Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Ya Allah, keluarkanlah dia dari perutku dengan mudah dan selamat. Ya Allah, jadikankah dia sihat dan sempurna, berakal dan pandai, alim dan beramal. Ya Allah, panjangkanlah umurnya, sihatkanlah badannya dan baikkanlah akhlaknya, fasihkanlah lisannya, baguskanlah suaranya untuk membaca Al-Quran dan hadis, dengan berkat Nabi Muhammad SAW dan segala puji bagi Allah Tuhan semesta alam

mercredi 30 juin 2010

HIV Test: surat pengesahan doktor

baru je balik from klinik kesihatan shah alam
with mon prince charmant, we went there in order to ask them to fill up the JAHEAIK form

first, we went to the information counter:

makcik yg jage counter tu tercengang bile tgk slip hiv test kami..dia tanye, awat takde cop negative..and i said i dunt know, i just want a doctor to fill this form. she said, i dunt need to see a doctor, just go to the room 13 and ask a person in that room to sign.dia siap ckp "ni mesti kes diorang terlupe nak cop "negative" "...iyo lah sgt mokcik oiii

so we went to room 13:

the person in charge said there is no need to fill the form..it's gov policy to not put the result anywhere..yada yada yada..
but i insisted him that i need this form, otherwise i cudnt submit my nikah form (hehhe kelentong aje..janji i dpt ape yg i nak)
after penat bertekak..then he said he cudnt sign it because he's not pengamal perbuatan kerajaan as requested in the form
dlm ati i kate , heloooooo yg u sign borang hiv test i tu boleh la pulak..bbluuurrrreeeghhhh

then we went back to information counter, utk amik angka giliran. but makcik kat situ tak puas ati, dia ckp dia akan sendiri jumpe ngan orang dlm bilik 13. so we waited for 15 mins,
and she gave me the same info as that i already had "it is the gov policy to not reveal the result yada yada yada"
so she kindly asked us to register..and we did

once our number was up, we went to registration counter:
makcik kat situ tanye i sakit ape..and dgn sabarnye i said, takde sakit just nak jumpe dr utk dapatkan pengesahan result hiv test..makcik tu hairan plak kenape, takde cop ke ckp negative or positive? and i said no..ade plak nurse kat sebelah dia sibuk explain mmg takde cop dah skang and another yada yada yada
and dgn tak sabarnye i said, i have to get this pengesahan, otherwise tak bleh submit my nikah form (another kelentong..ape i pedulik..malas nak layan karenah diorang)
after beberapa mins berbalas ckp, she asked me to pay rm 1 and wait in front of room 8.

room 8:
once we were called, we entered the room, and kindly explained to the doctor our prob. as expected, she was surprised as well..and the Q "eh tade cop negative ke" became a common question for us..so once again, i explained to her about "the gov policy" and the JAHEAIK requirement, but she didnt buy it. so she went to check with the guy from room 13 (back to square one...sighhhhh)

after a while, she came back and said, ok it's the gov policy yada yada yada (seriously, i was getting annoyed with this sentence) and normally all the jabatan agama islam di seluruh malaysia is aware about this ( i wish they cud..but my dear, i already called JAHEAIK and this is their requirement..i dunt care ape itu gov policy ke ape..i just care about kebenaran bernikah dari JAHEAIK sahaja...i just wanna get married!! sobbing)

however she said she can sign the form (yeay),but i had to go back to room 13 to ask the person in that room utk cop kat kad kesihatan kami berdua and came back to room 8. (duhhhhhhhh)

at last, we have slip hiv test dan jugak borang pemohonan ujian saringan hiv dr JAHEAIK yg sudah siap diisi.

total time wasted: 2 HOURS!!

p/s: i tak tau lansung about this policy, and i tak tau if all jabatan agama, jurunikah, tok kadi or tok imam are aware about this. klu tak, macam mane nanti?dapat tak kebenaran bernikah? dah le mase akad nikah tu, tok imam dah ckp dia nak tgk original slip hiv test..and if he doesnt know about this policy..nak tak dia nikahkan kami nanti? (dunt bother to think about this, otherwise korang panik macam i jugak nanti..hahahaa)

so bile i called JAHEAIK..they said they want to see negative/positive, reactive/non-reactive on the slip or borang, then i just follow, because diorang yg uruskan pasal borang nikah nanti, kasi kebenaran kawin ke idak..

utk b2bs dr kltn, do kindly ask the details dr tok imam tempat awak or JAHEAIK before awak buat hiv test..maybe by time, sume org dah aware pasal the new policy, so tak payah awak susah2 macam saya =)

HIV Test: khas utk b2b kltn

okie..in my previous post, missbutterfly asked about that validation of the hiv test..and macam sy, dia pon confused jugak about the procedure..apparently, the procedures are not the same for each state..and i remembered myy bff ade ckp her hubby kne letak offer letter for his current job utk mengesahkan yg dia bermastautin di selangor, so dio boleh buat test di klinik kesihatan di sgor, otherwise kne balik kltn n buat test..but this was 3 years ago.

but frankly, i sendirik tak tau btol ke tak..tp pegi gamble je buat kat klinik kesihatan kat shah alam..till jaja tanye about this test kat comment..as i tanak ade prob mase nak akad nikah, so the best way is to call JAHEAIK itself.

and this fine lady told me well, u can do the test at any klinik kesihatan kerajaan, use any borang that u want, as long as it is stated that the result is negative/positive, which is not in my case :(

i explained to her that it's the gov policy where the result is no longer indicated on the form, but she insisted it is a must, otherwise i might face some prob in submitting my nikah form..aiyooooooo

but she kindly faxed to me the form from JAHEAIK for hiv test, so that i can go back to the klinik and asked the doctor to fill it up and tick negative or positive. ::sighhhhh::

harap2 doktor kat klinik tak manyak songeh sgt utk isi borang tu ::sighhhhhh::

last resort, bile balik kltn mase puasa nanti, pegi buat test kat sane..confirm takde masalah dah.

info: according to JAHEAIK, ujian hiv test mesti dilakukan seawal-awalnya 3 bulan sebelum tarikh nikah, kalau tidak, tidak sah.

mardi 29 juin 2010

HIV Test

isnin lepas, both of us amik cuti and pegi buat HIV test kat klinik komuniti shah alam.
kat sini tak payah buat appointment, but u have to come at 2 pm sharp!!
if dtg awal, even 5 mins early pon, mmg tak dapat nak register utk amik test.
seriously i dunt know why, but pakcik yg jage kaunter smlm mmg made fun of all the bakal pengantin la. tepat kol dua, dia kuarkan borang yg dah ready ngan angka giliran..and all the pengantin of course la terkam kat meja kaunter kan...sronot pakcik tu gelak2 tgk ramai2 org Q utk amik borang tu..eeeii sekali tgk rase meluat pon ade.

well the test didnt take too long..lame pon sebab nak tunggu makcik tu key in the data dlm computer utk registration. then pegi ke kaunter 13 utk buat ujian.
i tot dia akan amik darah kat lipatan siku as usual, so awal2 lg i dah lipat lengan baju ke siku..
skali dia cucuk kat hujung jari je..hahhahha..and auuuuwwww it hurt!
i was called before mon prince charmant, so when i went out from the room, he kept asking, sakit tak?manyak tak dia amik darah?hihihihihi..panik plak my fiançé nih :p

tunggu tak sampai 10 mins, kitorang di panggil balik utk dapatkan result..well it's negative of course, tp it wasnt written negative anywhere on the paper..we just got back the borang yg kitorang isi, dan pengesahan yg mengatakan kitorang dah buat hiv test. and we were told verbally that's negative. errrrr...pelik, but that's the procedure, according to the nurse. harap it's the same for any gov hospital/clinic. nanti tak pepasal2 kang kami tak dapat kawen, sbb tok imam tanak nikahkan kitorang sbb tak tahu status hiv test kitorang. errr mintak simpang!

btw, both of us wanted to do the thalassemia test as well..as it is recommended by our gov
as far as we know, we dont have any thalassemia history in our family, but who knows kan..so buat la jugak....so kne register balik kat kaunter pendaftaran

after a while, we were called utk jumpe doktor secara berasingan.. well, the doctor that i met mcm kelakar sket. dia tanye sakit ape, i said nak buat ujian thalassemia..dia tanye ade ke dlm fam yg ade penyakit thalassemia, i said no, then she asked kenape nak buat test ni. then she gave me a brief lecture about thalassemia , iaitu penyakit genetik sel darah merah yada yada yada. i just said, it's recommended by our gov to do the test before getting married.

then she asked again, if i already did the hiv test, and i said yes and showed the borang. and right there, she stared at my borang for a couple of while, she was a bit blur, i must say. then she asked again, resultnye mane..and i said, itu lah resultnye, nurse ckp negative. dia macam tak percaya and called the nurse. after a couple of nods, she hang up and apologized. dia ckp, zaman dia nak kawen dulu, ado cop negative ke idak, tp apparently skang gov nak rahsiakan result tu, so if sesape dapat balik borang yg diisi with pengesahan mengatakan tuan empunya dah amik test, then it's negative. ok doc!

then she asked me to go to room 13 utk amik darah..and this time, mmg amik darah kat lipatan siku for one tube. and it didnt hurt! :) i showed the tube to my fiançé when he waited for his turn, and dia buat muke panik lagik..hihihihi

send the tube to the lab, waited for the result, once it was done, went back to doctor's room for her comment. well, both of us dunt have thalassemia as well.

at 4 we were done. we stopped at Petronas because my charming fiançé wanted to buy air milo. He said a tube of blood was taken from his body, thus he needed something to replace it back. and he came back with 2 kotak air milo and a couple of chocs. hahaha he's so cute and funny! Love ya.

next direction was LH Creative, Jalan Pudu. will post about it in my next entry.

samedi 26 juin 2010


one person came to me and excitedly asked, how's ur wedding preparation?

as that person looked so eager to know about my wedding plan, i was excited as well to pour all the information.

but, what i got in return was u-r-tasteless or u-r-not-good-in-planning-a-wedding or i-dunt-like-ur-plan-at-all look.

it's hurt..it really does!

this is my wedding..and i am want it to be my way....i still can tolerate my mom's way tho..but not from u!

another person came......and asked me the same question.

without looking at that person's face, i said "in progress" and full stop.
i smiled tho, and it was the nicest smile i ever faked.

lesson learned.

but i wondered still, why those kind of people cant be supportive? do they just ask questions in order to condem u afterward? mental.

another person came....without asking any Q, this person said "i heard u are not going to put this, u r not going to do that..well in my opinion, u shud do like this..yada yada yada yada.

i freaked out, thus i ran away. what is wrong with those people?

vendredi 25 juin 2010


if u guys realise, there are small updates on my wedding checklist, which are:

4. Lune de miel (honeymoon in french)
* hotel: -
* flight tickets: done
* itinerary: halfway there.
* rental car: -

4. Lune de miel
* hotel: halfway done
* flight tickets: done
* itinerary: almost there!
* rental car: -

yupsie..mon prince charmant dah book hotels for our honeymoon!!! big yeayy!!!! (eventho cuti tak apply lagi..hahahahha)..rite now tgh tunggu confirmation emails dari hotel2..

btw, kitorang dah hampir siapkan the itineary..it will be laid-back, relax, enjoy sightseeing type of honeymoon...i cant reveal the destination yet..but what i can say is, he is in charge of everything for our honeymoon..and he does really surprise me..i tot dia akan minta i handle psl honeymoon as well..tp he did it by himself..and the flight tickets, he already bought them months ago =)

je t'aime

jeudi 24 juin 2010

Makan-makan utk kenduri

for my wedding, perihal kenduri, makan, khemah, aturcara majlis dan jemputan, i totally serah kat my parents, espcially my mom.

my mom mmg suke sgt klu buat2 makan..and she is the best chef! dulu2 time my aunties n cousins kahwen..mak saye la yg tukang masaknye..wedding cake pon dia jugak yg buat..hantaran dia jugak yg gubah..so i DO really understand why she is so excited when her own daughter ni nak kawen..and dia lagi suke if dia dpt handle..instead of me..hehhehe
so i mmg serah kat my mom utk uruskan hal2 kenduri ni. i just pening pk pasal pelamin, baju, hantaran, kad, photog...errr rasenye yg tu kot ::shame::

ok mase kat kuantan ari tu..as i said, we all sempat le berdiscuss about the kenduri.
as for food, my mom mmg tak larat dah nak masak..n lagi satu, dia lagi prefer layan tetamu dari dok sibok kat dapur..so that tetamu yg dtg akan dirai personally by my parents
so my mom akan caters la kan..cume dia tanak amik satu catering je..sbb dia ckp tak cukup makanan nanti, sbb catering akan kire per head..and kitorang dok kat kampung, then buat time hari raya pulak..eventho org yg tk dapat invitation pon akan singgah kat umah kitorang utk beraye..so par precaution, my mom nak tempah ikut lauk..like ayam percik kat catering A, daging gulai putih di catering B dan seterusnya. so insya-Allah, takde kes tak cukup lauk / nasi ke ape..hehehhee

then..my mom nak organize kenduri ni macam jamuan raya jugak..so selain daripada nasi minyak, there will be:



laksa penang

laksa kltn

utk desert, as usual, kuih2 raya, cakes (choc, orange, fruit cake, cheesecake), agar-agar, aiskrim, candies and my bro dgn volunteernye nak sponsor satu stall utk cendol..hehehhhe
so maybe ade stall concept as well..

conclusion: there will be a lot of food during my kenduri!!!, and my mom dah soh me n my sis to bake all the cakes mase puase..10 biji choc cakes, 10 biji orange cakes, 10 biji fruit cakes and 5 cheesecakes...errkkkk

korang jgn terkejut psl makanan yg myk tu ye..itulah mak saya..dia sgt suke raikan org..that's why utk makanan, dia nak pastikan semuanya elok dan org yg dtg pon dapat makan sepuas hati...my mom lagi suke allocate extra budget utk makan2 dari khemah ke, dari doorgift ke or kat pelamin =)

owh..lupe ckp..she said she will hire waiters/servants dari hotel mase kenduri nanti..so tak payah we alls sume ke hulu ke hilir check if makanan cukup tak or kena tambah..sumenye akan diuruskan oleh waiters2 tersebut..so my siblings and sedara just kne layan tetamu yang hadir

mercredi 23 juin 2010

Sarung kotak tisu : part 2

sy tgh google2 pasal sarung kotak tisu..as my mom wants to give it as doorgift to our guests. thanks to en google..i found what i'm looking for (but not in my price range)

basically..and i think my mom will agree with me..i want embroidery tissue box cover..
and when u say embroidery it means dunt-ever-dream-about-it-if-ur-budget-is-soo-ciput..ngeehh ngeeh ngehh

range harga kat malaysia..rm10 and above.... cth yg i jumpe:

and i wud be so glad to give that to my beloved estimated 700 guest..of course..it wud be a way of appreciation to my guest for coming and celebrating my big day..except for after my wedding, u would not be able to see me anywhere as i would be hiding for the rest of my life from the ahlongss..u wudnt want this to happen rite? :)

BUt..i ade terserempak satu sarung tisu sulam yg harga rm6..agak2 if i order 700 pieces, nak tak dia kurangkan harga jd rm1? :D

ok yg ni lagi simple..tp i suke..macam english sket..n harga pon not bad: rm4 utk tempahan 501-1000


then i try plak soh en google cari embroidery tissue box cover from china..kot2 la lg murah kan..and i found this website: source

tak tau harganye berape..tp sgt sweet la pulakk..shud i contact these suppliers fr china?can they be trusted? and nak ke diorang postkan 700 sarung kotak tisu je?hihihihihi

BUT..my fav one is, (yes, i save the best for last..jeng jeng jeng)..from Lotta Jansdotter

chantekk kaan?simple yet it looks elegant..and it fit my theme color: green!!
but it is 32 USD!!! sobb. u do the math: 32 x 3.2 x 700 + shipping = new honda city

mardi 22 juin 2010

Dokumen nikah

on the way to my opis this morning..my pa called, nak ckp pasal dokumen2 yg diperlukan utk nikah
as i was still driving..he asked me to call him back..hihi
baeknye ayah saya..sgt prihatin..tak kasi anak dia ckp tepon ketika memandu
and sure dia pelik kenape dah dekat kol 9 tp si anaknye tak sampai2 opis lagi
well blame org2 yg suke slow down n perati kereta2 yg accident..
tak pepasal jam panjang gile kat depan uniten...grrrrr

anyway..he called me sbb nak ckp dokumen ape yg nak kne anta kat tok imam utk nikah
seriously, i tak tau lansung about the procedure kat kltn
as i pegi kursus kahwin kat s'gor
apparrently, kt kltn tak payah pegi ke pejabat agama
just setelkan ngan tok imam..betul ke? any b2bs dr kelate bleh confirm?

according to my papa, utk dokumen nikah, selain dari borang, kena sertakan skali:
  1. sijil kursus- 2 salinan setiap seorang
  2. ic - 2 salinan setiap seorang
  3. hiv test - 2 salinan setiap seorang
  4. kebenaran berkahwin di luar mukin dr pihak lelaki

and mase nikah nanti, kena sediakan:
  1. gambar - 2 keping setiap seorang, and pengantin lelaki di kehendaki bersongkok di dlm gambar
  2. hiv test yg original

tu yg tok imam kampung sy mintak la..tak tau la tok imam tempat lain macam mane
and ayah sy terlupe nak tanye if tok imam setuju tak akad pakai dinar emas..
hopefully dia setuju la..klu tak pening sy nanti..ari tu pon dah ade org dok2 tanye berape wang hantaran sy..n dgn selumber badak sy ckp, sy tak tau..muhahhaha..nasib le..know less is better, sy just nak selamatkan makcik2 dr dok mengumpat pasal duit hantaran sy..kang tak pepasall makcik2 jugak yg dpt dosa =)

cume yg sy kurang pasti is, mengenai hiv test. i know we shud do the test kat hospital kerajaan, result dr hospital/klinik swasta tidak diterima..but can i do it here?or i shud go back to kltn to do the test? kindly advice, thanks

yg penting..tok imam setuju nikahkan kami pd hari raya kedua..hooorrrraaaaayyyyyy!

lundi 21 juin 2010

"turut mengundang"

ok..i mmg slalu tertanya..dari zaman skolah till sekarang (before i pegi tempah wedding card tu), kenapa mesti ade ayat "turut mengundang: seisi keluarga"..

my first assumption was:" owh..it means, semua keluarga di jemput hadir la kot..so bleh bawak the whole fam dtg makan..because utk certain majlis esppecially yg kat dewam..seats are allocated..so if dia ckp anda dan pasangan..then mmg dua org je yg kne dtg..owhh i seeee" this was my first innocent thought :D

tp..kat dlm sesetengah kad tu, ade plak tulis, "turut mengundang: a list of adik beradik pengantin" ..uiks..kenape pulak..sah2 le adik beradik diundang dan akan hadir ke majlis kite..
then here was my second innocent thought: maybe bakal pengantin nak show his/her appreciation kat his/her siblings..that's why he/she wants to list down all the names of adik beradik..special undangan gituu..owhhh i sunggguh seeeeee =D

then when the day came for me to have my own wedding invitation card..i called my mom first in order to confirm the wording with her..and i still can remember that i asked her this specific question:

me: mama, org letak "turut mengundang: seisi keluarga" la ek..sbb ari tu mama ckp nak jemput "nama jemputan" dan keluarga ke kenduri. kire seisi keluarga la kan?

mama: kalau bole, mama nak listkan nama semua anak2 mama dlm tu..even nama amalina skali..dan jugak menantu2 mama

i was like HAAA? awat plak nak jemput myself to my wedding..sah2 le i hadir okay ::grin::

but as a loyal daughter..i just said yes, without trying to understand why my mom requested that.

so i put all my siblings name, under "turut mengundang", except for my name, because i still felt it is ridiculous to invite myself to my wedding..

then my hp sang "aku dan dirimu" song, my mom called me back.

mama: klu boleh..mama nak letak name nenek skali dlm turut mengundang..kire nenek wakil family kite utk mengundang org jemputan..

seriously, i masih blur2 tak paham, but as usual, i just said "ok mom"..

after a few days..this "turut mengundang" still bothered me..lagipon i ade 6 adik beradik..tolak my name..kire ade 5..dan menantu plak dua..it is a long list..
dlm card sy tu pon cukup2 muat je..dah le nak letak contact number lagi kan..

after berfikir panjang and try utk memahami maksud tersurat dan tersirat di sebalik "turut mengundang" , AT LAST..baru i paham..ya Allah..sungguh slow..this thing had haunted me for agess..each time i saw a wedding card, i always asked my self..kenape kne ade "turut mengundang"..rupanya2, it means, names that are listed under "turut mengundang" invite the people who receive the card too. So basically, not only my parents invite them, but the whole family as well. Owhhh Myyy God!! ( sile sebut dgn slang Janice dlm cite friends)

the end. =D

p/s 1: now, shud i put my name or not under the "turut mengundang"??

p/s 2: i dah dpt draft from LH creative..well not bad at all..there are some mistakes here and there..biggest mistake is they put "turut mengundang" instead of "aturcara majlis" erkkk..yg tu sgt obvious ok..and there are wrong spelling for names and maps as well..as for the design..everything is ok except for the color of hot stamping..it's clearly stated on the invoice that we want to have gold hotstamping..lagi dia letak kaler hitam..hihi..will give them our feedback this tuesday.

Sarung Kotak tisu

last weekend, my whole family gathered at vistana hotel, in Kuantan for my cousin's engagement.
we had a wonderful time and delicious food as well..owh breakfast kat vistana sungguh tak sedap..tak manyak choices..tp we all had great dinner kat restoran marina di tanjung lumpur..ketam goren telur masin dia mmg sedap gile =)

btw, alang2 everybody was there, we managed to have a brief meeting about my wedding
and i am very thankful to those yg nak sponsor sedikit sebanyak utk wedding sy.
btol2 terharu ok =)
and utk doorgift, my mom ckp dia nak kasi sarung kotak tisu..and sy setuju aje dgn cadangan mak sy itu..
lg pon, i ade terbace ade one blogger yg pegi wedding kwn dia n dpt sarung kotak tisu as well
but i cant find her blog..tak ingat lansung bace kat mane
does anybody remember or read her blog?i ingat nak email tanye where her friends bought the sarung and ask the price as well (if she doesnt mind sharing)
or maybe ade sesape tau mane nak beli sarung kotak tisu yg chantek n murah?nanti habaq mai ekk..thanks

vendredi 18 juin 2010

Diet oh Diet!: part 2

As i said in my previous entry (as well shown on my weight loss ticker)
im trying hard to lose some kilos
seriously, nak ckp kat korang berat i before this pon segan tau
huhuhuhu..lets say, i gained almost 10kg bile i start bermastautin di m'sia ni..huhu
teruk tak? :D

so currently, im on SD11 and apple cider
i drink a lot of water..more than 8 glass every day
and i try kurangkan amount of rice in my daily intake, and avoid mkn malam :D
dan jugak i dah stop (well almost) minum kopi, tea or air2 manis ni
unless bile tgh stress gile (like a few days back, tgh siapkan circuit utk kejar dateline)
i did take one cup of nescafe during coffee break
and i have badminton training twice per week

it works!!
now jeans pon dah longgar
baju kurung pon dah nampak terletak kat badan
cume baju2 kurung zaman i kat perancis dulu still tak muat :(

so there is a friend of mine, yg promote Melilea pulak
i said why not giving a shot..
kot2 la lagi cepat pulak berat tu turun...ngeeeeee
harga pon tak de mahal sgt
so sy pon try la
i beli yg ni:

Melilea Greenfield Organic

Apple Orchard

hurm..if u take Melilea Greenfield Organic shj
sure korang tak dpt minum..because taste dia sungguh tak sedap
tp my friend ni soh i amik skali ngan Apple Orchard
thus ade rase epal masam2 sket..
mase kawan i dtg tu, dia mintak ais kosong kat canteen
n letak one scoop of MGO and 3 scoof of AO
kacau2 n kasi i try..sumpah i rase sedap gle...huhuhuhu
tp i angkut botol kecik la dulu..as a trial
if sesuai then nanti nak beli botol besar plak

Melilea pon ade propose plan pemakanan utk org2 yg nak diet
tp yg i tak suke is: dia propose soh ganti all ur food with MGO ni, step by step
omg..i seriously cant do that..
so i just amik MGO as supplement aje

satu lagi reason i amik MGO is for my face skin
i ade masalah jerawat kat muka
before ni i slalu buat facial kat Leonard Drake n pakai Dermalogica products
but seriously..it is expensive (for me la) so sejak i bertunang ari tu n kumpul duit utk kawen
i stop LD and Dermalogica
so my skin kembali berjerawat..muhahahahha
now i tgh try Mary Kay..hasilnye not bad..and a lot more cheaper than Dermalogica of course :D
i dah try care luaran utk cantikkan kulit muka
and taking MGO is cara dalaman la pulak utk bersihkan ape yg tak kna
buang toxic org kate..huhuhu..i tak sure btol ke idak
yg i tahu..sayuran2 mmg bagus utk kesihatan =)

for further details of Melilea products, sile lawat Go Organic

so skang ni, rutin sy adelah:
bangun pagi, before wuduk, minum air masak 1 gelas
before going to work, minum 250ml of SDII
bile sampai opis n before breakfast, minum 250ml of MGO+AO
between breakfast n lunch: drink at least 3 glass of water, with one glass has 1 tbs of apple cider
after lunch: another one glass of water and 1tbs of apple cider, and a lot of water
diner: take another 250ml of MG0+AO

p/s 1: normally i shud take 4 times of 250ml SDII..tp lately susah plak nak buat..huhuhu so sy amik pagi je

jeudi 17 juin 2010

saye panik..hahaha

well well well..whilst blog hopping, i read some stories about designers who have bad attitudes
and i cant blame b2bs who are complaining about them
if i were at their place..sure i panik gile kan
dah le berlambak2 perkara yg perlu diselesaikan
dari sebesar2 dinosour to sekecil2 clown fish
trust me, u will not have enough ink and papers to list everything down

anyway, their stories scared me a bit
because i dah anta my kain utk di tempah
and no..i takde upah designer ke ape..
just tempah kat butik pengantin, the same place where i tempah baju bertunang ari tu
my mom kinda of suke jahitan dan cara dia potong baju i
so dia request i tempah kat tempah yg same =)

anyway..bile i bace cite pasal prob dgn desinger n vendors ni
opkos i cuak jugak ok..because i dah anta kain utk di tempah mase bulan 4/5 gitu
and since then, tak pnah2 terpk nak tanye progress baju till i bace blog b2bs yg lain
so terus i pegi call auntie tu tanye pasal baju
first call..takde org jawab..second call, still takde
and sampai fifth call pon gitu..erkkk..apekahh
i called every one hour ok..takde la i nak hasle auntie tu sampai call setiap 5 mins..hihihi :D
tak senang duduk la jugak

then after lunch hour, i tried call lagi
alhamdulillah auntie tu jawab
so i introduced myself, and hajat i call dia utk tahu progress baju macam mane
mule2 dia cam blank2..maybe tak ingat kot customer mane satu
dia tanye kain ape yg i tempah..so dgn detail n gelabah nye i described kain i tu
seb baek after that dia ckp.."oohhh Amalina dr kltn tu ye..janji siap awal bulan July kan"
fuhhhhhhh i felt so relieved when i heard what she said..
so i wasnt totally forgotten :D
and according to her, baju i is still on going..insya-Allah can meet the dateline
janji nak pegi fitting 10th of July..insya-Allah
legaaaaaaaaa =)

p/s: nothing to do with wed preps: my circuit dah siap..and dah dihantar ke fabrication..yeay! bleh concentrate balik kat my wed::sukeeee::

mercredi 16 juin 2010


Kain utk baju hari persandingan, i chose kain songket..
kenape?err..there is no specific reason
cume for me, it is a must for a wedding..
i know it is not that comfortable to wear songket..panas n gatal
tp i nak jugak pakai songket
i chose kaler hijau pucuk pisang..because my parents wore songket hijau pucuk pisang mase diorang kahwen =)

and from that came my idea for theme color: hijau pucuk pisang combined with cream
lagipon majlis nanti buat kat rumah
khemah putih dipasang di halaman..so background mmg dah kaler hijau due to rumput, pokok2 kat halaman..hahha
khemah of course kaler putih, scallop tu i tak sure
because urusan sewa khemah, papa yg uruskan
tp i dengar2 my mom nak kaler kuning..huhuhu
kaler diraja katanya..
apelah2 mama, sy tak kesah pon..
janji pelamin, i yg pilih..muahhahhaa

btw pasal my attire utk sanding ni
i ingat nak sewa je..tak kose nak tempah2
baju akad yes, i mmg tempah, because i read somewhere
mmg harus utk memakai baju baru mase akad
but my budget sgt limited..so utk sanding..sewa aje

tp kat my bridal boutique tu, takde songket ijau yg sy inginkan
lagipon mostly songket disitu dah ditambah manik n segala
rase sgt err..pelikk
i just want a traditional songket attire..tanak manik or beads utk songket

and lucky me, mase pegi jalan TAR with my bff Laili,
we went to plaza city one utk usha veil
skali TERmasuk dlm satu kedai yg jual songket
rasenye songket india or pakistan gitu, i cant remember much
and the price is not that expensive
tp kualiti maybe so so je lah (tak secantik our own songket)
but i found songket kaler hijau yg i nak!!

ok depends on jenis kain, harga dia range from rm130 till rm150
utk sepasang lelaki dan perempuan, berserta samping, tengkolok dan selendang
if nak tempah kat situ pon buleh..
so harga tempah + kain is rm300 and above

utk harga kain yg i nak tu, total price is rm300..hehehhe
and i tgk one of the cth, songket yg dia jahit tu beralas
so takkan gatal (cume maybe panass gileee)
but i dunt care much psl tu..hihihi
cume the only prob is, dia tak leh measure
either u ckp nak baju size S L M, or u kasi ur own measurement.duhh

tp i rase lagi berbaloi nak tempah..if sewa kat bridal boutique, harga pon lebey kurang jugak
so better i tempah
my mom n mon prince charmant dah bg green lite
cume i tgh pening pk utk measurement ni
segan nak pegi jumpe my tailor just nak mintak dia measure utk baju kebaya
and i takde baju kebaya yg ukuran masih elok..(sbb dah ketat..muhahahahahahha)

my parents pkai kaler yg ni kot..

mine will be this color

update on the weekend

1. Kenduri kahwin

My sis ajak pegi wedding colleague dia..mule2 i tot nak dok rumah, try to do the gubahan or thank u card..but then, i realized yg wedding yg terakhir yg i attend was my bff wedding, akhir tahun lepas..and i craved for nasi minyak..so i said yes. It was saturday afternoon.the weather in the morning was not bad at all..but when we started to bersiap, hujan turun mencurah2..and i glanced to the wedding invitation card and noticed that rombongan pengantin tiba at 2pm..owhh poor them

The kenduri was at Putra height..they opened 5 khemah, with one of them was for meja beradap..when we reached there, the groom had just arrived(we heard the kompang)..and tell ya..hujan mmg lebat gile..

as everyone was busy with the bride and the groom, takde sape pon dtg sambut kitorang (lagipon hujan lebat, so maybe susah sket skot as all the invitees berkejaran dari kereta ke khemah)..so we all sesuke hati pegi masuk dlm khemah, dan terus makan..(lapa gile noks)
time kitorang makan, the pengantin baru menuju ke meja beradap..and by the time kitorang nak blah, pengantin still makan..so kitorang just pegi dekat n wished congrats.

and kitorang balik dgn tangan kosong..diorang terlupe kasi doorgifts :D

but wat i do realize is, hujan mmg buat semua kelam kabut..maybe tuan rumah dah plan, and assigned org utk buat itu dan ini..tp bile dah hujan..so sume dah terlupe ape yg perlu dibuat..
pestu air plak bertakung dlm khemah (eventho khemah di pasang di atas jalan raya)..so agak kurang comfortable la..baju sy mmg basah dah..time makan plak kne kepit kain tu dari jatuh cecah air..huhuhu..budak2 sy tengok sume seronok..sebab dpt main air..hihihihi

pepehal..both of them looked gorgeous and lovely..theme color was hijau pucuk pisang..which will be my theme color as well =)

2. Survey candy kat OU

for doorgift, my mom nak beli beg kain berbunga kecil kat depan, and inside she wants to put cookies dan selebeynye yg sy tak tahu..yes my mom yg kasi idea, sy menurut perintah shj, bukan sy tanak amik kisah psl doorgift ni..sy just serah kat my mom to decide, because frankly, i have no idea on what to put in our doorgift! =D

as for cookies, my sis n i will bake them by ourselves..my sis is good in baking cookies..klu sy bawak kat opis, tak pepasal org slalu singgah kat my desk sebab nak amik cookies tu..huhuhu
and my sis has this idea to put candies as well, and she knows there is a candy shop in OU..so rite after the kenduri, we headed to OU to survey the price..
i cant remember the name, but i still remember the price.
according to the salesgurl, the candies are packed per kilo, but min order is 6kg. The price for 6kg is RM7++, without packaging. A bottle/jar costs u rm1.50 no matter which size it is. Erkk..ok..cancel letak candy..huhuhuhu

3. Beli papers utk DIY thank u tag

kat OU jugak, i singgah kat MPH utk beli kertas for my diy thank u tag..mule2 ingat nak pegi carik kat le papier, the curve, because kat sane, mmg ade manyak kertas yg chantek2 n mahal2..hihihi..tp rs malas gile nak pegi the curve, semate2 nak cari kertas..so rembat kertas kat mph ajork..senang =)

4. Anta kain hantaran utk dijahit

my future MIL nak kasi 3 pasang kain as hantaran..and mase balik ari tu, dia ckp tak payah susah2 tempah baju lain utk raya..amik je kain hantaran 3 pasang tu, n tempah terus..so that after the w-day, bleh pakai terus utk raya =)

idea yg bagus..cume sy tak tau nak tempah kat mane..becoz tailor yg slalu saye jahit tu dah tutup utk tempahan raya..seb baek awal2 dah anta dua kain utk raya kat situ, so bole la switch..pestu, klu bole, ingat nak letak beads utk 3 pasang tu..tp kat kl/sngor ni tak tau lak kat mane nak tempah murah n chantek...klu kat kltn tau la..tp cam susah je nak tempah sini then anta balik kltn utk jahit beads...lagipon my future MIL pesan jgn tunjuk kat my mom lagi kain tu..huhuhuhu

so ahad lepas, misi pegi memujuk my tailor supaya terima ketiga2 kain tu..seb baek dia nak..and dia ckp dia bleh outsource utk beads skali..yeayyyy!!! senang kije aii..hihihi
cume awal2 saye dah pesan, budget per kain is not more than rm200..klu tak pengsan sy nak baya nanti..lebey2 bile dekat ngan my big day..sure poket keringg gilee..waduhhhh

mardi 15 juin 2010

quick update on lh creative

as i said in my previous post, mon prince charmant and i ordered our wedding card fr lh creative, despite of having uncomfortable experience with them (refer to previous2 post).
they promised us that the draft will be out within a week
so today, i decided to give a call, asking for news..(walaupon sy bz banget dgn my circuits)
well, after a long waiting, they still cudnt find my invoice, so they told me that they will call me back :(

i was dissappointed, and expected for the worst. i texted my fiance, updated him about the call, and u guys know what he replied to me: if they cudnt find our invoice, or if there is any prob at all, we r going to ask our deposit back, and order our card at somewhere else.
wuhuuuuuu..he has never been this serious before..normally, i am the person who always freaks out in every single thing by turning my self into a godzilla, and he is the person who will calm me down and change me into human form..but not this time. he will become the godzilla, or shud i say, groomzilla?nice

that's me, when im not in a human form

that must be him :D

a couple of mins passed by, and the person from lh creative called, asking me if i already send the map or not. of course i did, i even drew it in A3 paper, in order to give u guys larger view of the map. and she said, she will call me back.

another couple of mins passed by, she called, informing me that it has been sent to the designer, and the designer will call me once it is done. she gave me the name and the number of the designer. nicee..now im going to hassle the designer (just kidding!, of course i wont do it :p )

but i did call the designer tho (politely), just to make sure she got the information, the sample card and the map. we didnt design our own card, we just picked one of the sample in the showroom, and asked them to do exactly the same, but of course, there are certain things that are need to be changed, but we already jotted down everything on the sample card. such as "Majlis Kesyukuran" instead of "Walimatul Urus". She told me the draft will be done this Saturday, but i will be in Kuantan for my cousin's engagement, so i told her i will come next week.I told this to mon prince charmant, he said he will go there and spy this saturday..hihihi..he's cute!

Hoping they wont make any mistake on our card, as they already have everything, and it's their own design. Otherwise, I will really get mad, with a groomzilla right behind me.

p/s: why i call it as a quick update?because currently im waiting for my colleague to debug my layout..i cant understand why i have those errors.

lundi 14 juin 2010

urghhh (nothing to do with wed prep)

i want to update about my weekend..
but rite now, im kinda busy with this

it looks colourful, lovely n nice to be seen..but it took me half of day just to do the routingg..and it is not finished yet!!!!

this is a zoom out of the pic above..and the orange cloud with numbers everywhere, is where i am currently working on..and i have to do the interconnections with other blocs.. ::big sighhhhhhh::

the dateline is this wednesday..hoping i can finish it on time

jeudi 10 juin 2010

Berhati-hati di hari kenduri

I read one of my friend blog where she shared a story about pencuri mase kenduri kahwin yg dia attend..dah dua tiga hari i peram this story, nak share, tp asik tertangguh due to work loads kat opis..blurghhh

it seemed that mase org sibuk2 melihat the bride n the groom,
ade jugak manusia gile tak berhati perut pegi curik barang2 dr handbag2 yg tersimpan di bawah katil
teruk btul..and of course, perkara2 macam ni mengurangkan keceriaan kenduri itu
cite lebey lanjut, sile visit blog yg best ini : crooked little mind

so to all b2bs and family
plss be careful during the event (especially yg buat kat rumah)
make sure semua barang berharga like handbag, wallet, barang kemas, handphones disimpan di tempat yg sepatutnya
klu ade barang hantaran yg berharga, pandai2 le assign someone utk menjadi pengawal utk barang2 tersebut

hoping that it will never happen to any of us.

mardi 8 juin 2010

im worried...

ari ahad lepas..mon prince charmant et moi, went to jalan pudu
utk tempah our wedding invitation card
well..few months back..we all actually berkenan kad kat jentayu design
they do really have sweet cards
and it is not too far from my place..neighbour next door ok..hihihi
and the owner is so nice

but then, when we went to wedding expo (i cant remember which one)
kat mid valley, we all tertarik plak dgn card LH Creative
well..some looks banal..but ade la yg kitorang rase cam berkenan
and the price is not dat expensive..within our budget
so kitorang pon put rm50 deposit to get that day price

and since then..we all kinda terlupe terus about jentayu, decided to order our card from LH creative
nak jadikan cerita..rite before i went out
i saje2 gatal2 google about LH creative
and i found one forum telling bad things about LH
apparently, some customers of LH are not happy with the services
and those stories really made me scared
but i told myself, well it may happen everywhere
no matter which company that u pick

so i just went on with the plan
the place is a bit far from us..frankly, i've never been to jalan pudu before
tersesat sampai situ pon tak pnah..hihiihi
we arrived there during lunch hour
there were a few customers
and the salesgurls (indonesians) were very nice
they treated us well..which made us comfortable in the beginning

as we already knew which card we wud like to pick,
so we all isi the information form first, then baru nak discuss with the salesgurl on the customization..
and then suddenly, we heard one customer quarreled with LH staff
wat i mean from "staff" here is, this woman (malay) was seated in front of computer
and i think, she is the person who is in charge of keying in the data and the design of the card to the computer..
apparently, the customer was waiting for her bunting, but the bunting was missing in action..
the LH staff said, they already printed it out, but they cudnt find it..so they will print it again..so they asked the women to come back again or perhaps check at another LH office (situated not too far from where we were)
the customer was outraged, asking if LH did really print the bunting or not
the salesgirls tried to calm her down, but it didnt work as she busted out from the office

i tot the not-so-nice scene wud stop there
but this LH staff (yg dok buat kije ngan computer ni) kept saying bad things about the customer!!
some that i cud remember.."dia ni nak kawin ke tidak??kalau muke cantik tu takpe la jugak nak marah2..ni tak lawa pon" and she kept membebel2 for about half an hour
but one of the staff there started to print again the bunting
u know what that rude LH staff said " tak payah buat cantik2..marah2 aku macam tu..buruk pon takpe..biar padan muke"
when i heard that..i was shocked..OMG..she got no rite to say that..no matter whose fault it is, she cant do that!!!
because of her, the environment became so tense
at least for both of us
till nak isi form tu pon asik tersalah je..
and dlm kepale sy, i kept asking..did i make a mistake by choosing this company??

luckily, the salesgurls were so calm..they still can control their nevres despite of what had occured in the office
still smilling to us, and patiently listen to what we explained about our card
the changes that have to be done on the sample card that they showed to us
she promised us that the draft will be out within a week
and if everything is ok, then we can collect our card by the end of this month

on the way back home, mon prince charmant said he really didnt like the way that rude woman treated the customer
eventho the customer was wrong, but she shudnt get too emo and said bad things about the customer..it was so wrongggggg!!!at least show some respect to other customers who were on that place.
and i agreed with him
lebey2 lg dia yg buat design kat computer..klu dgn marah2 cemtu..sure ade manyakk salah
erkk..takottt nye makkkkkk...
pls dont do that to my cards..plssssss

skang sy sgtt2 la berharap our card will turn out to be seperti yg kami harapkan
tp still risau sgt sgt sgt..adoiii
does anybody pnah deal with this company?
perhaps u cud share ur nice story so that i can put end to this uneasiness

p/s: we ordered 700 pcs for both of us..tetibe rase cam tak cukup..gulp

jeudi 3 juin 2010

Diet oh Diet! : part 1

diet is one of the issue for b2bs
utk yg dah ade body cun melecun tu..mmg tak kesah la kot
tp in my case..huhuhu mmg kne hilangkan berkilo2 lemak
and it is not easy as abc

dulu mase kat perancis..ai mmg tak pnah amik pusing pasal berat
makan macam mane pon, still maintain je
sebabnye manyak pkai public transport, manyak jalan kaki
kadang2 time spring or summer..dari rumah tu saya jalan kaki je pegi town center
semata2 nak makan haagen dazs..and it took about 30 mins
so sedar tak sedar..mmg sy excercise dok sane

satu lagi, makanan yg halal utk dimakan agak susah
unless klu rajin masak la kan
daging ayam mentah yg halal tu senang nak jumpe
tp makanan yg siap dimasak yg boleh di beli tu susah
yg ade hanyalah sandwich or roti

so hari2 makan mmg tak tentu..
selalunye mase weekend, mmg saya bermewah sket..masak ayam masak merah
masak nasi ayam, kari ke
and for sure berlebih2 so that buleh tahan dua tiga hari during weekdays
so balik je dari kelas terus hangatkan balik je
kelas saya setiap hari from 8 to 6..
jauh plak tu, nak balik umah makan mmg tak sempat
slalunye makan choc bar, mars ke kinder bueno ke, kit kat je as alas perut
if ade duit lebey sket..beli sandwich, tu pon ikut selera anak tekak
hari2 makan sandwich tuna telur mayonaise..mmg buhsan :D

ade time saye tgh ade masalah peribadi,time tu mase bulan ramadhan
nak masak takde mood, asik dok berendam dgn air mata je
tiap2 hari saya makan cereal je, sahur makan cereal
bukak puasa pon makan cereal
hampir sebulan saya cemtu, n tanpa disedari badan saya susut gile2
huhuhuhu..tp skang dah naik gile2 la pulak..hihihihi

kat m'sia ni lain sket..mmg susah nak berpantang
lebih2 lagi makanan senang nak cari..start keta, kluar dari kawasan tpt kita tinggal
dah berderet2 warung tepi jalan yg jual makanan
tak amik kire lagi restaurant2 fastfood yg tumbuh dgn banyaknye di sini
lagi le membangkit selera kan

paling teruk, bile sy start keluar wif mon prince charmant
mmg tiap2 kali keluar asik makannn je
walaupon tak lapa...tetap singgah kedai makan
konon2 nak teman si dia makan
skali nampak nasi goreng paprik..terus meleleh2 air liur

but since sy jadi his official fiancee
i decided to stop all this weight gain
i have to do something..otherwise saye akan membulat macam belon raksase

wat did i do was firstly
try to exercise..but i hate jogging! so i just walk for about 1 hour every sunday morning
which was a bit difficult la jugak
malas nak bangun awal pagi
klu lambat sgt, matahari dah tinggi..panas pulak nak jalan2

then i decided to try jusmate 5
but it didnt work for me
when i drank it, i felt dizzy..terus tak bleh buat kije the whole day
and with the strict regime..i cudnt stand that
so i stopped taking jusmate 5

next, i tried SDII..high protein diet
i kinda like it, eventho the first time when i tasted it
macam minum air gandum..mmg eewww
but then, bile dah biase..rase sedap plak :)
and wat i really like about SDII is
you have to eat in order to slim down
as i said, it is a high protein diet
so i have to take 3 meals everyday..cant miss any ye
but take only proteins..no carbo is allowed, ohh and sugar too
so i can eat lamb chop, kfc or any protein dish as i like
tp perut sy ni mmg perut org melayu
tak bleh miss makan nasi :(
so i still amik nasi, but in a very tiny potion during lunch :D

and i have to drink a lot of water..cold water is advisable
it is because, ur cells work a lot in order to burn those fat
thus you have to take a lot of water
or you may have complication with ur kidneys

in SDii diet, i cant take choc and caffeine drink
because according to SDii, choc n caffeine will decrease the burning rate
so i stop taking that..well not as frequent as i was (i was a coffee drinker)
so once in a couple of weeks..bile rase teringin sgt..then ai minum la jugak :D

other than that, mon prince charmant is so supportive
ever since he knows that i want to lose some kilos
he is kindly willing to accompany me walking after office hour
so we do that 2 to 3 times a week..when the time allows

last but not least, i take apple cider

source apple cider yg ni yg i beli kat cold storage, harga around rm6.50 utk size16 fl oz

i was told that apple cider can increase our metabolisme rate
so each day, i add one teaspoon of apple cider into my drinking water
and have it twice daily, before meals

rite now. i already lost 4 kilos..since feb
means 1kg per month
it was not that fast as i wanted it to be
but losing some kilos already make me happy..and motivated to lose more :D

my big day is in 3 months and i want to lose another 10kg
i do the maths, i have to lose around 3kg per month
owh crap..it sounds impposible :(

mardi 1 juin 2010

about my engagement

there was a request for my engagement pictures
and i am happily to put some =)
but before that, i wanna share some details about my engagement

as i said, we didnt plan to engage as we tot we cud save some money
and at that moment, i was busy with my lil bro engagement
owh yes..his engagement was on the 15.02.10
thus we all termasuk uncles, aunties n cousins bercamping kat kemaman for a while
utk pegi meminang dan jugak for our family day
and time tu, my aunties pon dah bising2 tanye bile pulak my turn kan
they know i'm seeing someone, but they didnt know how serious i was with mon prince charmant
and my common answer was, insya-Allah, bile ade rezeki :D

in the mean time, mon prince charmant was with his family in kb
his mission was to discuss with his parents about us and the wedding
but his parents suggested to follow the adat properly, starting with merisik dan bertunang
and if it was ok with my family, they wud like to come on the Maulud Nabi
and of course la mon prince charmant told his parents that it was too soon as well our intention to not being engaged

when he informed me the output of his discussion
i told my parents about his parents intention to datang meminang
and u know wat my mom said: haa bagus la tu..mama berkenan sgt macam tu
i was like..erkkk..wat shud i do??but then mom, they wanted to come on maulud nabi..it is like 8 days lagi tau..
and my mom replied: tarikh tu dah elok, hari pon elok, jumaat plak tu, bole la mama buat kenduri untuk maulud nabi, then petang tu majlis meminang
i was surprised by her answer, and said: tp sempat kee mama, nak prepare sume, baju pon org tade, nak carik barang hantaran, cincin sume
my mom dgn yakin jawab: simple jee..insya-Allah sempat

so i just follow her plan..with one week notice, there was nothing much to be prepared
kain utk my attire, serious i took kain sulam padang yg my mom kasi last year
tu pon seb baek ade sbb i peram dlm almari je tak berjahit
the dialog above took placed on Friday
so on the next day..pagi2 bute lagi i kuar ngan mon prince charmant cari barang hantaran n cincin, and hantar kain kat warta bangi
seb baek auntie tu sudi menerima..klu tak seriously tak tau nak tempah kat mane in such a brief delay
but i did have prob with mon prince charmant attire
and our decision asik flip flop, shud he come or shud he not?
as he is a shy2 cat type, of course dia klu boleh tanak datang (helloooooooo..tak best ok)
if datang pon nak pakai kemeja gitu je
but my mom requested him to come in baju melayu..and i didnt know where to find one with the same color as mine

rabu mlm, i took flight to kb..time tu mon prince charmant still tak tahu nak datang ke idak..n baju pon tade jugak
ari khamis, pagi2 dah kluar ngan mama, pegi flowerist beli fresh flowers, then pegi SSF carik bahan utk gubahan hantaran, pegi kedai kwm mama utk tambah bling2 kat my attire and kedai cake utk collect cupcakes utk doorgifts..
bear in mind, cupcakes tu yg kosong blom decor lagi tau..

i didnt have time to lunch as balik je umah pon dah kol 4 lebey
terus attack my hantarans, 7 dulang balas 7
my sis n cousins plak decor 60 cupcakes and put in cute box that i bought earlier in bangi
malam plak..tulun kemas2 ape yg patut

hari jumaat..lagi le bz, because my mom masak semua utk majlis maulud and majlis bertunang
so all hands were required..luckily there were enough =)
around 4pm, the rombongan sampai
i didnt hear the discussion between two families as i was in my room
then i was accompanied by my auntie to meet my future MIL
and there, where i came out from the room, i saw mon prince charmant
handsomely wore baju melayu with the same color as mine..siap bersamping ok
at that moment, he did really cherish my heart =)

now i am officially his fiancée

enjoy the pix yg tak seberapa tu, folks!

my attire: kurung moden kain sulam padang

i didnt have pelamin :D my mom set this up for me..

my hantarans: shirts, trousers, kain baju melayu, cake, kuih muih tradisional kltn, sireh n chocs


fruit cake, baked n decorated by my mom

dinar mas

before i start explaining about dinar mas,
i think it's better to clear out about duit hantaran in kelantan
well..it happens that here in kelantan, we do not have duit hantaran
we just have mas kahwin aje
so if the groom bawak rm10 juta (exaggerate sket), then mase akad tu nanti akan kedengaran: Aku terima nikahnya...bla bla bla..dgn 10juta ringgit tunaii..
and fyi, rm10 juta tu adalah hak milik the bride, as ianya adalah mas kahwin
so ianya terletak di atas budi bicara pengantin perempuan (dan jugak parents) untuk menggunakan duit itu utk kenduri atau tidak

in my family, selalunye duit tu mmg akan jadi milik pengantin
and selalunya, diorang akan beli set barang kemas dgn duit yg diperolehi
as for me, my mom already said she wont touch the money
cume dia pesan jgn la bersuke suki plak ngan duit tu
simpan elok2..utk buat downpayment rumah ke..or masukkan dlm ASB

my only concern is the amount!
i do not want to burden mon prince charmant by asking him to put rm20k (for example) as mas kahwin...
and i do not want to hurt my family's feeling if the amount is too small, compared to mas kahwin sekarang yg mmg selumber badak cecah belasan ribu ringgit..
because mesti ade sanak sedara, jiran, or teman2 yg akan mengata if mas kahwin rendah kan?
dah le zaman sekarang org letak harga based on kelulusan
regarding my status as oversea's masters degree holder, sah2 lagi la high expactation diorang..sighhh

both of us come from humble and modeste family
thus we are not looking for anything extravaganza ke ape
me personally, im not looking for high big figure
i know where i come from, and who he really is
mas kawin is a must, but the amount to bergantung kepada rezeki masing2
as i said, klu nak belasan ribu tp menyusahkan org, buat ape kan?

sadly, we live in a society yg suke mengata..who loves comparing one person with another
nanti mulelah dgr cite..
"cik kiahh..awak tau tak..anak si polan2 tu mas kawinnya sekian2..dah le mengaji tinggi..anak sedara saya just diploma dapat 3 kali ganda tau"
frankly, im ok with this kind of remark..but i dunt think my family members can stand that
especially my mom, sure terase kan org mengata pasal anak dia
and i dunt blame her as kadang2 kata2 orng ni mmg sgt kureng ajor

so i opt for dinar mas
which is convenience for everyone
in kltn (im not sure with other states)
we can buy dinar mas, and use it as mas kahwin
so instead of hearing...."rm10 juta tunai"..u olz are going to hear " 50 dinar emas tunai" or sthing like that la
but the most important is, the exact amount of mas kahwin in rm is hidden
nobody will know it..unless cik kiah tu mmg bersungguh2 nak tahu berape mas kahwin hang
dia pegi check berapa nilai dinar mas sekarang
haa..org cemni mmg jenis suke jage tepi kain orang..even klu bleh kat dlm kain pon dia nak jage

satu lagi kenape ai setuju pakai dinar mas is
it is one sort of pelaburan
as harga emas ade naik dan turun
if we sell it mase harga tgh naik
so naik lah nilai sebenar mas kahwin tu nanti
and i tak rase nak pakai pon lagi duit tu
so eloklah biarkannye terperam
and when the time comes, baru tuka kepada duit biase
hoping that i will have 5x from the buying price
time tu mmg mokcik sgt kayo la kan!! =)

my parents agree with the idea
cume tunggu my papa pegi discuss ngan tok imam
if tok imam pon setuju, so i will proceed with the plan

ari tu balik dah usha2 psl dinar mas
rasenye ade manyak tempat where we can buy dinar mas
one of them is ar-rahn
ari tu pegi tanye, dia ckp dah out of stock, kne pegi another cawangan
so to b2bs yg rase nak pkai dinar mas
maybe bleh usha awal n beli awal
karang by the time nak beli, takde plak dinar mas, haru plak kan :D

last reason
ai sudah terbayang satu frame utk syiling2 tu
yes..dinar mas comes in syilling
rasenye sebesar duit 50 sen or 20 sen
according to ar-rahn staff
there are 2 dinar mas
1 dinar mas
0.5 dinar mas
and 0.25 dinar mas
so sure chantek kan klu letak dlm frame
senang di bawa, dan berkilau keemasan, sure chantek!

balik kampung

last weekend, i balik bercuti ke kampung
as we had a weekend of 3 days..and i was entitled for 1 day replacement leave (ganti cuti 1 Mei ari tu)
so au total, it was a weekend of 4 days..(but still not enough laa :( )

ekceli, i had been looking for this, because i wanted to finalize all about attires and pelamin
plus mon prince charmant pon nak tempah bilik pengantin ngan NTouch..
so our first destination was of course NTouch
pagi2 lagi dah sampai tau..
but as usual, it was difficult to decide
bile tgk gambar pelamin2 baru yg ade..ai start mule rambang mate..
and thank God, all of them are not within my budget..ngehh ngehh ngehh
so i just stick to yg awal2 di tempah..walaupon design agak lama
malas dah nak pk lebey2

as for attire, staff kat situ (her name is Kak Ira if im not mistaken) said ade baju2 baru akan masuk bulan 7 nanti
kak long (Kak La's daughter) pon ade confirmkan yg she's going to Indonesia to pick up those cloths July nanti..
so to b2bs yg bercadang or dah book KakLa
sile attack kedai KakLa July nanti, most probably end of month
sebab ade baju2 baru akan masuk..sure lagi vogue terbabas!!! =)
ai pon dah bercadang2 ngan mon prince charmant nak balik lagi akhir bulan 7 nanti, insya-Allah
en attendant, i dah book 2 attires la..satu beaded lace kaler maroon utk majlis bertandang
and satu lagi, beaded lace kaler cream just for suka2 or maybe photo shoot..huhu
untuk baju persandingan, i dah letak deposit utk tempah kat jalan Tar..wooohoooooo..dapat pakai songket kaler hijau yg ai nakkk..weeeeeeeeeheeeee
cume probnye..i takde veil + kasut + accessories utk akad nikah n sanding (sebab dua2 baju tu ai tempah)
so terpakse i amik dari Ntouch je..and price sgt reasonable..klu sume beli sendirik..mau melayang tiga empat ratus lagi..fuhhhhh (tapi ade still ade hati nak tempah veil ngan Pn Vispera because sgt very the chantekk!!!)

about bunga pahar, my mom and I already bought the materials
and we already started making bunga pahar..skang dah siap 10 cucuk
another 90 to go
i must say, my mom mmg ade gift dlm buat mende2 cemni
as bunga pahar tu sgt sweet, nice color, dan tak crowded sgt
kitorang buat bunga stoking tau..and the cost is rm2 setiap satu
sungguh murah dari beli kat kedai

about gubahan hantaran, my mom dah explain panjang lebar ape yg patut di buang, ape yg patut di tambah
and my future MIL pon dah tunjuk design camne yg dia berkenan
so we dah beli bahan2 yg sepatutnya
and I will try my best utk memenuhi kehendak semua pihak
huhuhuhu..mmg la ai yg akan berkahwin..but sometimes it makes me feel better bile dapat please another person, especially my mom
as long as dia berkenan, than ai follow je
tapi cuak jugak la takut tak jadi cam org nak kan..huhuhu
self confidence mmg rendah btol

we all jugak sempat usha dinar emas
will update about it soon

till then, folks!