with mon prince charmant, we went there in order to ask them to fill up the JAHEAIK form
first, we went to the information counter:
makcik yg jage counter tu tercengang bile tgk slip hiv test kami..dia tanye, awat takde cop negative..and i said i dunt know, i just want a doctor to fill this form. she said, i dunt need to see a doctor, just go to the room 13 and ask a person in that room to sign.dia siap ckp "ni mesti kes diorang terlupe nak cop "negative" "...iyo lah sgt mokcik oiii
so we went to room 13:
the person in charge said there is no need to fill the form..it's gov policy to not put the result anywhere..yada yada yada..
but i insisted him that i need this form, otherwise i cudnt submit my nikah form (hehhe kelentong aje..janji i dpt ape yg i nak)
after penat bertekak..then he said he cudnt sign it because he's not pengamal perbuatan kerajaan as requested in the form
dlm ati i kate , heloooooo yg u sign borang hiv test i tu boleh la pulak..bbluuurrrreeeghhhh
then we went back to information counter, utk amik angka giliran. but makcik kat situ tak puas ati, dia ckp dia akan sendiri jumpe ngan orang dlm bilik 13. so we waited for 15 mins,
and she gave me the same info as that i already had "it is the gov policy to not reveal the result yada yada yada"
so she kindly asked us to register..and we did
once our number was up, we went to registration counter:
makcik kat situ tanye i sakit ape..and dgn sabarnye i said, takde sakit just nak jumpe dr utk dapatkan pengesahan result hiv test..makcik tu hairan plak kenape, takde cop ke ckp negative or positive? and i said no..ade plak nurse kat sebelah dia sibuk explain mmg takde cop dah skang and another yada yada yada
and dgn tak sabarnye i said, i have to get this pengesahan, otherwise tak bleh submit my nikah form (another kelentong..ape i pedulik..malas nak layan karenah diorang)
after beberapa mins berbalas ckp, she asked me to pay rm 1 and wait in front of room 8.
room 8:
once we were called, we entered the room, and kindly explained to the doctor our prob. as expected, she was surprised as well..and the Q "eh tade cop negative ke" became a common question for us..so once again, i explained to her about "the gov policy" and the JAHEAIK requirement, but she didnt buy it. so she went to check with the guy from room 13 (back to square one...sighhhhh)
after a while, she came back and said, ok it's the gov policy yada yada yada (seriously, i was getting annoyed with this sentence) and normally all the jabatan agama islam di seluruh malaysia is aware about this ( i wish they cud..but my dear, i already called JAHEAIK and this is their requirement..i dunt care ape itu gov policy ke ape..i just care about kebenaran bernikah dari JAHEAIK sahaja...i just wanna get married!! sobbing)
however she said she can sign the form (yeay),but i had to go back to room 13 to ask the person in that room utk cop kat kad kesihatan kami berdua and came back to room 8. (duhhhhhhhh)
at last, we have slip hiv test dan jugak borang pemohonan ujian saringan hiv dr JAHEAIK yg sudah siap diisi.
total time wasted: 2 HOURS!!
p/s: i tak tau lansung about this policy, and i tak tau if all jabatan agama, jurunikah, tok kadi or tok imam are aware about this. klu tak, macam mane nanti?dapat tak kebenaran bernikah? dah le mase akad nikah tu, tok imam dah ckp dia nak tgk original slip hiv test..and if he doesnt know about this policy..nak tak dia nikahkan kami nanti? (dunt bother to think about this, otherwise korang panik macam i jugak nanti..hahahaa)
so bile i called JAHEAIK..they said they want to see negative/positive, reactive/non-reactive on the slip or borang, then i just follow, because diorang yg uruskan pasal borang nikah nanti, kasi kebenaran kawin ke idak..
utk b2bs dr kltn, do kindly ask the details dr tok imam tempat awak or JAHEAIK before awak buat hiv test..maybe by time, sume org dah aware pasal the new policy, so tak payah awak susah2 macam saya =)