It is a hot stuff among BF mommies! Want to have one? Kindly email me at lumiere.damour[a]gmail.com

Sorry for the long silence..ari tu baru je nekad nak slalu blogging pasal hakim
Tetibe hilang pulak..heheehe
Kije bertambun kat office..lebey2 dekat ngan dateline..lagi le bertambun2
A few days before the dateline..siap berkampung kat opis ni sampai tgh malam..
Seb baek walid hakim sgt memahami dan sudi jaga hakim dirumah while umi hakim pulun buat layout utk 50 transistor ::nanges::
I took a dayoff last Friday..sbb pengasuh cuti..ingatkan bleh main guling2 dgn hakim
Turned out that I had to face my lappy more than my cute happy son's face L..dah le lebey 24hours tak tido..
Ok enough said..that was my reason for being silence
facebook dah dekat dua minggu jugak tak gi jengok..dedolu..siap bleh main cityville..sekarang..nak bukak pon tak nyempat..haha
about Hakim..last week dia demam..temp 38
siann anak umi..jangkit dgn saya la kot..because a few days earlier..saye dan en suami dua2 mc sbb demam..huhu
alhamdulillah..demam dia kejap je..but he caught flu as well..so malam2 tido asik tersumbat hidung..nak minum susu pon susah..siann sgt
but he remained active!..takde menangis2 ke ape
dok senyum gelak as usual..takde gaye demam lansung
cume mase dia nak tido dan menyusu tu..dia merengek2 manja..maybe tak selesa kot
poor my lil baby..
paling comel bile kasi dia ubat demam guna syringe..
bile ubat tu masuk dlm mulut dia, dia mengecap2 utk rase ubat tu..then he smiled!
Agaknye sedap kot ubat tu..ade rase manis2 gamaknye..sampai dia bleh senyum..hihihihi
Saye pulak excited tgk ekspresi muka dia bile pertama kali merasa something yg bukan susu ibu..ohh my..cant wait to feed him with home-made solid food =)
0-2 hari : setiap dua jam mesti bangun tanpa perlu dikejut..saya rase body clock telah diset oleh nurse kat hospital..hehehhe..sebabnye..bile check out, nurse mmg pesan, setiap dua jam kne kasi susu kat Hakim..tak kisah if dia tido ke berjaga..mmg kena kejut..so bile balik rumah..saya set alarm setiap dua jam..and each time, hakim akan tersedar before alarm berbunyi..mase ni..kije dia bangun menyusu, tido..pestu menyusu balik..pestu tido balik
2-12 hari: Hakim slalu terbabas tido, which is after 2 jam dia still tido..so terpakse la uminya kejut utk kasi susu..maybe sbb mase ni saye kasi susu tepung..so baby kenyang lama..so tidonye pon akan lama
12-40 hari: Bermula penyusuan badan secara ekslusif..Hakim makin kerap menyusu…His demand was almost every one hour..so setiap jam le saye bangun menyusu dia..tersengguk2..huhuhu..kadang2..dia bangun menyusu..pestu tanak tido..which was selalunye dari tgh malam onwards..kekadang sampai ke subuh..(maybe dia nak kejut seisi rumah utk bersahur kot..huhu)
40-60 hari : sleep pattern dia caca-merba..kejap ok..kejap tak ok..kejap berjaga..kejap dia tido lena..ade masa yg senang untuk kasi dia tido..ada masa dah 40 nursery rhymes saye nyanyi (exaggerate je)..but still mata dia tanak tutup..ade pulak masa dia menyusu je kejap..terus lena..ade pulak mase dah sejam mulutnye kemam puting tp still tanak let go..klu let go terus tersedar..yg paling kelakar yg saya ingat was..ade satu period ni..dia akan bangun menyusu di mlm hari (as usual)..selepas menyusu..slalunye, if saya letak kat babycot..dia akan merengek soh diangkat balik..so saya belai/ulit nak kasi dia btol2 lena..skali ari tu saye terase urgent utk ke toilet..so terpaksa letak dia atas katil saya..dlm hati ckp..lantak le dia nak merengek ke ape..mmg I needed to pee..balik dr toilet..tgk2 dia dah lena tido!!..alihkan dia ke babycot pon dia tak sedar..so since that..lepas je dia abis menyusu, saye akan terus letak dia kat dlm babycot, tanpa perlu mengulit..fuhhh lega betul..cume ianya bertahan for 1 week je la..pestu berubah balik kpd asal..hahha
60 hari-3 bulan: Bermula era saya bekerja..dan Hakim start berjaga malam semula..di mana..kol 11 mlm je dia akan berjaga dan aktif..kalau bernasib baik..dia akan tido sekejap..but kol 1 terbangun balik..pestu ajak kami borak..ya Allah..suara dia kuat sgt..dok membebel sensorang..umi dia ni pulak..kadang2 kejam, bior je Hakim bebel, sedangkan uminya tido krohh kroohh kat sebelah..hehehhe..slalunye kol 4 -5 pagi baru Hakim mengantuk nak tido..so uminya pon tido2 ayam la jugak..sebelum balik kampung utk raya korban lagi best..Hakim tido kol 7 pagi!! Sedangkan kami plan nak bertolak balik kampung kol 9 pagi..sudahnye semua kena delay..tak sampai hati nak kejut dia yg baru tido..ngantuk punye pasal..Hakim straight tido dari kol 7 sampai kol 11..tu pon saya kejut dia kol 11 sbb dah risau 4 jam dia tak minum susu..dan jugak nak mandikan dia..huhuhu
3 bulan – today: Sejak balik kampung..dia dah tak berjaga malam..alhamdulillahhh..lega sangat..dah takde dah dia ajak borak memalam buta!..slalunye kol 12 mlm or 1..dia akan tido..kekadang dua jam pestu dia merengek mintak susu..then tido balik..kekadang..alarm kol 6 saya berbunyi, tp dia tak bgn2 pon lagi..huhuhu..harap2 kekal le cemni ye sayang =)
Observation: Dari dulu sampai skang..Hakim jenis tido lena waktu pagi..tido pon dua tiga jam baru menyusu….klu waktu malam..lepas maghrib tu..susah dia nak lena..klu tido pon..sejam mesti bangun..kadang2 tak sampai setengah jam tido..dah bangun dahh..huhuhu mmg dari dlm perut..dia jenis aktif malam..kol 11 tu start le dia menendang2..klu pagi..senyapp sepi je..huhu
Disclaimer: I am currently at work..and I miss him badly!!..Bagaimana agaknye dia dgn pengasuh baru L
masih terkial2 nk tranfer latest pic of hakim fr hp..he is so adorable!!!ya Allah..terima kasih di atas kuniaanMu.When you compare the breast to a bathtub, it’s important to understand that each breast has multiple lobes, so there are actually multiple individual “bathtubs” within each breast. Different lobes can be in different stages according to their degree of fullness, which is why we can never really say that the breast is completely empty.
Disclaimer: I am not an expert in breastfeeding..cerita di sini hanyalah based on my experience or based on kawan2 punye experience..hehehe..and I don’t care if u are 100%pro-BM or 50%pro-BM or 100%pro-FM..all decisions taken regarding this matter are for Hakim’s interest..kindly do not judge or be rude if they are not aligned with what u believe.
Susu saye tak kuar pada hari pertama kelahiran Hakim..dan jugak untuk hari2 berikutnye..mase kat hospital, doktor dok picit2 breast saye..but to no avail..mmg setitik pon tarak..apetah lagi kolustrum..so I got no choice, kasi formula milk..but doktor pesan soh Hakim breastfeed dulu (eventho takde susu) for about 15mins at each breast utk stimulate penghasilan susu, baru kasi FM..
Hari ke-6, makcik yg jaga saye dlm pantang tu picit2 and urut2 lagi, baru le nampak susu..setitik and just ade satu liang je..huhuhu..hati saye gembira bukan kepalang eventho susu masih sedikit..at least usaha untuk stimulate penghasilan susu berhasil..
Hari ke-12 was the last day umi Hakim top up dgn susu FM..bile nampak Hakim dah kenyang dgn minum susu badan, saye terus stop walaupon baru je beli satu tin susu bersaiz sederhana besar..sampai lani tak sentuh2 n masih berbaki dlm Tupperware..huhuhu..
Bile susu dah banyak, saye mule rase let-down..which is a bit painful..macam air terjun mencurah2 dari bahu..huhu..and hakim pulak tersedak2 setiap kali let-down..kesian sgt dia…dan saye pulak panic takut susu masuk dlm paru2..dah le time dia minum susu mesti berbunyi..cam ade lendir dlm tekak dia gitu..i was so worried about it..pestu pegi pulak bace pasal bayi mati tersedak susu..lagi le saye risau..but dr said, it is normal,,lendir tu adalah sisa baki air ketuban,,dan akan hilang nanti..
So alhamdulillah, saye dah dapat fully breastfeed my lil Hakim..rezeki susu Hakim mmg mencurah2 since then..saye start pump susu and buat stock ketika dua minggu sebelum bekerja..i bought spectra 3 breastpump..and it works wonderfully. Saya tried to have 4 pump sessions everyday..which are 6am, 10pm, 1pm and 4pm..dan selalunye saya akan pump selepas Hakim selesai menyusu..so kadang2 termiss one session..hehehe..time weekend lagi le..asik keluar berjalan je..mmg tak sempat nak pump…bile dah masuk kerja, saye keep the same schedule..4 sessions each day..alhamdulillah.. cukup untuk Hakim minum the next day dan jugak untuk buat stock..last week, walid Hakim dah belikan upright freezer..legaaa..dah tak payah pening2 camne nak simpan susu..huhuhu
I don’t take any supplement yet..tapi ade beli dah botol pil fenugreek, in case susu tetibe merundum..saye ingat nak beli Shaklee jugak..tp bukan untuk increase milk, tp utk kasi tenaga dan kasi badan sihat..mmg saye kepenatan sejak menjadi ibu ni..so any testimonials from Shaklee users?or perhaps, any recommended supplement utk boost our energy?
Btw..saye ade soalan..baby 2 bulan selalunye minum berape oz ek? My Hakim currently consumes only 9oz je bile dia dok ngan pengasuh..i packed 3oz in each bottle..so roughly..dia minum 3 kali je sehari?awat dgn saye cam nak nenen slalu jehh..haihh risauuu btoll..risau takut dia tak cukup minum..risau takut pengasuh pepandai top up FM sesuka hati tanpa pengetahuan saya…
p/s: i had no clue on how our breasts work to produce milk..had a lot of questions about it..dan slalunye saye tanya my colleague, Farha..heheh ..mase dlm pantang tu, sket2 tepon/msg/chat dia, heheh..thanks a lot babe..sorry le klu ganggu hang buat kije ekk..hehhe..btw, this morning, I found this article..and it explains in details about milk production, dan soalan2 saye terjawab bile bace article ni..worth a read..have fun reading!
I'm going absolutely crazy waiting for this baby to come out. Is there anything I can do?
Here’s an answer you won’t like: Not really. Home remedies, from walking to sex to spicy food to mopping the kitchen floor, are harmless -- but most often ineffective. Other strategies (think herbal supplements, nipple stimulation and castor oil) can work, but might bring on killer contractions that can be dangerous to your baby and super-painful to you. Don't try anything without your midwife or doctor’s advice. Most doctors will recommend inducing labor by 41 or 42 weeks, so the end is in sight.
You’ve heard it before, but we’ll say it again: Use this time to take care of you, before you have to take care of baby. Sleep, read, go to the movies -- anything that distracts you from the Big Waiting Game. Oh, and it’s a good idea to turn off the ringer on your phone and let voice mail take the calls. Nothing’s more annoying right now than 101 calls asking where that baby is.
I received it in my weekly newsletter from TheBump..huhuhu
so now I am more calm..not too anxious thinking about when my lil prince is going to see us..
I also talked to my sister, which also makes me more relax and focus..
She delivered her 2 babies at the UK..and according to her, her midwife mmg ade ckp..if everything is ok, mommies bleh tunggu till 42 weeks..then baru consider induction
She also advised me to enjoy my very last days before being a mommy..especially spend more time with hubby as my life will change once the baby is born..
and one of my besties informed me that one of our friend delivered her baby at 42 weeks..and it was a normal labour.
So we have the answer for tomorrow's check up: as long as baby's health is not an issue, we will wait till the baby is ready to meet us. =)
p/s: my EDD is this saturday..tp buat entry gaya cam dah overdue..hahhhahaa..over sungguh
Nothing much to say
My weight remains the same (yeay!)
My baby is now 2.8kg (owhh my!)
My BP was ok: 119/79 if im not mistaken
My urine pon nice
So far, alhamdulillah
But..he’s not engaged yet..should I be worried about it?
I already set dates for next check ups..which are on the 18th and 27th.
Dr norleen told me that I will do the CTG during the check ups. Excited plak rase..hehe
Ya Allah..permudahkan urusan dan proses hamba Mu ini untuk bersalin nanti..dan semoga bayi yang dilahirkan dalam keadaan sihat tanpa sebarang komplikasi. Amin.
After the check up and after having our dinner at Hakim’s, we went home for a shower..and then went to
The movie was ok la..but I still want Megan Fox!
My baby was actively moving during the last hour of the movie
Not sure whether it was due to the sound which was too loud, or it was his time to be active (normally I already fall asleep around that hour..hehhhee)
But I did put my shawl and hubby’s jacket around my bump in order to absorb the sound wave..huhuhu
Sorry honey if u didn’t feel comfortable last nite..that wud be my second last movie (owh yess..i have to watch Harry Potter next week!)
After that..i am going to retire from watching movies and take a good care of you..
En attendant, be safe and be good =)
Wahhh..dah 36 weeks babe!..9 bulan!!macam tak percaye je
Dub dab dub dab dub dab.. :D
I was so bz last week
Too much of trainings..and too much of meetings
Sigh..nak buek camno..project baru nak kick off
And lagi dua tiga minggu..i wud be on maternity leave
Bos mane tak pening
Anyhow..ape yg saye nak update psl my pregnancy ek
Nothing much..cume saye notice baby kurang sket dah bergerak
Maybe sbb dah tak banyak space kot
Sgt2 menunggu my check up this Wednesday
Nak tau berat baby dah berape kg..huhuhu
On the other hand..i am under attack by stretch marks
Start naik mase 8 bulan kot
Tu pon kat bhgn bawah perut
Tp skang ni..kat peha dah ade..kat bontot pon dah ade
Cume tak banyak and kulit tak semerekah cam kat perut la
Dia timbul sket2 je..and kulit still smooth
Fuh fuh..gigih skang nak letak lotion..harap2 berjaye la..huhu
Jari jemari saye dah start kebas2
Especially time tido..bile jari tak bergerak
So when I wake up n gengam tangan..sakitnye sgt terase..huhuhu
Pasal grab bags plak..more or less saye dah siapkan kot
Siap kasi list kat hubby what shud he bring once saye admitted to the hospital
I wont put all bags dlm kereta..sb tanak kurma, botol2 air dan juga my breastpump rosak
So saye tinggalkan je kat umah..insya-Allah nanti hubby tulun amikkan.
Update takde kaitan ngan pregnancy:
As project baru nak start..so first task is buat literature review
And ari tu saye terjumpe papers yg ditulis oleh my lecturers..hahha
Mula2 tak perasan..pestu bile tgk list of authors..nampak Y. Le Guennec and B. Cabon
Terbulat mate tau..hahha..siap bace biography diorang lagi tuu
I was like..fuyooooo!
Miss my student life! And I miss
Dunt know why lately saye risau takut baby berpusing dan berkedudukan songsang or melintang L
Ya Allah..permudahkan urusan dan proses hamba Mu ini untuk bersalin nanti..semoga baby dan umi nya sehat walafiat. Amin.
Another 40 days to go..phewww..time flies very fast..
I remember last year, I did the countdown to become mrs redzuan
And now I am counting days to meet mr Redzuan junior..hihi
My bump has became bigger and I easily get tired everyday
His kicks and movements are wonderful touches, and I am pretty sure that I am going to miss them..owh my
Ok here are a few updates:
My checklist : I tambah satu lagi which is sticker for bottle milk storage..hehhe..setiap bottle tu kne tulis tarikh dan waktu kite express the milk..so have to buy stickers mommies =)
For those who are concerned with her aurat during delivery.. I suggest you to discuss it with your gynae along with your birth plan..I first thought, by having a women gynae, I already secure my aurat..but unexpected happened to my friend where her anaestethist was a man..so utk mengelakkan ianya berlaku..try request awal2..but if tak dapat nak buat camne
I just saw some pictures of people that I know who are currently in
Entry pendek =D
1) Large square container: untuk simpan botol, peralatan pump yg sudah di-sterilize-kan. Tak tahu nak simpan mane actually..and I ingat I dah nak start sterilize those stuffs. So have to buy a container kot..utk letak sume tu..
2) Alcohol swab: my colleague suggested me to buy the alcohol swab..utk mencuci tali pusat baby..dan jugak supaya tali pusat baby cepat putus..dan mengelakkannye dijangkiti kuman. Selalunya hospital akan kasi..tp kuantitinye sedikit..so better beli je..i just read this blog pasal penjagaan tali pusat bayi.
happy friday.
Semalam pegi check up kat DEMC ngan Dr Norleen
I was looking forward for it as my last check was one month ago
Well, everything is fine, alhamdulillah
Except for my feet and fingers which are awfully swollen due to water retention
Baby alhamdulillah sehat jugak
Dah dekat 2.4kg dah..huhuhu
Risau plak takut baby besar..
Tp Dr ckp normal je..huhu
Maknye pulak..mmg terlampau besar la
Sebab naik 3.5kg ! omg !
In my defense, slalunye my check up is early morning..so tak sempat nak breakfast..
But yesterday, it was late evening..harus lah ape yg I makan the whole day tu menyumbang kpd peningkatan berat kan?kan?kan? :D
I weighted my self this morning..and it was less than 3.5kg..seeeee! :D
Tp Dr tak komen pepe pon pasal berat saye
Bp pon normal, and urine pon ok
So sume sehat =)
My due date is now on the 24th July..but Dr kata dia still akan pakai tarikh yg ikut kiraan last period, which is 30th July
She also said, by end of June/early July, I dah kne well prepared la
Not sure what she really meant by that..prepare mentally or physically
Maybe bag2 yg perlu idbawa ke hospital kot..huhuhu
So I got 2 weeks to prepare my bag :D
We also discussed with her about the option to circumcise our newborn baby
According to her, from medical point of view, mmg takde prob lah
So up to the parent to do it earlier (bile baby dah lahir) or wait till he is 4 or 5 years old
We haven’t give our decision yet, still KIV
What say you guys?
(baby gurl pon kne circumcise jugak kan?tak wajib..but digalakkan rite?)
So we went to LittleWhiz on Sunday =D
The shop is situated at Setia Alam
So takde jauh sgt dr our house la
Niat dihati just nak cuci mate jahh
And mmg kami cuci mata pon
Especially my hubby!!
He has been eying on bouncer/swing for so longg
Slalunye, klu kami masuk kedai baby ni
I akan usha bhgn barang2 baby yg basic2
Like diapers, cloths, bedding etc
While my hubby pegi usha stroller, carseat, and bouncer
Men are more interested in gadgets, don’t they? :p
Well those (stroller, carseat, bouncer) are not in our top priority list
So I thought dia nak cuci mata je la
Skali..dia mmg nak beli!
Especially baby bouncer or baby swing
And apparently he is in love with Quinny’s stroller :ngeee:
I love watching his face when he became that excited..hihi
I am overwhelmed by his joy =)
So I wouldnt say no if he want to buy those gadgets, as he never says no to me when I would like to buy something expensive for our baby (or for myself..haha)
But we haven’t bought them yet.
The prices are reasonable and so tempting
But we would like to wait and do more survey
Lagipon, Quinny yg dia berkenan tu utk baby 6 months and above..
Utk newborn kne tambah maxi cosy..which will make a total damage of 2K
So..we still have time to buy it.
As for baby bouncer/swing, my hubby wanna buy it by hook or by crook before the baby is born.
Well, both of us are more interested in baby swing than baby bouncer
And different models (at littlewhiz) are on sale
Harus la rambang mata kann
So kami blom beli lagi..nak usha kat kedai lain camne
p/s: last nite, I saw him googling about the Quinny strollers and baby swing..to get more review about those products perhaps..love u honey =)