itu ini, sempat tuka kaler kad lagi..hihihihihi. then Sara siapkan 2 bunting for both of us. tenang je rase bile berurusan dgn sara ni..takde lorat, takde nak panik, nak risau ke ape..kitorang check draft tu sampai nak muntah..hahahhha

finally, we gave our approval..dan sekarang berserah sahaja.we did out best to have our nice wedding card.

still cross our fingers tho...